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File: server/class.license.server.php

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File: server/class.license.server.php
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Description: Subclass Source
Class: PADL (PHP Application Distribution License System)
Generate PHP application license keys
Author: By
Last change: Important Security and Consistency updates
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 23,305 bytes



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<?php /** * Project: Distrubution License Class * File: class.license.server.php * * Copyright (C) 2005 Oliver Lillie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @link * @link * @author Oliver Lillie, buggedcom <publicmail at buggedcom dot co dot uk> * @version 0.1 * @history--------------------------------------------- * see CHANGELOG */ class license_server extends padl { /** * init the database value. */ var $_DB; /** * the database table prefix. * * @var array */ var $DB_PREFIX = ''; /** * the default license approval type. * - ADMIN means the key generation needs admin approval * - AUTO means the key generation is done on request * * @var string */ var $APPROVAL_TYPE = 'ADMIN'; /** * init the approval type vars. */ var $APPROVAL_DATA; var $APPROVAL_TIME; /** * Constructor * * @access public * @param $use_mcrypt boolean Determines if mcrypt encryption is used or not (defaults to true, * however if mcrypt is not available, it is set to false) * @param $use_time boolean Sets if time binding should be used in the key (defaults to true) * @param $use_server boolean Sets if server binding should be used in the key (defaults to true) * @param $allow_local boolean Sets if server binding is in use then localhost servers are valid (defaults to false) **/ function license_server($use_mcrypt=true, $use_time=true, $use_server=true, $allow_local=false, $approval_type=false) { # init the class $this->init($use_mcrypt, $use_time, $use_server, $allow_local); # set the registration approval type if(is_string($approval_type)) { $this->set_approval_type($approval_type); } } /** * set_approval_type * * sets the approval type * * @access public * @param $type string The type of license generation * ADMIN - generates a temp key and assigns the $data param into the key. * the key will be valid for the period set by the validty param. * NOTE: if validity is set to 0 then a key is not returned to the client * AUTO - generates the key when one is asked for. the data array is used, however * the validity period is treated as a cap for the time span sent from the client * install, thus if the validy is less than the asked for time period it will override * @param $data array An array of data to be bound into the generated key * @param $validity number If used with ADMIN it is the length of the temporary key generated. if set to 0 * then no temp key is generated, however if used with AUTO it caps the requested licenses * time span. If no time span is requested by the client and this is not set to 0 then a span * will be placed into the key. This way you can issue licenses and not worry about the client * trying to hack the timespan of the license. * @return resource id **/ function set_approval_type($type='ADMIN', $data=array(), $validity=0) { $this->APPROVAL_TYPE = $type; $this->APPROVAL_DATA = $data; $this->APPROVAL_TIME = $validity; } /** * connect * * connects to the mysql db holding the license data * * @access public * @param $table string Database table that contains the distributionLicense sql * @param $user string User for the mysql db * @param $pass string Pass for the mysql db * @param $host string Host for the mysql db * @return resource id **/ function connect($table, $user, $pass, $host='localhost') { # connect to your servers DB $this->_DB = @mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pass); # select the table required @mysql_select_db($table, $this->_DB); return $this->_DB; } /** * disconnect * * disconnects the mysql db * been validated on the return server * * @access public * @return boolean **/ function disconnect() { # close the database return @mysql_close($this->_DB); } /** * _query * * builds, then excecutes then returns data for mysql queries * * @access private * @param $table string The table to build the query for * @param $action string The type of action to build the query for * @param $data array The data array containing arguments for the query building * @return array **/ function _query($table, $action, $data=array()) { $query = $this->_build_query($table, $action, $data); return $this->_execute_query($query); } /** * _execute_query * * excecutes a mysql query and returns the results * * @access private * @param $query string The query string to execute * @return array **/ function _execute_query($query) { # determine the query type $query_type = strpos($query, 'INSERT')===false ? (strpos($query, 'SELECT')===false ? 'other' : 'return') : 'insert'; # run the query $query_result = @mysql_query($query, $this->_DB); if(!$query_result) return array('RESULT'=>false, 'SQL'=>$query, 'ERROR'=>mysql_error()); # switch through the query types in order to return the correct data switch($query_type) { case 'insert' : $result = mysql_insert_id($this->_DB); break; case 'return' : $result = array(); if(empty($data['FETCHTYPE'])) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result)) { $result[] = $row; } } break; default : $result = true; break; } return array('RESULT'=>$result); } /** * _build_query * * gets the query for the table and qction * * @access private * @param $table string The table to build the query for * @param $action string The type of action to build the query for * @param $data array The data array containing arguments for the query building * @return string **/ function _build_query($table, $action, $data=array()) { # get the table prefix and all $table_pre = '`'.$this->DB_PREFIX.$table.'`'; # switch through the queries # and build them switch($action) { case 'insert' : switch($table) { case 'licenses' : return 'INSERT INTO '.$table_pre.' (`LICENSE_ID`,`USER_ID`,`FLAGGED`,`STATUS`,`START_DATE`,`DATE_SPAN`,`EXPIRY_DATE`,`NOTES`,`COST`,`PAID`,`REQUEST_KEY`,`TEMP_KEY`,`LICENSE_KEY`,`PAYMENT_NEXT_DUE`,`DATA`,`MAC`,`PATH`,`IP`) VALUES ('.$this->_get_value($data['LICENSE_ID']).','.$this->_get_value($data['USER_ID']).','.$this->_get_value($data['FLAGGED']).','.$this->_get_value($data['STATUS']).','.$this->_get_value($data['START_DATE']).','.$this->_get_value($data['DATE_SPAN']).','.$this->_get_value($data['EXPIRY_DATE']).','.$this->_get_value($data['NOTES']).','.$this->_get_value($data['COST']).','.$this->_get_value($data['PAID']).','.$this->_get_value($data['REQUEST_KEY']).','.$this->_get_value($data['TEMP_KEY']).','.$this->_get_value($data['LICENSE_KEY']).','.$this->_get_value($data['PAYMENT_NEXT_DUE']).','.$this->_get_value($data['DATA']).','.$this->_get_value($data['MAC']).','.$this->_get_value($data['PATH']).','.$this->_get_value($data['IP']).');'; case 'remote_log' : return 'INSERT INTO '.$table_pre.' (`ID`,`TIMESTAMP`,`LICENSE_ID`,`MESSAGE`,`SERVER`,`IP`) VALUES ('.$this->_get_value($data['ID']).','.$this->_get_value($data['TIMESTAMP']).','.$this->_get_value($data['LICENSE_ID']).','.$this->_get_value($data['MESSAGE']).','.$this->_get_value($data['SERVER']).','.$this->_get_value($data['IP']).');'; } case 'return' : return 'SELECT '.$this->_get_value($data['RETURN'], '*', false).' FROM '.$table_pre.' '.$this->_build_matches($data['PAIRS']); case 'update' : return 'UPDATE '.$table_pre.' '.$this->_build_matches($data['SET'], 'SET', ', ').' '.$this->_build_matches($data['PAIRS']); case 'delete' : return 'DELETE FROM '.$table_pre.' '.$this->_build_matches($data['PAIRS']); } } /** * _get_value * * returns a null string if no value is found * * @access private * @param $value string A value to be checked * @param $fill string The return value if the value is empty * @return string **/ function _get_value($value, $fill='NULL', $add_quotes=true) { return empty($value) ? $fill : (is_string($value) && $add_quotes ? '"'.$value.'"' : $value); } /** * get_null * * returns formatted sql, ie `FIELD`="VALUE" * * @access private * @param $pairs array An arrary containing the field/value pairs * @param $pre string The matches preceding command * @param $sep string The matches seperator * @return string **/ function _build_matches($pairs, $pre='WHERE', $sep=' && ') { $num = count($pairs); # if there are no pairs return and empty string if($num == 0) return ''; # init the string $str = $pre." "; # loop through the pairs and build the sql for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) { $pair = $pairs[$i]; $value = $pair['VALUE']; $comparison = empty($pair['COMP']) ? '=' : $pair['COMP']; $str .= '`'.$pair['FIELD'].'`'.$comparison.(is_string($value) ? '"'.$value.'"' : $value); if($i < $num-1) { $str.= $sep; } } return $str; } /** * _generate_return_data * * generates an encrypted string used to return data once the license has * been validated on the return server * * @access private * @param $array array Array that contains the return info from the dial home server * @return string encrypted data string containing server validation info **/ function _generate_return_data($array) { return $this->BEGIN2.$this->_encrypt($array, 'HOMEKEY').$this->END2; } /** * receiveInstall * * receives an install and license key request. It validates the install * request, process it and checks for duplicates against the allow install * number, then returns with the result * * @access public * @param $data array Data array (ie $_POST['POSTDATA']) recieved from * the client dialing home * @param $table string Database table that contains the distributionLicense sql * @param $user string User for the mysql db * @param $pass string Pass for the mysql db * @param $host string Host for the mysql db * @return string Returns the encrypted result from the register_install function in the app * EMPTY_DATA - no data has been given to the _recieve_call function * OVER_INSTALLED - if the number of installs registered is too many then it is returned * CORRUPT - the request does not contain an id and is therefore a corrupt / hacked request * PENDING - the data is ok, however the approval type for license generation is set to ADMIN * thus any key generation needs to be approved by an administrator * OK - the license correspods to the info held on the home server and all is ok **/ function receive_install($data, $table, $user, $pass, $host='localhost') { $orig_data = $data; # init the return array $return = array(); # if there is not data die with an error if(empty($data)) return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'EMPTY_DATA')); # decrypt the data $data = $this->_decrypt($data, 'HOMEKEY'); # check for an id if($data['ID'] != md5($this->ID2)) return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'CORRUPT')); # init the results array $results = array(); # init the license array $license = array(); # insert the id $license['ID'] = md5($this->ID1); # if server checks are required if($this->USE_SERVER) { if(!$this->_compare_domain_ip($data['SERVER']['DOMAIN'], $data['SERVER']['IP'])) $return['RESULT'] = 'DOMAIN_IP_FAIL'; # update mac address $license['SERVER']['DOMAIN']= $data['SERVER']['DOMAIN']; # update mac address $license['SERVER']['MAC'] = $data['SERVER']['MAC']; # update the server details $license['SERVER']['PATH'] = $data['SERVER']['PATH']; # update the ip details $license['SERVER']['IP'] = $data['SERVER']['IP']; } # if time checks are required if($this->USE_TIME) { $license['DATE']['START'] = $data['DATE']['START']; $license['DATE']['SPAN'] = $data['DATE']['SPAN']; $license['DATE']['END'] = $data['DATE']['END']; } # connect to the db $this->connect($table, $user, $pass, $host); if(!empty($data['KEY_CODE'])) { # will build in pre approved key codes, thus allowing someone to purchase # a license to get a key code. This key code is linked to an individual # licensee. If the license key has not been used already and is valid # the license will be generated straight away, regardless of the generation # approval variables. It will generate will the the purchase settings from # the database } # merge the exiting data set in the request with the approval data $license['DATA'] = array_merge($data['DATA'], $this->APPROVAL_DATA); if(!isset($return['RESULT'])) { # start building the insertion query $query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->DB_PREFIX.'licenses` (`LICENSE_ID`,`USER_ID`,`FLAGGED`,`STATUS`,`START_DATE`,`DATE_SPAN`,`EXPIRY_DATE`,`NOTES`,`COST`,`PAID`,`REQUEST_KEY`,`TEMP_KEY`,`LICENSE_KEY`,`PAYMENT_NEXT_DUE`,`INSTALL`,`PACKAGES`,`MAC`,`PATH`,`IP`) VALUES (-VALUES-);'; # sort the approval type if($this->APPROVAL_TYPE == 'AUTO') { # if the approval time is greater than 0 then override the end time if($this->APPROVAL_TIME > 0) { # set the time span of the temp key $start = time(); $license['DATE']['START'] = $start; $license['DATE']['SPAN'] = $this->APPROVAL_TIME; $license['DATE']['END'] = $start+$this->APPROVAL_TIME; } $create_license = true; $return['RESULT'] = 'OK'; $values = 'NULL,NULL,NULL,1,'.$license['DATE']['START'].','.$license['DATE']['SPAN'].','.$license['DATE']['END'].',NULL,NULL,1,"'.$orig_data.'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"'.$data['SERVER']['MAC'].'","'.urlencode(serialize($data['SERVER']['PATH'])).'","'.urlencode(serialize($data['SERVER']['IP'])).'"'; } else if($this->APPROVAL_TYPE == 'ADMIN') { $key = ''; # if the approval time is greater than 0 generate a temp key if($this->APPROVAL_TIME > 0) { # set the time span of the temp key $start = time(); $license['DATE']['START'] = $start; $license['DATE']['SPAN'] = $this->APPROVAL_TIME; $license['DATE']['END'] = $start+$this->APPROVAL_TIME; $license['TEMP'] = 1; $create_license = true; } $values = 'NULL,NULL,NULL,1,'.$license['DATE']['START'].','.$license['DATE']['SPAN'].','.$license['DATE']['END'].',NULL,NULL,NULL,"'.$orig_data.'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"'.$data['SERVER']['MAC'].'","'.urlencode(serialize($data['SERVER']['PATH'])).'","'.urlencode(serialize($data['SERVER']['IP'])).'"'; $return['RESULT'] = 'PENDING'; } $query = str_replace('-VALUES-', $values, $query); if(!mysql_query($query, $this->_DB)) { $return['ERROR'] = mysql_error(); $return['RESULT'] = 'SERVER_DB_FAILED'; $create_license = false; } if($create_license) { $license['DBID'] = mysql_insert_id($this->_DB); # create the key $key = $this->_create_license($license); $return['KEY'] = $key; $row = ($this->APPROVAL_TYPE == 'ADMIN') ? 'TEMP_KEY' : 'LICENSE_KEY'; if(!mysql_query('UPDATE `'.$this->DB_PREFIX.'licenses` SET `'.$row.'`="'.$key.'" WHERE `LICENSE_ID`="'.$license['DBID'].'"')) { $return['ERROR'] = mysql_error(); $return['RESULT'] = 'SERVER_DB_FAILED'; unset($return['KEY']); } } } # disconnect from the db $this->disconnect(); # generate the return data return $this->_generate_return_data($return); } /** * generate * * generates the client license key * * @access private * @param $data array The data array containing the binding info * @return string key string **/ function _create_license($data) { # set the server os $data['DATA']['_PHP_OS'] = PHP_OS; # set the server os $data['DATA']['_PHP_VERSION'] = PHP_VERSION; # encrypt the key and return return $this->_wrap_license($data); } /** * recieve_call * * the function to be called by the script that recieves the call on your * server from the client server * * @access public * @param $data array Data array (ie $_POST['POSTDATA']) recieved from * the client dialing home * @param $table string Database table that contains the distributionLicense sql * @param $user string User for the mysql db * @param $pass string Pass for the mysql db * @param $host string Host for the mysql db * @return string Returns the encrypted server validation result from the dial home call * EMPTY_DATA - no data has been given to the _recieve_call function * EMPTY_ID - no id has been found in the data sent so dial home check cannot be made * SERVER_LICENSE_404 - the license does not exist on the dial home server * SERVER_LICENSE_MISMATCH - the license key sent to the home server and the license key residing in the * home server db do not match * SERVER_LICENSE_INACTIVE - license is inactive (ie expired) * SERVER_LICENSE_WARNING - a warning has been given to the license holder * SERVER_LICENSE_SUSPENDED - the license has been suspended * SERVER_LICENSE_REVOKED - license has been revoked * SERVER_PAYMENT_NOT_MADE - license has not been paid for * SERVER_PAYMENT_DUE - next payment is due * SERVER_DATE_MISMATCH - license start date does not match the one on the dial home server * SERVER_MAC_MISMATCH - the mac address registered with the license does not match the one on the home server * SERVER_SERVER_MISMATCH - the server vars supplied in the license mismatch the stored vars on the home server * OK - the license correspods to the info held on the home server and all is ok **/ function recieve_call($data, $table, $user, $pass, $host='localhost') { # if there is not data die with an error if(empty($data)) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'EMPTY_DATA')); } # init the results array $results = array(); # decrypt the data $data = $this->_decrypt($data, 'HOMEKEY'); # if there is no license id to check then return with error if(!isset($data['LICENSE_DATA']['DBID'])) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'EMPTY_ID')); } $istemp = (isset($data['LICENSE_DATA']['TEMP'])); # connect to the db $this->connect($table, $user, $pass, $host); # insert log remote log data mysql_query('INSERT INTO `'.$this->DB_PREFIX.'remote_log` (`ID`,`TIMESTAMP`,`LICENSE_ID`,`MESSAGE`,`SERVER`,`IP`) VALUES (NULL,"'.time().'","'.$data['LICENSE_DATA']['DBID'].'","'.'test'.'","'.urlencode(serialize($data['LICENSE_DATA']['SERVER']['PATH'])).'","'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'")', $this->_DB); # check up on license in the license table $lookup_result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `'.$this->DB_PREFIX.'licenses` WHERE `LICENSE_ID`="'.$data['LICENSE_DATA']['DBID'].'"', $this->_DB); # get the license data from the server $license = mysql_fetch_array($lookup_result, MYSQL_ASSOC); # disconnect from the db $this->disconnect(); # if the result is not returned or the license does not exist if(!$lookup_result || !$license) { # die and send back the result to the server calling home return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_404')); } # compare the license sent against the license stored # if any changes have been made to the clients license without updating the one # on the server then this will throw an error, main cause would be a hack or # developer error $stored_key = ($istemp) ? $license['TEMP_KEY'] : $license['LICENSE_KEY']; if(md5($stored_key) != $data['LICENSE_DATA']['KEY']) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_MISMATCH')); } # check if license is active switch($license['STATUS']) { case 0 : return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_INACTIVE')); case -1 : return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_WARNING')); case -2 : return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_SUSPENDED')); case -3 : return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_LICENSE_REVOKED')); default : break; } # check if user has paid if(!$license['PAID'] && !$istemp) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_PAYMENT_NOT_MADE')); } # check if the next pay date is passed if($license['PAYMENT_NEXT_DUE']>0 && $license['PAYMENT_NEXT_DUE'] < time()) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_PAYMENT_DUE')); } # check the start date and see if it is valid if($this->USE_TIME && ($license['START_DATE'] != $data['LICENSE_DATA']['DATE']['START'] || $license['EXPIRY_DATE'] != $data['LICENSE_DATA']['DATE']['END'])) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_DATE_MISMATCH')); } # if server checks are required if($this->USE_SERVER) { # check mac address if($license['MAC'] != $data['LICENSE_DATA']['SERVER']['MAC']) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_MAC_MISMATCH')); } # check the server vars $server_difs = count(array_diff(unserialize(urldecode($license['PATH'])), $data['LICENSE_DATA']['SERVER']['PATH'])); if($server_difs > 0) { return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_SERVER_MISMATCH')); } } return $this->_generate_return_data(array('RESULT'=>'OK')); } } ?>