mezon PHP Configuration Options: Manipulate configuration options store in arrays

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mezon-conf 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Configuration, Parsers
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This class can manipulate configuration options store in arrays.

It contains an array that stores configuration values that can be manipulated by the class functions it several ways.

The class functions can take as parameter value path of a configuration value to be manipulated.

Currently those class functions can get, set, add, delete and check if it exist certain configuration values.

The class also comes with global functions to simplify calling the class functions that manipulate the configurations values.

Picture of Alexey Dodonov
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Mezon has it's own config. It can be accesed with a set of functions, wich are described below.

Getting access to the key in config can be done with get_config_value( $Route , $DefaultValue = false ) function. It returns config value with route $Route and return $DefaultValue if this key was not found. For example:

$Value = get_config_value( 'res/images/favicon' , '' );

// or the same
$Value = get_config_value( array( 'res' , 'images' , 'favicon' ) , '' );

Setting values for the config key can be done by calling set_config_value( $Route , $Value ) or add_config_value( $Route , $Value ) function. The main difference between these two functions is that the first one sets scalar key, and the second one adds element to the array in config. Here is small example:

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );
var_dump( get_config_value( 'res/value' ) ); // displays 'Value!' string

add_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value 1!' );
add_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value 2!' );
var_dump( get_config_value( 'res/value' ) ); // displays array( [0] => 'Value 1!' , [1] => 'Value 2!' ) array

If you are not shure that the key exists, then you can check it:

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );

var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res' ) ); // true
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res2' ) ); // false
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res/value' ) ); // true

You can also able to delete config key

set_config_value( 'res/value' , 'Value!' );
delete_config_value( 'res/value' );
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res/value' ) ); // false
var_dump( config_key_exists( 'res' ) ); // also false

That's all you need to know about config read/write.

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