Russian PHP Metaphone: Generate a phonetic representation of Russian word

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2020-11-24 (23 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 17 This week: 3All time: 10,130 This week: 60Up
Version License PHP version Categories
metaphone 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5Algorithms, PHP 5, Text processing, A...
Description Author
This package is specific mainly for applications used in Russian Federation Russian Federation .

This package can generate a phonetic representation of Russian word.

It can take a string with Russian words and returns another string that is the result of applying the Metaphone algorithm considering the way the words are spelled in Russian.

The package an apply several types of filters to the words that consider several aspects like consonants, last name endings and double characters.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2020
Metaphone is popular algorithm that is used to convert words in a given language to the phonetic representation of the words.

This allows to compare two words or two sentences to detect how similar they may be in terms of pronunciation.

This way it is possible to detect if the user has written a given word or sentence with spelling mistakes.

The pronunciation rules are different from language to language. The most common implementations of the algorithm are meant to be used with sentences in the English language.

This package provides an implementation of the Metaphone algorithm that works well in Russian.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Insolita
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x



Russian metaphone phonetic algorithm implementation for PHP

metaphone port of ruby's

see (Russian algorithm description)


composer require insolita/metaphone



$word = '????';
$phonetic = (new Metaphone())->processWord($word); //????

Default set of filters include filter for lastname endings, if you want exclude only these filter, you can use helper

$withLastnames = (new Metaphone())->processWord('????????????'); //??????#
$withoutLastnames = (new Metaphone())->skipLastnames()->processWord('????????????'); //????????????

Provide custom filters. Each filter must implement insolita\metaphone\Filter

$metaphone = new Metaphone([Normalize::class, new CustomFilter($params), new HandleConsonants(true), ...])
$phonetic = $metaphone->processWord($word);

See tests folder for better understanding filters

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