YII2 D3 PHP Accounting: Accounting module for YII2 based applications

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2021-05-28 (3 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 52 All time: 10,049 This week: 213Up
Version License PHP version Categories
yii2-d3acc 1.0.0Freeware5Libraries, Business
Description Author

This package cam accounting module for YII2 based applications.

It provides support to implement several operations necessary to perform business accounting. Currently it can:

- Perform balance accounting (bookkeeping) system based on debit and credit principles.
- Activities of the closing period and the balance period
- Dynamicly creating accounts attached one or more tables

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2021
Number 5
Many companies are using Web applications to perform activities related to the accounting of their businesses.

This package provides a module to implement several types of functionality that are useful to perform activities about a company's accounting.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Uldis Nelsons
Name: Uldis Nelsons <contact>
Classes: 12 packages by
Country: Latvia Latvia
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 7x

Winner: 2x



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This Yii2 module provides support for balance accounting (bookkeeping) system based on debit and credit principles. Provide additinal functionality: * periods (closing period and period balance) * dynamicly creating accounts attached one or more tables


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist d3yii2/yii2-d3acc "*"

or add

"d3yii2/yii2-d3acc": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

push migration

DB structure

DB Schema

Account definition

Create object acc

use \d3acc\models\AcRecAcc;
use Yii;
 * Description of acc
 * @author Dealer
 class acc
    const MONTH_PERIOD = 1;

    const PLAYER_ACC        = 4;
    const EXPENSES          = 10;
    const FOND_PLAYGROUND   = 7;
    acc::CODE_CRD_PLAYGROUND = 'CreditPlaygound';

     * get player  account
     * @param int $personId
     * @return AcRecAcc
    public static function player($personId)
        return AcRecAcc::getAcc(self::PLAYER_ACC, ['person' => $personId]);

     * get expenses  account
     * @return AcRecAcc
    public static function expenses()
        return AcRecAcc::getAcc(self::EXPENSES);
     * get for player playground account
     * @param int $personId
     * @param int $playgroundId
     * @return AcRecAcc
    public static function fondPlayground($personId, $playgroundId)
        return AcRecAcc::getAcc(self::FOND_PLAYGROUND,
                ['person' => $personId, 'playground' => $playgroundId]);

Transaction registration

        * player accounts
       $recAccPPG    = acc::playerPlayground($person_id, $playground_id);
       $recAccPlayer = acc::player($person_id);
       $day = date('Y-m-d');
       $tran = AcTran::registre($recAccPlayer, $recAccPPG, $personAmt,
               $day, acc::MONTH_PERIOD, acc::CODE_CRD_PLAYGROUND);


use d3acc\models\AcPeriod;
$acPeriod = AcPeriod::getActivePeriod(acc::MONTH_PERIOD))

//close period


 $recAccPlayer = acc::player($person_id);
 $data = AcTran::accPeriodTran($recAccPlayer, $acPeriod);


 $filter  = ['playground' => $playgroundId]
 $playgroundAllPersonBalance = AcTran::accBalanceFilter(acc::FOND_PLAYGROUND, $acPeriod,$filter);
 $filter  = ['person' => $personId]
 $personAllPlaygroundsBalance = AcTran::accBalanceFilter(acc::FOND_PLAYGROUND, $acPeriod,$filter);
 $allPlaygroundsAllPersonBalance = AcTran::accBalanceFilter(acc::FOND_PLAYGROUND, $acPeriod,[]);

Define account plan by creating acc class

Add definition record in tables

Migrations with AccConstructor

$constructor = new AccConstructor();

Load existind or create new account (ac_account table) for session

$constructor->create($code, $name);

Add new account dimension (ac_def table) for loaded/created account

$definition = $constructor->addDimension($table, $pkField);

Add new extended-account (ac_rec_acc table) for loaded/created account

$extAccount = $constructor->addExtendedAccount();

Add new dimension value (ac_rec_ref table) and recalculate label for given extended-account (ac_rec_acc table)

$constructor->addDimensionRecAcc($extAccount->id, $definition->id, $pk_value);
  Files folder image Files  
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Files folder imagecomponents (6 files)
Files folder imagedictionaries (2 files)
Files folder imagedoc (2 files)
Files folder imagegii (11 files)
Files folder imagemessages (1 directory)
Files folder imagemigrations (15 files)
Files folder imagemodels (11 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imageunit_tests (3 files)
Accessible without login Image file AccDbshema.jpg Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file messages_config.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Plain text file Module.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file README.md Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:10,049
This week:213Up

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.