PHP Classes

MIME Stub: Generate PHP script that can self-execute the code

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
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Version Licenses PHP version Categories
mime-stub 1.0.2BSD License, MIT/...5PHP 5, Language, Parsers


Romain Cambien
Till Wehowski


This package can generate a PHP script that can self-execute the code.

It generate PHP script files that have a section after the code that calls PHP __halt_compiler function, so scripts may append data that includes other PHP script files.

The generated files have a MIME structure to include multiple parts of files of the scripts to be loaded and executed by the first part of the generated script before calling the __halt_compiler function.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2017
Number 6
This package can generate a PHP script that can self-execute the code.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Melanie Wehowski
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 12x



= \webfan\MimeStubAPC::vm();

// echo print_r($vm, true);

$newFile = __DIR__. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'test-my-install-index.php';

$a = <<<PHPE
echo '<br />TEST-modified.';

$vm->get_file($vm->document, '$HOME/index.php', 'stub index.php')

$fcont = <<<PHP
Content-Type: image/x-icon
Content-Disposition: httpd ;filename="\$HOME/\$WEB/images/apc.ico";name="\$WEB /images/apc.ico"

$fcont.= file_get_contents('');
$attachPart = $vm->get_file($vm->document, '$__FILE__/', 'archive');
$attachPart->append($fcont); // test-my-install-index.php?web=/images/apc.ico

$fcont = <<<PHP
Content-Type: application/x-httpd-php;charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: httpd ;filename="\$HOME/\$WEBtest.php";name="\$WEB test.php"

\$test = new \webfan\InstallShield\apc\Test();


$attachPart->append($fcont); // test-my-install-index.php?web=test.php


$vm->location = $newFile; // this saves the stub-php-file to $newFile

//Test the new stub and call/run the $newFile, should be like calling the file in the browser!
require $newFile;

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The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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