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PHP AMP Page Generator: Generate HTML for using as Google AMP site

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ampgeneratorone 1.0.1GNU Lesser Genera...5HTTP, PHP 5, Performance and optimiza...
Description Author

This package can generate HTML for using as Google AMP site.

It provides several classes that abstract the different types of HTML elements that are usually present in a Web page.

The package can compose the output of the whole page from the output of the objects for each page element and returns the page output as a string or saves it to a given file.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2018
Number 9
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a form of delivering Web site pages in a way that is more efficient and pages can be loaded by browsers quicker.

This package can help composing and serving the Web site pages in PHP using the rules of AMP.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x

Winner: 1x




The library generates Google AMP sites using PHP by using procedural code.

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This application simplifies (via code) the generation of an AMP site. It's easiest to program, just a few of lines of code and that's it.

For example, let's say that you want to add a new section

$secImage= new SectionModel("The Cupcakes","","/image.jpg");
$secImage->buttons[]=new ButtonModel("More Information","#");
$secImage->buttons[]=new ButtonModel("More Information","#","warning");


It will generate the next visual:

simple section

How it works?

use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\AmpGeneratorOne;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\ButtonModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\FooterModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\HeaderModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\HeadModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\LinkModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\SectionModel;

include "lib/AmpGeneratorOne.php";
$amp=new AmpGeneratorOne("","");
// # 
$amp->startAmp(new HeaderModel("description","title","favicon.ico"));

// # sidebar (optional)
$amp->sidebar($menu); // $menu is an array of /LinkModel()

// #1 head (the top bar)
$amp->head(new HeadModel("",$base."logo.png"),70,70);

// # example section
$amp->sectionFirst(new SectionModel("Title","Description"));

// # footer
$amp->sectionFooter(new FooterModel("Copyright something(c)","See as desktop"));

amp->render(); // you also could generate a file.


Tablet version


Mobile version


Mobile version (slider open)

Method __construct

AmpGeneratorOne constructor.


  • $canonical Original url . Example (string)
  • $base Original base url without trailing slash. Example (string)
  • $sidebarColor The background color of the sidebar Example #ffffff,white,rgb(255,255,255) (string)
  • $themecolor .The color of the logo,burger Example #ffffff,white,rgb(255,255,255) (string)
  • $classSidebar. text-primary,text-secondary,text-success,text-info,text-warning,text-danger,text-white,text-black (string) ## Method fixRelativeUrl Fix an url and convert a relative url into an absolute url


  • $url param $url () `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->fixRelativeUrlthis(); ` ## Method genStructured It generates the social and seo structure (Twitter card, Facebook OG and Google Schema)


  • $structured param StructureModel $structured (StructureModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->genStructuredthis(); ` ## Method startAmp Start to generate an Amp site.


  • $param param HeaderModel $param (HeaderModel)
  • $structured param StructureModel $structured (StructureModel) ## Method sidebar Generates a sidebar.


  • $urls param LinkModel[] $urls (LinkModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sidebarthis(); ` ## Method head Generates the header navigation


  • $param param HeadModel $param (HeadModel)
  • $width param int $width (int)
  • $height param int $height (int) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->headthis(); ` ## Method sectionFooter It generates a footer of the amp site.


  • $param param FooterModel $param (FooterModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionFooterthis(); ` ## Method sectionAnalytics Generates a Google Analytics section


  • $account UA-XXXXX-Y (string) `php HeaderModel()); ` `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionAnalyticsthis(); ` ## Method sectionFirst It draw a first section (hero style)


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionFirstthis(); ` ## Method sectionImageButton It generates a section with a single button.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $fullscreen param bool $fullscreen (bool) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionImageButtonthis(); ` ## Method sectionText It generates a section with a text.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionTextthis(); ` ## Method sectionTextQuote It generates a quote text


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionTextQuotethis(); ` ## Method sectionUL It generates an unsorted list section


  • $links param LinkModel[] $links (LinkModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionULthis(); ` ## Method sectionOL It generates a sorted list section


  • $links param LinkModel[] $links (LinkModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionOLthis(); ` ## Method sectionButtons It generates a section with one (or more than one) buttons.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionButtonsthis(); ` ## Method sectionCols It generates a section with columns


  • $contents param SectionModel[] $contents (SectionModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionColsthis(); ` ## Method sectionHeaderCentral It generates a header central section. It could includes buttons.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionHeaderCentralthis(); ` ## Method sectionRaw


Method sectionImageContent

It generates a section with an image content.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $width param $width ()
  • $height param $height () `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionImageContentthis(); ` ## Method sectionImageContentLeft It generates a section with a image content at the left.


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $width param $width ()
  • $height param $height () `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionImageContentLeftthis(); ` ## Method sectionTable It generates a table


  • $cols param array $cols (array) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionTablethis(); ` ## Method sectionImage It generates an image. The size of the image is required to calculate the ratio


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $width param int $width (int)
  • $height param int $height (int) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionImagethis(); ` ## Method sectionGMapFull It generates a google map section. It can't be locate at the 30% top of the site (Amp restriction)


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $googleMapUrl param string $googleMapUrl (string)
  • $placeholder param string $placeholder (string) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionGMapFullthis(); ` ## Method sectionGMapBoxed It generates a google map (boxed) section. It can't be locate at the 30% top of the site (Amp restriction)


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $googleMapUrl param string $googleMapUrl (string) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionGMapBoxedthis(); ` ## Method sectionNavigation It generates a footer navigation


  • $content param SectionModel $content (SectionModel)
  • $image param string $image (string)
  • $width param int $width (int)
  • $height param int $height (int)
  • $navCol1 param LinkModel[] $navCol1 (LinkModel[])
  • $navCol2 param LinkModel[] $navCol2 (LinkModel[])
  • $navCol3 param LinkModel[] $navCol3 (LinkModel[])
  • $navCol4 param LinkModel[] $navCol4 (LinkModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionNavigationthis(); ` ## Method sectionColImage It generates a section with images and text.


  • $contents param SectionModel[] $contents (SectionModel[])
  • $width param int $width (int)
  • $height param int $height (int)
  • $maxCol param int $maxCol (int) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->sectionColImagethis(); ` ## Method genModifyStyle


Method setBackgroundColor

Fluent operation, it changes the background color of the next section


  • $color Example #ffffff,rgb(30,30,30),white (string) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->setBackgroundColorthis(); ` ## Method setBgImage Fluent operation, it changes the background image of the next section


  • $bgImage param string $bgImage (string) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->setBgImagethis(); ` ## Method setClassTextColor Fluent operation, it sets the class of the text


  • $class text-primary,text-secondary,text-success,text-info,text-warning,text-danger,text-white,text-black (string) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->setClassTextColorthis(); ` ## Method setPadding Fluent operation, it changes the padding


  • $top param $top ()
  • $bottom param $bottom () `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->setPaddingthis(); ` ## Method resetDefault


Method setDefault

It reset to the default background color and text class


  • $backGroundColor Example #ffffff,rgb(30,30,30),white (string)
  • $classTextColor text-primary,text-secondary,text-success,text-info,text-warning,text-danger,text-white,text-black (string) ## Method image


Method table


Method render

It renders the result page.


Method renderToFile

It renders the result to file


  • $filename param string $filename (string) ## Method genLink Generate the first link of an array only if array constains information or the link is not empty.


  • $url param LinkModel|LinkModel[] $url (LinkModel|LinkModel[]) `php $tmp=$ampgeneratorone->genLinkthis(); ` ## Method genButton Generate the first link of an array only if array constains information or the link is not empty.


  • $url param ButtonModel|ButtonModel[] $url (ButtonModel|ButtonModel[])

> Note: You could change the color. !


You could validate your amp on Google search validation

Google Amp Validation


  • 1.5 2019-08-31 Removed min-width in the sections.
  • 1.4 2019-06-04 Some fixes.
  • 1.3 2018-11-03 Added Phpunit and travis.
  • 1.1 2018-09-20 Fixed some bugs.
  • 1.0 2018-09-08 First non beta version
  • 0.3 2018-09-07 Cleaning the house.
  • 0.2 2018-09-06 Working version.
  • 0.1 2018-08-20 First prototype

Example demo:


See end result

Full Project

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