PHP Classes

Multiple Selects

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Subject:Multiple Selects
Summary:Any chance for a multiple select box
Author:Dean Mumby
Date:2005-04-30 20:53:49
Update:2005-05-03 10:11:58


  1. Multiple Selects   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dean Mumby Dean Mumby - 2005-04-30 20:53:49
Hi Dave

I think this is a fantastic project. I have been able to setup a few forms in just minutes. The one problem I have though is dynamic multiple selects. I currently have a few dynamic selects from a mysql db but I never find one to be enough to accomplish anything decent. For example a country -> province selection can only be accomplished with a multiple select list. One great class I have found on is linked_select
by Carlos Falo Hervás , he also using javascript to work his magic , unfortunately I am not a javascript person and I can't see an easy way to intergrate his work with yours , but I do believe it would make this an even more fab project. I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

p.s. its getting damn cold here in Harrismith ZA.


  2. Re: Multiple Selects   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dave Dave - 2005-05-03 10:11:58 - In reply to message 1 from Dean Mumby

Yeah, I've written something like that before -- not that I've integrated it into the wizard class. It's something that may prove really useful -- I just have to give a little thought as to the most logical way to integrate this kind of behaviour, and how the output should look. In the 10 seconds or so that I've thought about it whilst replying. I can think of a nice way to do it -- if you are prepared to wait a little while, I'll see if I can implement the changes. In the meantime, you can use a custom control (by setting the type to custom) and see if you can get the output from the other class as an html string that you can dump in there -- but I don't think that will give you exactly what you want, because you won't get two questions, where the list of possible answers to the second question is narrowed by the choice from the first one. (Or an extension to N-tiers, which is the way it should be).

I'll most certainly try to incorporate this into the Wizard class -- I think it's a useful function to have.

Thanks for the request.