 Mehmet Kidiman - 2020-10-05 07:33:35
Doenst allow my phone number format .. if i wtire without contry code its allow but send no verification..
 Rohit Arya - 2020-10-05 08:15:14 - In reply to message 1 from Mehmet Kidiman
If you are using api then there is no need to verify your account it will be automatically verified.
Create your account direct from API it will revert you api key.
 Mehmet Kidiman - 2020-10-05 10:16:05 - In reply to message 2 from Rohit Arya
Hi, its ok sorry my it was my fault..
i got api key with createAccount.php and i put my apikey in sendTextMessage.php and pgone number one of my contact but even contry number or not i m getting this output.
string(13) "phone_missing"
 Mehmet Kidiman - 2020-10-05 11:46:20 - In reply to message 1 from Mehmet Kidiman
Hi again. i try to explain all my experiment wit your api;
i did get api key from api without login your panel .
theni try to scan qrcode but it say u have to login.
then i did login and scan qr code and i manage the send message from panel generating msg template but then try another message panel says : WhatsApp is not activated.
then i open qrscan page again and it says : You are already authenticated! couldnt send anymore message
after all my try i couldnt send any message with sendTextMessage.php
even scaned qr code and what number i try what format i try its always says : string(13) "phone_missing" from background when print $res=$wa->sendwhatsapp($data);
any suggestion ll be glad .. thank you for your effort i was needed that api.
 Rohit Arya - 2020-10-06 09:15:56 - In reply to message 4 from Mehmet Kidiman
I am using this api and its working fine, I recommend to test it again because I got notification from service provider that their servers were down yesterday and now working fine.
 Ariel Rivera - 2020-11-13 19:08:01 - In reply to message 5 from Rohit Arya
I'm getting the same response when trying "sendTextMessage"
string(13) "phone_missing"
It may just be me but this seems fishy , all has to go through a honeypot " https://villaments.win/wapanel/ " ..... ?.... really ? , I realized this too late when I had already sent data, name, email, phone number etc..... duh !
 Sergio Aghemo - 2020-11-14 16:59:48 - In reply to message 6 from Ariel Rivera
I got the same error...
array (
'api_key' => '####################',
'phone' => '39##########',
'message' => 'Your Message Here',
array (
'status' => false,
'error' => 'phone_missing',
In fact this package is interesting but require all your data to be delivered to third party. I hope I wasn't too naive...
 Sam Spickle - 2020-11-20 16:23:40 - In reply to message 7 from Sergio Aghemo
This package should be removed from PHP Classes.
1) It asks the user for personal information that is sent to an unknown provider (who is "Villaments"?)
2) no privacy policy nor terms of service are published
3) Once you 'create an account' there is no place to make a password (though this "service" now has your personal WhatsApp information...) - though later it is required to 'log in'
and, most importantly,
4) If the service actually did work it would violate the terms of the Facebook/WhatsApp license - and could subject any user of it to being terminated from WhatsApp!
The only 'legal' way to send messages to WhatsApp users is to make your own API.... - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp
Please remove this 'service' immediately!