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PHP Write to File: Write array or text to a file creating its folder

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2022-04-04 (11 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 70 This week: 11All time: 9,960 This week: 12Up
Version License PHP version Categories
write 1.0.0GNU General Publi...5PHP 5, Files and Folders
Description Author

This class can write an array or text to a file creating its folder.

It can take a variable value as a parameter to write it to a file with a given path.

If the variable value is an array, the class can convert it to a string before writing it to the file using a given delimiter text to join the array values and form a single text string.

If the file folder does not exist, the class may create the folder with write permissions.

Picture of Ali YILMAZ
Name: Ali YILMAZ <contact>
Classes: 13 packages by
Country: Turkey Turkey
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x



What is write ?

It is used to write the specified content to the specified file. It is created if the file and directory in question does not exist, returning true if the operation was successful, false otherwise. takes three parameters;

First parameter:

It represents the content and can be sent as string or array. If sent as an array, the array elements are written to the file as string by adding the : symbol between them.

Second parameter:

It represents the file path, if there is a file, the data in question is appended to the end of the file, if there is no file, a file with the specified name in the path is created and written to this file.

Third parameter:

Represents the value to be used to separate data specified as an array. It is not required to be specified, by default : is defined.


$str = 'Hello world';
// $str = array('Hello', 'world');

Out-of-class use:


$m = new Mind();
echo $m::aliyilmaz('write')->write($str, 'new.txt');
// echo $m::aliyilmaz('write')->write($str, 'new.txt', '~');

When using it in the class:


echo self::aliyilmaz('write')->write($str, 'new.txt');
// echo self::aliyilmaz('write')->write($str, 'new.txt', '~');


Hello world


  1. info 1.0.0


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