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How to Use a PHP Ticket System to Keep Track of Support Request Using the Package Pleiades: Application to implement an issue-tracking system

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2024-06-09 (4 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 28 This week: 1All time: 11,160 This week: 37Up
Version License PHP version Categories
pleiades 1.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Business, Applications, Global


This package provides an application to implement an issue-tracking system.

It implements an application that allows users to submit support issues that need to be tracked by company support people.

Currently, it can:

- Submit a new ticket

- Manage user records to create accounts, login, logout, update user profile

- Verify existing tickets

- Resolve a ticket

In more detail:

Pleiades is a simple and efficient system for creating and managing support requests, designed to facilitate the resolution of infrastructure issues.

It is user-friendly and does not require advanced technical knowledge to operate. Users can register and track tickets in an organized and intuitive manner.

The goal of Pleiades is to provide a practical tool for infrastructure teams to efficiently manage their support requests, ensuring all issues are quickly resolved.

It is an alternative to paid systems, offering a simpler deployment compared to more robust systems like GLPI.

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Pleiades v0.2.1

A system of the creation and resolve of the tickets for the infrastructure

Um sistema para criação e resolução de tickets para infraestrutura

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Pleiades é um projeto open-source feito em php sem frameworks ou dependencia MVC(Model-View-Controller) e criado para ser um sistema de abertura e fechamento de chamados. Na Wiki terá descriçao do funcionamento e configuração padrão do projeto. O código fonte do projeto foi construído utilizando PHP simples para qualquer pessoa conseguir contribuir, construído em PHP 7.4 e MySQL/10.4.24-MariaDB. Estas versões são padrões do ApacheFriends como LAMPP e XAMPP, mas é possível adaptar para qualquer outra.

Pleiades is an open-source project made in php without frameworks or MVC dependency (Model-View-Controller) and created to be a system for opening and closing calls. In the Wiki there will be a description of the operation and default configuration of the project. The project's source code was built using simple PHP for anyone to be able to contribute, built on PHP 7.4 and MySQL/10.4.24-MariaDB. These versions are ApacheFriends standards like LAMPP and XAMPP, but it is possible to adapt to any other.

Screenshots (1)  
  • path/ScreenHome_Pleiades.png
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Files folder imageapp (4 files, 5 directories)
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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