Marcus Brasizza - 2013-05-02 20:38:23 -
In reply to message 1 from Felip Estrugo
you can do like this
with a folder maps in your public_html (www) with chmod 777 ...
i just put the php file to read the image because i didn't put the image in my public_html folder
$google = new googleApiClass();
$pathImg = 'maps/mapMe.png';
echo "From: ". $google->getFromAddress().'<br>';
echo "To: ". $google->getToAddress().'<br>';
echo "Distance: ".($google->getDistance()).' meters<br>';
echo "Time: ".($google->getTime()).' seconds<br>';
echo " {$google->getCountSteps()} steps between from and to address<br>";
echo "<hr><strong>Steps</strong>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "No image was requested";
echo "Followed Image <br>";
echo "Scale: ".$google->getScale().'<br>';
echo "Center: ".$google->getCenterStep().'<br>';
echo "Zoom: ".$google->getZoom().'<br>';
echo "<img src='{$pathImg}'><br>";
}catch(Exception $e ){
echo $e->getMessage();