PHP Classes

The package that installs does not have the pathing as set up...

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Subject:The package that installs does not...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Barton Phillips
Date:2008-04-11 02:37:20
Update:2013-03-03 23:53:15


Barton Phillips rated this package as follows:

Utility: Sufficient
Consistency: Insufficient
Documentation: Bad

  1. The package that installs does not...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Barton Phillips Barton Phillips - 2008-04-11 02:37:21
The package that installs does not have the pathing as set up in the demo files. This makes for a lot of editing and screwing around. The package might be worthwhile but who has the time to fix everything.
There are a lot of things, like dbsetup.php is called The setup.php is pathed in every example as ../setup.php and that is not where it is! All of these and many more make this not worth the trouble.

  2. Re: The package that installs does not...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of John Wetsell John Wetsell - 2013-03-03 23:53:15 - In reply to message 1 from Barton Phillips
I agree!