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How to Display PHP Code Statistics with Yii2 CodeStat: Analyse and display statistics about PHP code

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Version License PHP version Categories
yii2-codestat 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5Statistics, Utilities and Tools
Description Author

This package can analyze and display statistics about PHP code.

It uses several packages that analyze the code files of a project and then displays a table in the terminal console with the statistics of those files.

Currently, it displays the statistics in several groups files with numbers for:

- Classes

- Methods

- Methods per class

- Lines

- Lines of code (LOC)

- Lines of code per method

- Complexity

- Complexity per class

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2022
You can measure the quality of a developer's code in several ways. For instance, complex code may be hard to maintain.

If you write complex code, it would be good if you could improve the way you write your code to make it less complicated.

Measuring the complexity and other aspects of the quality of your code can be helpful for you to have an idea of how good is the code you write and what parts you need to improve.

This package combines several other packages that measure different aspects of your code and generate a report that you can analyze and discover opportunities to make your code better.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Insolita
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x



Yii2 Code Statistic

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality SensioLabsInsight


Based on phploc/phploc


Either run

composer require --dev insolita/yii2-codestat:~2.0

or add

"insolita/yii2-codestat": "~2.0"

in require-dev section of your composer.json file.

Basic Usage

Add in console configuration file, in section modules

            'scanTargets' => ['@backend/','@common/','@frontend/','@console/'],
            'exceptTargets' => ['config','vendor','web/','runtime/','views/','*tests/'],

scanTargets - array of path, or path aliases that will be scanned recursively exceptTargets - array of path patterns for excluding

For checking whole list of files that will be processed, run

./yii codestat/default/list-files

For statistic summary output run

./yii codestat

For statistic summary output with show bad resolved files

./yii codestat 1

Show full phploc report per each defined group

./yii codestat/default/advanced 
./yii codestat/default/advanced WebControllers
./yii codestat/default/advanced WebControllers,RestControllers,ConsoleControllers

Show full phploc report for all matched files

./yii codestat/default/common

Show full phploc report for custom directory

./yii codestat/default/directory @common/models

Show full phploc report for custom file

./yii codestat/default/file @common/lib/MySuperClass.php

List available metrics with codes

./yii codestat/default/list-metrics

Advanced Usage

Custom Class Grouping Rules

You can extend or overwrite property 'groupRules', with supported formats

'Group Name' => 'BaseParentClass'

where 'BaseParentClass' should by verified with (\ReflectionClass)->isSubclassOf()


'Group Name' => function(\ReflectionClass $reflection){
       //Should return true if class valid for this group, otherwise false;

Final example

             'groupRules' => [
                                'Jobs' => 'yii\queue\JobInterface',
                                'Handlers' => 'trntv\bus\interfaces\Handler::class',
                                'DTO' => function (\ReflectionClass $reflection) {
                                     return mb_strpos($reflection->getFileName(), 'Dto')!==false;
                                'All Tests' => function (\ReflectionClass $reflection) {
                                    return $reflection->isSubclassOf('\Codeception\Test\Unit')
                                        || StringHelper::endsWith($reflection->getName(), 'Cest');
                            ] + CodeStatModule::defaultRules(),

Important! The order of the rules in the list matters, the base classes (\yii\base\Component and \yii\base\Object) should be at the end of the list!

Custom code metrics

Code metrics provided by, has lot of variants, you can define own combination

For actions advanced/common/directory/file you should set metrics property with array of necessary metric names

            'metrics'=>['loc','lloc','classCcnAvg', 'classLlocAvg', 'methodCcnAvg']

For summary action you should provide property 'analyseCallback' in module like as

    'analyseCallback = function($group){
               /@var insolita\codestat\lib\collection\Group $group/
               return ['totalFiles'=>count($group->getFiles()),  'metric1'=>$metrics[some], ...etc];

It should return associative array with 'metric name' => 'metric value' data and will replace internal https://github .com/Insolita/yii2-codestat/blob/7d0fc3351718b2052624ea091ff8f154fe471aeb/src/lib/CodestatService.php#L154

And also table summary convention - if metric name contains slash "/", for summary row will be counted average value, otherwise sum

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagesrc (1 file, 3 directories)
Files folder imagetests (4 files, 2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file .travis.yml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Image file codestat.png Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:12
All time:10,717
This week:9Up

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.