PHP Classes

Very strong protection and very simple to use.

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Subject:Very strong protection and very...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Terry Woody
Date:2016-12-07 18:14:50


Terry Woody rated this package as follows:

Utility: Good
Consistency: Good
Documentation: Good

  1. Very strong protection and very...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Terry Woody Terry Woody - 2016-12-07 18:14:50
Very strong protection and very simple to use. Only thing that would be nicer is form to allow input of PHP to encode and ability to save with a custom file name.

Great job!

  2. Re: Very strong protection and very...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Steve Alex Steve Alex - 2017-03-05 17:25:40 - In reply to message 1 from Terry Woody

Would you please help me to use this code on my php site?

I need to hide a couple of lines on a single page (or the whole page if it's easier). I need to get it done today. This code seems like the best solution

I'm not skilled enough in php to know what to edit. If you wouldn't mind a couple of questions, please reply.

What lines do I customize?
Does this code go into my page, or is it a seperate page?

Thank you,

  3. Re: Very strong protection and very...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Terry Woody Terry Woody - 2017-03-05 21:34:14 - In reply to message 2 from Steve Alex
Hi Steve.

Really simple class to use.

If you can do basic editing of PHP file, you can do it. I use Notepad++ to edit files and recommend you use it or something like.

-----START CODE------

require 'Obfuscator.class.php';

$sData = <<<'DATA'
//paste your PHP code below.
//do not use <?php or closing ?>

remove this and place your php code here

//end of your php code

$sObfusationData = new Obfuscator($sData, 'Enter yours or company name here');
file_put_contents('name-you-wish-file-to-be.php', '<?php ' . "\r\n" . $sObfusationData);

-----END CODE------

In a nutshell you would create a work folder on your server. I call mine "temp-php".

Upload the Obfuscator.class.php to your "temp-php" folder. Create a file called test.php and place the above example (with your PHP contents) in the "temp-php" folder.

Navigate to the test.php in your browser and you will create your encrypted file called n"ame-you-wish-file-to-be.php"

That is really all there is to it man.

Hope this makes sense?


  4. Re: Very strong protection and very...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Terry Woody Terry Woody - 2017-03-06 20:02:20 - In reply to message 1 from Terry Woody
"form to allow input of PHP to encode and ability to save with a custom file name."

I have tried for many days to create way to have input form so user can enter their PHP but have failed.

Seems to add extra spaces or something. The final encrypted code will not run.

Any input for anyone would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Re: Very strong protection and very...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Steve Alex Steve Alex - 2017-03-07 02:27:20 - In reply to message 4 from Terry Woody
Man, I've tried it, but it doesn't seem to work. I get errors in these two lines:

$sData = <<<'DATA'

<?php ' . "\r\n" . $sObfusationData);

I put my code between and it all looks good, but these two lines have syntax errors. Do you think I could email you the code to look at?

I appreciate your help and understand if that's out of the question.
