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File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/pages_list.js

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Cabin/Bridge/public/pages_list.js   Download  
File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/pages_list.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 4,024 bytes



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$(document).ready(function() { $("#pages_list_cabin").on('change', function() { var cabin = $(this).val() .replace("/", ""); window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin; }); $(".dir_rename").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var parent = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); var dir = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/renameDir?dir=" + (parent !== "" ? parent + "/" : "") + dir; }); $(".dir_delete").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var parent = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); var dir = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/deleteDir?dir=" + (parent !== "" ? parent + "/" : "") + dir; }); $(".page_edit").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var page = $(this).parent().parent().data('page'); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/edit?" + (dir !== "" ? "dir=" + dir + "&" : "") + "page=" + page; }); $(".page_rename").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var page = $(this).parent().parent().data('page'); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/renamePage?" + (dir !== "" ? "dir=" + dir + "&" : "") + "page=" + page; }); $(".page_history").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var page = $(this).parent().parent().data('page'); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/history?" + (dir !== "" ? "dir=" + dir + "&" : "") + "page=" + page; }); $(".page_delete").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var page = $(this).parent().parent().data('page'); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/deletePage?" + (dir !== "" ? "dir=" + dir + "&" : "") + "page=" + page; }); $("#new_dir").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/newDir?dir=" + dir; }); $("#new_page").on('click', function() { var cabin = $("#pages_list_cabin").val() .replace("/", ""); var dir = $("#bridge_page_list_container").data('dir'); // Let's go to the correct location window.location = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix') + "pages/" + cabin + "/newPage?dir=" + dir; }) });