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File: src/Installer/skins/database.twig

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Installer/skins/database.twig   Download  
File: src/Installer/skins/database.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Installer: Allow pre-auth password
Merge pull request #112 from UmeshAawte/master

No need of border if using shadow
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 5,449 bytes



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{% extends "base.twig" %} {% block content %} {% if drivers %} <div class="rwidth66 center" id="setup-main"> <form id="dbForm" action="/" method="post" >{{ form_token() }} <h2>Database Configuration</h2> <p> Before you can launch your Airship, you'll need to have your own PostgreSQL database. If you're not sure what this is, contact your hosting provider and ask for details. </p> {% if db_error %} <p class="error"> {{ db_error }} </p> {% endif %} <div id="databases"> <fieldset> <legend>Primary Database</legend> <div class="pure-form pure-form-stacked"> <label for="database_0_driver">Database Driver:</label> <select class="pure-input-1 db_driver" name="database[0][driver]" id="database_0_driver" required="required"> {% for key, val in drivers %}<option {# #}{% if database[0] %}{# #}{% if database[0][driver] == val %}{# #} selected="selected" {# #}{% endif %} {% elseif key == "pgsql" %}{# #} selected="selected" {# #}{% endif %}{# #} value="{{ key|e('html_attr') }}" {# #}>{{ val|e('html') }}</option> {% endfor %}</select> <label for="database_0_host">Host (for UNIX socket connections, type <code>unix:/path/to/socket</code>):</label> <input class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="database[0][host]" id="database_0_host" placeholder="localhost" /> <label for="database_0_port">Port (optional):</label> <input class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="database[0][port]" id="database_0_port" /> <label for="database_0_username">Username:</label> <input class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="database[0][username]" id="database_0_username" placeholder="username" /> <label for="database_0_password">Password:</label> <input class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="database[0][password]" id="database_0_password" placeholder="password" /> <label for="database_0_dbname">Database:</label> <input class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="database[0][dbname]" id="database_0_dbname" placeholder="database" /> </div> </fieldset> <hr /> <fieldset> <legend>Secondary Databases (Optional)</legend> <div id="secondary_databases" class="pure-form pure-form-stacked"></div> <a class='pure-button pure-button-tertiary' id='add_db'>Add Secondary Database</a> </fieldset> </div> <hr /> <div class="continue-btn-wrapper"> <button class='pure-button pure-button-primary'>Save and Continue &raquo;</button> </div> </form> </div> {% else %} <h1 class="error_header">Critical Error: No Supported Database Drivers Detected</h1> <p> To install Airship, you need to have the PHP extension for the appropriate Relational DataBase Management Software (RDMBS) installed and enabled. </p> <p> Currently supported RDBMS platforms: </p> <ul> <li>MySQL / MariaDB</li> <li>PostgreSQL</li> </ul> <p> PHP Extensions loaded: </p> <ol> {% for ext in get_loaded_extensions() %} <li><code class="php">{{ ext }}</code></li> {% endfor %} </ol> <h2>How to Fix this Error</h2> <p> Make sure you install the necessary PHP extension to interface with your chosen RDMBS. Instructions for this will vary depending on your operating system. </p> <p> If you have the extension installed but it's not enabled, you will need to edit your php.ini file to enable it manually. </p> <h3>MySQL</h3> <p> Add these lines to your php.ini: </p> <blockquote><pre></pre></blockquote> <h3>PostgreSQL</h3> <p> Add these lines to your php.ini: </p> <blockquote><pre></pre></blockquote> <p> Then restart your webserver. </p> {% endif %} {% endblock %} {# Style definitions are stored in other Twig templates #} {% block js %} {% include "js/database.js.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block css %} {% include "css/main.css.twig" %} {% include "css/database.css.twig" %} {% endblock %}