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Easy PHP Config Bundle: Application configuration management using forms

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-08-13 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 50 This week: 2All time: 10,538 This week: 48Up
Version License PHP version Categories
easyconfigbundle 1.0The PHP License7HTML, Libraries, Configuration, PHP 7


Mamun Ahmed
EasyConfigBundle Community


This package can be used to implement application configuration management using forms.

It provides a bundle for the Symfony framework that provides model classes to define configurations specific to each application.

The application can also generate form groups based on the configuration definition to let application users edit the configuration values on a Web page with a form.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
A significant part of the mature applications have configurations that the application users can edit.

Usually, developers store the configuration values for each user in some container, for instance, database tables. Then they develop a user interface to let users edit their configuration values.

This package provides an alternative solution that lets the application developer create model classes for each configuration they want to let the users edit.

Then the application can generate form groups that can be added to a form to let the users edit the configuration values on a Web page.

This way, developers can spend less time implementing Web forms to let users edit their application configuration settings.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Roni
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x



Easy Config Bundle

A Symfony Bundle for easy configuration management.

Features Include

  • Group wise dynamic form creation ability
  • Store global configuration
  • Store user wise configuration
  • Get configuration through rest API


  1. Download and Enable EasyConfigBundle
  2. Register an Interface to Kernel file
  3. Create Config entity class
  4. Configure yaml file
  5. Update database schema
  6. Create your first form
  7. Register the bundle?s routes
  8. Overriding default EasyConfigBundle templates (optional)

1. Download and Enable EasyConfigBundle :

_Download through composer :_

Open a command console, enter project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require xiidea/easy-config
_Enable Bundle (No need when Flex is available):_

The bundle should be automatically enabled by Symfony Flex. If you don't use Flex, you will need to enable the bundle manually by adding the following line in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// src/Kernel.php

return [
    // ...
    Xiidea\EasyConfigBundle\XiideaEasyConfigBundle::class => ['all' => true],

2. Register an Interface to Kernel file

Open application Kernel.php File and add below code inside the build method of this file

// src/Kernel.php

public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
    // ...

_Note: Do not forget to include the below line above in your src/Kernel.php_

use Xiidea\EasyConfigBundle\Services\FormGroup\ConfigGroupInterface;

3. Create Config entity class:

By default EasyConfigBundle supports Doctrine ORM. However, you must provide an Entity class and the class has to extend the class \Xiidea\EasyConfigBundle\Model\BaseConfig. To configure the Entity class properly please follow the detailed instructions.

4. Configure yaml file:

Create a file in the following directory config/packages with the exact name xiidea_easy_config.yaml A sample config file is available in this path Resources/config/config-sample.yml. Copy this sample file's content and paste to just created file. Do not forget to change your Entity class name which has been mentioned in Step 3.

# Xiidea Easy Config Configuration Sample

    config_class: App\Entity\Configuration

5. Update database schema:

It?s time to set up the database schema, open your command console, go to your project root path and execute the following command.

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

6. Create form group and type:

Create a form group class and form type with your necessary fields. Please follow the instructions to create the form group and type.

7. Register the bundle?s routes:

Now it's time to access the form you have just created, for that you have to include bundle's routes to your application by the following way.

    resource: "@XiideaEasyConfigBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml"
    prefix: '/config'

_Note: You may change the prefix as your wish_

Following routes are available in this bundle: * Index route (prefix/) : List of all forms * Form group route (prefix/group_key) : Form of specific group key

8. Overriding default EasyConfigBundle templates (optional)

Template overriding is not important to use EasyConfigBundle bundle but if you want to keep UI as similar as your application you can override the template, to do so follow the instructions

Congratulations !

Your application is ready to store configurations, just browse the routes.


The Easy Config Bundle is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageController (2 files)
Files folder imageDependencyInjection (2 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imageException (2 files)
Files folder imageModel (2 files)
Files folder imageResources (4 directories)
Files folder imageServices (3 directories)
Files folder imageUtility (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Read me
Plain text file XiideaEasyConfigBundle.php Class Class source

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