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PHP Shipping Calculator: Calculate shipping fees based on the distance

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shipping-calculator 1.2MIT/X Consortium ...7.0E-Commerce, Geography, Finances, PHP 7, B...


Ujah Chigozie
Nanoblock Technology


This package can calculate shipping fees based on the distance.

It can take as parameters the coordinates of the business origin location and destination location of products that need to be shipped, as well as the cost per kilometer or miles.

The package calculates the distance between the two locations and multiplies the cost per kilometer to return the cost to ship a product.

It also converts calculated cost to formatted currency, converts kilometer to mile, and goes back to kilometer.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2023
Number 4
Many businesses now are selling goods via the Internet with e-commerce systems.

When the goods are physical products, one aspect of the product's cost to the customer is the shipping cost.

The calculation of the shipping costs can be complex, depending on the cost of operation of the shipping carrier company.

This package provides a simple method of calculating shipping costs in PHP code that considers the geographic coordinates of the origin and destination location of the products to be shipped and the cost to deliver the products per kilometer of distance.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ujah Chigozie peter
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x



Class Shipping Calculator

Determines the shipping fee based on the customer's longitude and latitude to the business location.


  • Calculates the distance between business and customer locations
  • Determines the shipping fee based on the provided charge per distance.
  • Determines the estimated traveling time based on distance and speed

Installation Guide via Composer:

composer require nanoblocktech/shipping-calculator


use Luminova\ExtraUtils\ShippingCalculator;

$calculator = new ShippingCalculator();

// Set business and customer locations

$calculator->setOrigin(6.47427, 7.56196); // Business location (Enugu Airport Nigeria)
$calculator->setDestination(6.51181, 7.35535); // Customer location (Udi Nigeria)
$calculator->setCharge(100); // Initial shipping cost per distance km, or ml

// Calculate distance and return new ShippingDistance instance class

$distance = $calculator->getDistance();

// Get the estimated time information

$time = $calculator->getTime();

// Get your calculated information

echo "Distance: $distance->toDistance() \n";
echo "Distance[km|ml]: $distance->toString() \n";
echo "Shipping Fee: $distance->getCurrency(2)\n";
echo "Shipping Fee: $distance->getCharges()\n";



Setting up your calculations $calculator = new ShippingCalculator(ShippingCalculator::KM);

Methods And Param | Descriptions --------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------- setOrigin(float latitude, float longitude): self | Set the origin location latitude and longitude setDestination(float latitude, float longitude): self | Set the destination location latitude and longitude setCharge(float amount): self | Set initial shipping charge per calculation distance setSpeed(int speed): self | Set speed in units per hour, to calculate estimated time. getDistance(): ShippingDistance | Calculate the distance between the origin/destination and return distance instance.


The method which $distance = $calculator->getDistance(); is returned

Methods And Param | Descriptions --------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toDistance(): float | Get the calculated distance between the origin and destination latitude and longitude. toString(): string | Get the distance as a string (e.g., '10km'). toCurrency(int decimals = 2, string symbol): string | Convert the distance to currency format with optional currency symbol and decimal places. toMile(): float | Convert the distance from kilometer to miles. toKilometer(): float | Convert the distance from miles to kilometers. getCurrency(int decimal = 2): string | Get the calculated currency value based on the distance and initial amount. getCharges(): float | Get the calculated charges getTime(): ShippingTime | Get distance time instance


The method which $time = $distance->getTime(); is returned

Methods And Param | Descriptions --------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toTime(): float | Get the calculated time required to cover the distance. toHours(): int | Convert the total time to hours. toSeconds(): int | Get the total time in seconds. toMinutes(): int | Convert the total time to minutes. toDays(): int | Convert the total time to days. toString(): string | Get a formatted string representation of the total time. toObject(): object | Get an object representation of the total time.

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