PHP Classes

Soldat Server Stats: Query information from a Soldat game server

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soldatserverstats 1.0GNU General Publi...4.3Networking, Games


This package can be used to query information from a Soldat game server.

It connects to a Soldat game server with a given IP address and performs queries to retrieve several types of game information.

Currently it can retrieve the game type, map, version, player count, server rules and details of the current players.

Picture of Tomaž Muraus
Name: Tomaž Muraus <contact>
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All time rank: 13495 in Slovenia Slovenia
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_________________________________________________________________ README Content: 1. About 2. Description 3. System requirements 4. Usage 5. Contact _________________________________________________________________ (1) ABOUT VERSION: 1.0 AUTHOR: Tomaž Muraus <kami[at]k5-storitve[dot]net> WEBSITE: (2) DESCRIPTION SoldatServerStats is a simple PHP script for displaying live Soldat server statistics. The following information is available: server name, version, ping, map name, gametype, server rules, current number of players, maximum number of players and list of players currently playing on the server. (3) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - PHP >= 4.3.0 - 1 MB of free disk space (4) USAGE 1. Include a file SoldatServer.php in your PHP script 2. Create a SoldatServer object - first parameter is the server address, second one is the server port and the third one is the timeout in seconds. If the default port is used (23073), second parameter can be omitted. 3. Call queryServer() method on the previously created object 4. If nothing went wrong, you can now access the server information with the following methods: getIp() -> returns server IP address getPort() -> returns server port getName() -> returns server name getVersion() -> returns server version getMap() -> returns map name getGametype() -> returns gametype getPing() -> returns server ping getRules() -> returns server rules as a key-value pairs getPlayers() -> returns player list as an array of SoldatPlayer objects Example (server address = localhost, port = 23073, timeout = 5 s): include ('SoldatServer.php'); $server = new SoldatServer('localhost', 23073, 5); $server->queryServer(); echo $server->getName(); Two more examples (normal and console version) are located in the directory examples/.

Screenshots (2)  
  • website_example.png
  • console_example.png
  Files folder image Files (10)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexamples (3 files, 1 directory)
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License
Plain text file README Doc. Readme
Plain text file SoldatPlayer.php Class Player class
Plain text file SoldatServer.php Class Server class

  Files folder image Files (10)  /  examples  
File Role Description
Files folder imageimages (1 file)
  Plain text file console.php Example Console example
  Plain text file main.css Data Stylesheet
  Plain text file normal.php Example Website example

  Files folder image Files (10)  /  examples  /  images  
File Role Description
  Image file ctf_b2b.jpg Data Map overview

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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