PHP Classes

DashOne: Compose and display a dashboard programmatically

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2020-03-28 (19 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 195 This week: 13All time: 8,315 This week: 24Up
Version License PHP version Categories
dashone 1.0.1GNU Lesser Genera...5HTML, PHP 5, Content management
Description Author

This package can compose and display a dashboard only with PHP code.

It provides several classes that implement different types of controls that can be used to compose and render a complex dashboard.

Currently it provides controls to display alerts, buttons, containers, form, images, links and tables.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x

Winner: 1x




A minimalist dashboard /backend library for PHP

This library allows to create a fast dashboard with the basic features without any template and only using code. In the examples, we create a page for a dashboard in less than 80 lines of code ( examples/test.php )

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Example ( examples/test.php ):


Another example ( examples/test.php ):


Getting started

Install via composer

> composer require eftec/dashone

Create a new object DashOne (you will need to add the required include, via autoload.php or manually)

> $dash=new DashOne();

And you could render a page using the object of the class DashOne()

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1'); // it is required
$dash->rawHtml('hello world'); 
$dash->footer(); // it is required
$dash->render(); // it renders an empty page



It is the main class that generates the dashboard.

> $dash=new DashOne();

It is possible to add new elements using fluent interface (chain methods each one).

Example: It renders an empty page

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');

Example using fluent

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1')

Where the method head is required to render the < head > of the page.

The footer is also required to close all the tags.

And every chain of methods must end with the method render() (it draw the page).

// see examples/testuibasic.php
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1')
	->menuUpper(['Upper title'])
	->menu($links) // left menu
	// here it goes the content


Method DashOne->head($title,$extrahtml)

It renders the head of the page. This element is required

> $dash->head('Example - test 1');

Method DashOne->menuUpper($leftControls=[],$rightControls=[])

It renders the upper menu of the dashboard.

> $dash->menuUpper([new ImageOne('')," - ",new LinkOne('Cocacola','#')]);


It renders an alert

> new AlertOne($title,$content,$class);


$dash->alert("It is an alert","Content of the alert")


$dash->alert("It is an alert","Content of the alert","alert alert-danger")



It renders a button

> new ButtonOne('button1','Click me','btn btn-primary');

You could use the method buttons (DashOne) to render a button (or buttons). The method has a second argument to determine if the buttons must be aligned or not with the form.

	new ButtonOne('button1','Click me','btn btn-primary'),
	new ButtonOne('button2','Click me too','btn btn-danger')

$dash->buttons($buttons,false) // where if true then buttons are aligned with the form

> $dash->buttons($buttons,true)


> $dash->buttons($buttons,false)



It renders a container where it is possible to add other elements (such as buttons)

> new ContainerOne($html);


	$dash->container("<div class='form-group row'><div class='col-sm-10 offset-sm-2'>%control</div></div>")

The method container() but be followed by a visual method. This method is added inside the container (where it says %control)

Another example:

	$dash->container("<hr>%control<hr>")->rawHtml("hello world")



It renders a form. It requires a declarative array.

If it sets a definition, then it uses the definition to define the types of input objects (textbox,textarea,etc.)

If a field of the definition has an array then it is used to render a dropdownitem

If it doesn't have a definition then, it uses the values to define the types of input objects (textboxes,textareas,etc.)

You could also render a message (for example for warning or information) You could draw a form using an associative array. By default, every field will be a textbox


$dash->form($currentValue) // it's macro of new FormOne()


Or you could explicit the type of field


$dash->form($currentValue,$definition) // it's macro of new FormOne()



It draws a list (unsorted list)


$dash->ul($valueUL) // it's macro of new UlOne()



It draws a image

> new ImageOne('');


It draws a hyperlink

The first value is the name of the link, the second is the address. And the third value (optional), it's a icon (using the classes of Font-Awesome)

> new LinkOne('Cocacola','#','far fa-star') > $dash->link('Cocacola','#','far fa-star')



it renders a table.


$dash->table($values)->...  // it must be called after the render


A basic page :

Any pages requires at least to call the head(), footer() and Render().

Render() draws the page so it must be called at the end of the chain.

For example, a basic page is as follow:

$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');

An empty dashboard:

$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');
$dash->menuUpper([new ImageOne('')," - ",new LinkOne('Cocacola','#')]);
	->startcontent() // start the container
		->menu($links) // left menu
		->startmain() // start the main container
			->title('Table of Products')


  • 1.6 2020-18-01 * modified LinkOne::LinkOne() * added summernote to textarea
  • 1.5 2020-16-01 * new method getLogin() * new method logout()
  • 1.4 2020-16-01 * new method cssLogin() * new method login() * new method fetchLogin() * new method decrypt() * new method encrypt() * new field var $salt=''; * new field $validateLogin (callable) * changes to __construct()
  • 1.3 2020-01-15 new method fetchvalue()
  • 1.2 2019-03-30 New changes.
  • 1.1 2019-03-17 Fixed some bugs
  • 1.0 2019-03-01 First Version.


Copyright Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo <jcastro arroba eftec dot cl> Dual License (LGPL v3 and Commercial License)

You could use in commercial / close source product or service while

In a nutshell (it is the license):

  • You must keep the copyright notices.
  • If you modify the library then you must share the changes and modifications.
  • doc/screenshotform0.jpg
  • doc/screenshotform.jpg
  • doc/screenshottable.jpg
  • doc/screenshottable2.jpg
  • doc/screenshotul.jpg
  • doc/screenshotdashboardempty.jpg
  • doc/screenshotbutton2.jpg
  • doc/screenshot2.jpg
  • doc/screenshot1.jpg
  • doc/screenshotalert.jpg
  • doc/screenshotalert2.jpg
  • doc/screenshotbutton1.jpg
  • doc/screencontainer.jpg
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagedoc (1 file)
Files folder imageexamples (6 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imagelib (1 file, 1 directory)
Files folder imagetests (2 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file .travis.yml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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This week:24Up
User Comments (1)
Thats a amazing class, congratulations !
11 months ago (José Filipe Lopes Santos)