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php in my first job

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Subject:php in my first job
Summary:php in my first job
Author:José Filipe Lopes Santos
Date:2021-11-24 10:50:36
Update:2021-11-25 17:53:58


  1. php in my first job   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of José Filipe Lopes Santos José Filipe Lopes Santos - 2021-11-24 18:09:41
Good morning,

In my first job, on the start i dont have any ideia that is PHP, but i lerned reference / manual, and we have many progress !

Past a 1-2 years, i write PHP code so faster, and improve with past of times, using a PEAR frameworks ... !

I've developped PHP code during approximately 14 years !

Since a 6 years ago, i have new job, we develop in PlSql, and in a near future in Python + Django, using JetBrains Pycharm IDE, and this is very challenging ;-)


  2. Re: php in my first job   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2021-11-25 02:51:54 - In reply to message 1 from José Filipe Lopes Santos
That is OK, don't worry. If you are happy doing what you are doing now, that is what matters.

Anyway, there is a better alternative for software developer. Instead of working in companies for other people, you work for yourself, develop your own software products and services, so you can get paid by many customers that appreciate your work.

This is what will start happening soon after we launch the PHP Classes Marketplace.

  3. Re: php in my first job   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of José Filipe Lopes Santos José Filipe Lopes Santos - 2021-11-25 17:53:58 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Good morning,

Very good, very good, take good progress !
But i dont hava a leadership spirit, but who has this, go in front !

I have a amazing environment in my team of develop and inovation ;-)