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File: sample1.php

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File: sample1.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: sample file
Class: PHP 2 Install
Generate PHP script archives for site installation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,263 bytes



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This example generates an installer for the bank in the local server
with the data:

Base name: LocaBase
User: root
Paswword: 123
Host: localhost

E in the remote server with the data:

Base name: RemoteBase
User: RemoteUser
Paswword: RemotePassword

Este exemplo gera um instalador para o banco no servidor local com os dados:

Base name: LocaBase
User: root
Paswword: 123
Host: localhost

E no servidor remoto com os dados:

Base name: RemoteBase
User: RemoteUser
Paswword: RemotePassword
include ("./php2install.class.php");
$vgoInstall = new php2install ();
$vgoInstall -> setEncodeDbName ("LocaBase");
$vgoInstall -> setEncodeDbHost ("localhost");
$vgoInstall -> setEncodeDbUser ("root");
$vgoInstall -> setEncodeDbPassword ("123");
$vgoInstall -> setDecodeDbName ("RemoteBase");
$vgoInstall -> setDecodeDbHost ("");
$vgoInstall -> setDecodeDbUser ("RemoteUser");
$vgoInstall -> setDecodeDbPassword ("RemotePassword");
$vgoInstall -> setDecodeDbPath ("./site_out/site.sql.php");
$vgoInstall -> encodeDataBase ();