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File: src/Installer/sql/pgsql/90-view-blog.sql

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Installer/sql/pgsql/90-view-blog.sql   Download  
File: src/Installer/sql/pgsql/90-view-blog.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Implement Blog Post History

See #149
Merge pull request #112 from UmeshAawte/master

No need of border if using shadow
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 4,455 bytes



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CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hull_users_authors AS SELECT a.*, u.uniqueid, j.userid, j.in_charge, j.default_author_for_user FROM hull_blog_authors a JOIN hull_blog_author_owners j ON j.authorid = a.authorid JOIN airship_users u ON j.userid = u.userid ; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hull_blog_post AS SELECT DISTINCT ON (p.postid) p.postid, p.shorturl, p.title, v.body, v.uniqueid AS version_unique, v.metadata, v.published AS latest, COALESCE(v.format, p.format) AS format, p.status, p.cache, p.description, p.published, p.created, p.modified, AS authorname, a.slug AS authorslug,, c.categoryid, c.slug AS categoryslug, COALESCE(, 'Uncategorized') AS categoryname, date_part('year', p.published) AS blogyear, date_part('month', p.published) AS blogmonth, p.slug FROM hull_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN ( SELECT, iv.body, iv.published,, iv.format, iv.metadata, iv.uniqueid FROM hull_blog_post_versions iv WHERE ORDER BY iv.published DESC ) v ON = p.postid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_categories c ON p.category = c.categoryid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_authors a ON = a.authorid ORDER BY p.postid ASC, v.published DESC ; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hull_blog_list AS SELECT p.postid, p.shorturl, p.title, p.format, p.status, p.description, p.published, p.created, p.modified, AS authorname, a.slug AS authorslug, c.categoryid, c.slug AS categoryslug,, COALESCE(, 'Uncategorized') AS categoryname, date_part('year', p.published) AS blogyear, date_part('month', p.published) AS blogmonth, p.slug FROM hull_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN hull_blog_categories c ON p.category = c.categoryid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_authors a ON = a.authorid ; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hull_blog_unfiltered AS SELECT p.postid, p.shorturl, p.title, v.versionid, v.body, v.uniqueid AS version_unique, v.metadata, v.published AS latest, COALESCE(v.format, p.format) AS format, p.status, p.cache, p.description, p.published, p.created, p.modified, AS authorname, a.slug AS authorslug,, c.categoryid, c.slug AS categoryslug, COALESCE(, 'Uncategorized') AS categoryname, date_part('year', p.published) AS blogyear, date_part('month', p.published) AS blogmonth, p.slug FROM hull_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN hull_blog_post_versions v ON = p.postid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_categories c ON p.category = c.categoryid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_authors a ON = a.authorid ORDER BY p.postid ASC, v.published DESC ; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hull_blog_comments AS SELECT c.commentid,, c.blogpost, c.replyto, c.created, c.metadata, AS authorname, a.slug AS authorslug, date_part('year', p.published) AS blogyear, date_part('month', p.published) AS blogmonth, p.slug FROM hull_blog_comments c LEFT JOIN hull_blog_posts p ON c.blogpost = p.postid LEFT JOIN hull_blog_authors a ON = a.authorid ;