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File: class.word2000html.php

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File: class.word2000html.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: class, docs & example
Class: Word2000Html
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 2,995 bytes



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<?php /* Word2000Html Version 0.5 Ryan Flynn (ryan@ryanflynn || DALnet->#php->pizza_milkshake) Thursday, June 28 2001 This class was invented to save ordinary humans from having to deal with converting Word HTML to actual HTML, a job I once had and it nearly drove me insane... This class allows you to extract the 3 most important chunks from a Word html doc: title, style and body sections, which you can then manipulate in whatever fashion you see fit. Tested: PHP 4.0.3 on Apache 1.3.14/Windows 98 PHP 4.0.3 on MS IIS 4.?/Windows 2000 So far: MSIE: 5-6 = flawless NN: 4.7 = good, 3.04 = ok Opera: 5.0 = good //ok, here's how to use this class: require_once("class.word2000html.php"); $bob=new Word2000Html("news.htm"); //path to Word 2000 HTML doc; this creates the object echo $bob->Title; //self-explanatory echo $bob->Style; echo $bob->Body; You can throw this code into HTML tags and convert Word docs on-the-fly. Have fun. */ $content_path=getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED"); $content_path=substr($content_path, 0, (strrpos($content_path, "\\")+1)); class Word2000Html{ var $Title; var $Style; var $Body; function Word2000Html($file){ global $PHP_SELF, $content_path; $file=$content_path.$file; if(!file_exists($file)){ echo " <pre> If you see this message, please contact ------------------------------------- \"$file\" does not exist -------------------------------------- PHP_SELF.......... $PHP_SELF PATH_TRANSLATED... ".getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED")." file.............. $file content_path...... $content_path -------------------------------------- </pre> "; exit; } $s=implode('', file($file)); $title='/\<title.*\<\/title\>/i'; $style='/\<style[\w\W]*?\<\/style\>/i'; /* $style only gets the first, useless chunk of Word2000 <style> code; it needs to get all */ $body='/\<body[\w\W]*?\<\/body\>/i'; $if_crap='/<[^>]*![^>]*\[[^>]*\][^>]*>/i'; //removes <v: blah blah/> tags $v_crap='/\<\/?v:[^>]*\>/i'; $o_crap='/<\/?o:[^>]*\>/i'; if(!preg_match($title, $s, $tmp)) echo 'no title, '; $tmp[0]=preg_replace('/\<(\/|)title\>/i', '', $tmp[0]); $this->Title=trim($tmp[0]); if(!preg_match_all($style, $s, $tmp)) echo 'no style, '; foreach($tmp as $a) foreach($a as $b) $this->Style.=trim($b)."\n"; if(!preg_match($body, $s, $tmp)) echo 'no body'; $tmp[0]=preg_replace($if_crap, '', $tmp[0]); $tmp[0]=str_replace('./', '', $tmp[0]); $tmp[0]=preg_replace('/\<(\/|)body(^>)*?\>/i', '', $tmp[0]); $tmp[0]=preg_replace($v_crap, '', $tmp[0]); $tmp[0]=preg_replace($o_crap, '', $tmp[0]); //remove <td width but doesn't affect the damn Word2000 HTML //$tmp[0]=preg_replace('/<td width=[\d]{0,5}\s/i', '<td ', $tmp[0]); $this->Body=trim($tmp[0]); } } ?>