PHP Classes

genpo: Generate class to access table records as objects

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2008-09-25 (8 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 621 All time: 4,836 This week: 885Up
Version License PHP version Categories
genpo 1.0BSD License5.0PHP 5, Databases, Code Generation
Description Author

This class can be used to generate a class to access the records of a table as objects.

It takes the name of a table and a list of fields to generates a PHP class with functions to store and retrieve objects of that class in the specified fields of the given table.

The generated class includes getter and setter functions, as well functions to retrieve, insert and update records in the database using the class variables.

Picture of zengwenjie
Name: zengwenjie <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: China China
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageado (11 files, 1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file class.compinfo.php Output one generate class
Accessible without login HTML file class.genpo.htm Doc. Generate class description
Plain text file class.genpo.php Class class.genpo.php
Accessible without login Plain text file example.gen.php Example how to genarate a class base one table
Accessible without login Plain text file example.UseNewClass.php Example how to use the generated class

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