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Thank you! One minor change, in mysql2i.

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Subject:Thank you! One minor change, in mysql2i.
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Manuel Guzman
Date:2019-02-13 05:58:53


Manuel Guzman rated this package as follows:

Utility: Good
Consistency: Good
Documentation: Good
Examples: Good

  1. Thank you! One minor change, in mysql2i.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Guzman Manuel Guzman - 2019-02-13 05:58:53
Thank you! One minor change, in mysql2i.class.php encountered an error when the query was invalid. Here is an updated function

public static function mysql_fetch_array($result,$resulttype=MYSQLI_BOTH){
if (is_bool($result)) {
return [];
} else {
return mysqli_fetch_array($result,$resulttype);