PHP Classes

MASNathan Super Object: Set and get variables, call objects in many ways

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Version License PHP version Categories
masnathan-object 1.0.1MIT/X Consortium ...5.4PHP 5, Data types
Description Author

This class can set and get variables, call objects in many ways.

It provides multiple ways to set and get variables, either assigning many variables at once with an array of variable values to the constructor, or setting or getting variables using the variable names directly or setter and getter functions.

The class can also check variable values with "is a" type functions.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2015
Number 2

Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
Sometimes you need to setup a structure of objects with an hierarchy defined from nested arrays, for instance parsed XML documents or other format.

This class allows you to create an hierarchy of objects from a single array of nested associative arrays.

Each nested array and converted to a new object that can be accessed with automatic getter and setter functions, as well to check the existence of variables or even remove them if they exist.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x



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Super Object that can handle everything you throw at him...


Via Composer

$ composer require masnathan/object


use MASNathan\SuperObject;

$object = new SuperObject();
$object->set('mode', 'live');
$object->mode = 'live';
$object['mode'] = 'live';

echo $object->getAppMode() // 'live'
echo $object->get('app_mode') // 'live'
echo $object->app_mode // 'live'
echo $object['mode'] // 'live'

So... let's suppose you have an array like this:

$myBigDataArray = array(
	'details' => array(
		'first_name' => 'André',
		'last_name' => 'Filipe',
		'email' => '',
		'social' => array(
			'github' => '',
			'twitter' => ''
	'account_info' => array(
		'admin' => true,
		'last_login' => 2015-06-13 13:37:00
	'cart_items' => array(
		array('id' => 1337),
		// (...)

Using the `SuperObject` class you can access it's information like this:

$object = new SuperObject($myBigDataArray);

echo $object->getDetails()->getFirstName(); // 'André'
$object->getDetails()->isLastName('Roque'); // false
echo $object->getDetails()->getSocial()->getGithub(); // ''
echo $object->getDetails()->getSocial()->getFacebook(); // ''
$object->getAccountInfo()->isAdmin(); // true
$object->getAccountInfo()->unsetLastLogin(); // unsets $myBigDataArray['account_info']['last_login']

foreach ($object->getCartItems() as $item) {
	echo $item->getId(); // 1337

You can also retrive the contents of the SuperObject as an `array` or a `StdClass`:

$object->toArray(); // array( ... )
$object->toObject(); // StdClass( ... )

And even serialize/ deserialize the object

// or as json

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Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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