PHP Classes

today it is useful to make PHP5 version.

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Subject:today it is useful to make PHP5 version.
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Igor Kozlov
Date:2011-09-09 07:08:03
Update:2011-09-11 18:10:00


Igor Kozlov rated this package as follows:

Utility: Good
Consistency: Sufficient
Documentation: Good
Examples: Good

  1. today it is useful to make PHP5 version.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Igor Kozlov Igor Kozlov - 2011-09-09 07:08:03
today it is useful to make PHP5 version.

Why Fox captcha make image with the same name for all users? What will happen if several users come to page on the same time? Maybe it is better to use only fox_captcha_image.php?
Something like this: img ... src="fox_captcha_image.php"

Now it is working well on my site. Statistics show spam robot activity every 2-3 hours. But no messages in DB :)

  2. Re: today it is useful to make PHP5 version.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Said Bakr Said Bakr - 2011-09-11 18:10:01 - In reply to message 1 from Igor Kozlov
Thank you very much for your attention about Fox Captcha. I'm very happy to hear that there is no messages in the database.

About several users coming at the same time, I'd like to tell you, simply, don't worry, the server does not deal with all users at the same millisecond so every user will catch the first image separated from the other user. However, your suggestion about only depending on PHP dynamic image is very good and I will try to keep it in mind during the next version.

In the Class details, I regarded it to be suitable for PHP 4. However, I meant 4+ i.e 5 too.

Best Regards,
Said Bakr.