PHP Classes

PHP Shoutcast Server: Implement a Shoutcast music streaming server

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Version License PHP version Categories
phpshoutcastserver 1.0.0GNU General Publi...5.0Networking, Audio


This package can be used to implement a Shoutcast server to stream music.

It starts an HTTP server that accepts requests for music from a list of available songs in a given server directory.

It may also encode music tracks on the fly in MP3 format using the Lame program.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2009
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Shoutcast is a music streaming server program. Shoutcast source code is not available, so it cannot be customized directly. There is an equivalent Open Source project named IceCast, but it is written in C++.

This package provides a pure PHP implementation of a Shoutcast server, so it can easily be controlled from PHP.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of sk89q
Name: sk89q <contact>
Classes: 8 packages by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x



PHP Shoutcast Server Copyright (c) 2005 and onward sk89q <> Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 Requirements ------------ * LAME * PHP 5.0 or later * Sockets Introduction ------------ PHP Shoutcast Server is a proof-of-concept Shoutcast server written in PHP. The project was started 18 June, 2005. It encodes tracks on the fly using LAME and has a very basic in-built HTTP server. Usage ----- Open up config.php and change the path to point to a directory containing MP3 files. Download the LAME executable encoder and put it into the same directory. xcLame.exe 3.92 was used during development. Execute run.php through the command line. To listen, connect to with a compatible player. Sample output: Playing: The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony (Instrumental version).mp3 <Users Listening: 1> * WinampMPEG/5.54 The HTTP server can be found at:

  Files folder image Files (8)  
File Role Description
Plain text file audiosource.php Class Generates the audio
Plain text file config.php Conf. Configuration file
Plain text file http.php Class HTTP server
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE.txt Lic. License
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Readme
Accessible without login Plain text file run.php Example Runs the server
Plain text file server.php Class Base server class
Plain text file shoutcast.php Class Shoutcast server component

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thanks a bunch good wrk
11 years ago (William Eaton)