PHP Classes

PHPR: Provide functional interfaces to manipulate arrays

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2015-12-09 (1 year ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 162 All time: 8,154 This week: 809Up
Version License PHP version Categories
phpr 0.0.2GNU General Publi...5.3.0PHP 5, Data types
Description Author

This package provides functional interfaces to manipulate arrays.

It provides collection class that provide an array interface and uses two traits that have additional functions to provide a functional interface to manipulate arrays in a functional way similar to the Ruby language.

Currently the traits provide functions for accessing array elements and traverse the array, sort the array, check if the array contains a certain value, get the minimum and maximum value in the array, filter or map the array values using a callback function, etc..

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2015
Number 7
Many classes require manipulating collections of elements. However the types of elements are different for each type of collection.

This package implements a trait for manipulating generic collections of elements that can be reused in classes for many different purposes.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x



What is - motivation

Trying to extend some PHP objects to be used on a more functional way. Once one PHP developer said that nowadays IDE's can help us to avoid remembering the lack of standardization some PHP methods has. As I don't use an IDE, as lots of developers out there, I don't agree with that and I'm kind of tired to try to remember if on array_filter or array_map the array goes first and the function goes last or what order they are.

So, I think it's easier to use on a function and Ruby style way, where we can call the methods on the object and it returns what we need.

One notable exception to try to make things easier is that PHP have some reserved and constant words we cannot reuse even inside a namespace, like Array. So I needed to call the Array class Collection, otherwise it will be impossible to implement. All the classes have the original object accessible with the values method.

Other thing is that some methods just returns a value or null, true or false. No more guesses and wonderings of what happened if it returns 0 or false.


$t = new PHPR\Collection([0 => "zero", 1 => "one", 2 => "two"]);

// outputs: 
// null
// yay, no more 'undefined index' messages!
echo $t[10]."\n";

// outputs:
// zero
// one
// two
$t->each(function($e) {
   echo "$e\n";

// each
// outputs:
// 0 - zero
// 1 - one
// 2 - two
$t->each(function($key, $val) {
   echo "$key - $val\n";

$t->includes("one");    // true
$t->includes("three");  // false

// sort
// outputs:
// array(3) {
//   [0] =>
//   string(3) "one"
//   [1] =>
//   string(3) "two"
//   [2] =>
//   string(4) "zero"
// }
$sorted = $t->sort();

$t->min(); // "one"
$t->max(); // "zero"

// select
// outputs (keeping order):
// array(1) {
//   [0] =>
//   string(4) "zero"
// }
$selected = $t->select(function($e) {
   return strlen($e) > 3;

// map
// outputs:
// array(3) {
//   [0] =>
//   string(4) "orez"
//   [1] =>
//   string(3) "eno"
//   [2] =>
//   string(3) "owt"
// }
$changed = $t->map(function($e) {
   return strrev($e);

$t->all(function($e) { return strlen($e) > 2; })); // true
$t->all(function($e) { return strlen($e) > 3; })); // false

$t->any(function($e) { return strlen($e) > 3; })); // true
$t->any(function($e) { return strlen($e) > 4; })); // false

// chainable methods
// outputs:
// array(2) {
//     [0] =>
//     string(3) "eno"
//     [1] =>
//     string(3) "owt"
//   }
$changed = self::$_col->map(function($e) {
   return strrev($e);
})->select(function($e) { return strlen($e) <= 3; });
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