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File: cal.php

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  Classes of gwee chek maan   myCalendar   cal.php   Download  
File: cal.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example file to load/display the calendar
Class: myCalendar
Generate configurable month calendars in HTML
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 4,412 bytes



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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="calendar.css">
<script language=javascript>

function MouseCell(cell, cssname) { cell.className=cssname; }
function CalSelDay(DayValue) {

function ChangePicCell(imgName, FileName) {
    document[imgName].src = FileName;

<form name="frmCalendar" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']?>" method="POST">
$cald = new CreateCalendar();
$SelYear = $_POST["cobYear"];
$SelMonth = $_POST["cobMonth"];
$SelDay = $_POST["tdday"];
        if (empty(
$SelDay)) { $SelDay = $_GET["tdday"];} #if $vDispType = TH (Text & Hyperlink)
$cald->vSelYear=$SelYear; #pass the Year value
$cald->vSelMonth=$SelMonth; #pass the Month value
$cald->vSelDay=$SelDay; #pass the Day value
$cald->vDispType="TJ"; #PJ = picture and using Hyperlink method = $_GET
                                    #TH = Text and using Hyperlink method = $_GET
                                    #PJ = picture and using javascript method; PL = Picture and using Link Method (<a href=sssss>sdfs</a>)
                                    #TJ = Text and using javascript Method; TL = Text and using Link Method (<a href=sssss>sdfs</a>)
$cald->vLinkPage="test.php";#Define the page where you want to link when user click on the day hyperlink
                                    #If you the $vDispType is PH or TH, you must assign a value else, leave it blank.
        #Define the notes/information summary display method text or picture
        #P = picture; T = text;
$cald->NoteDisp = "P";
        #This one is for NoteDisp = T
        #First level number is presenting the day. The second level number is presenting the sequence number.
        #the Note/Information is default to 15 characters only (including space)
        $arrData = array (
                        "01" => array (
                                1 => "1 doi w",
                                2 => "1 doi 2"),
                        "02" => array (
                                1 => "2 doi 1",
                                2 => "2 doi 2",
                                3 => "2 doi 3"),
                        "15" => array (
                                1 => "11 do 1"),
                        "23" => array (
                                1 => "12 do 1"),
                        "10" => array (
                                1 => "13 do 1",
                                2 => "13 do 2",
                                3 => "13 do 3",
                                4 => "13 do 4",
                                5 => "13 do 5",
                                6 => "13 do 6"),
                        "31" => array (
                                1 => "31 doing as you know")
                    ); #endof array
        #This one is for NoteDisp = P;
        #First level number is presenting the day and then the total number of notes in that day.
$arrData = array (
"01" => 1,
"02" => 2,
"14" => 3,
"30" => 7,
"31" => 3 ); #endof array
$cald->arrData = $arrData ;
$cald->DisplayCalendar("640px", "480px"); #display the calendar
                                                    #$tblWidth = Table Width
                                                    #$tblHeight = Table Height

    <input class="button" type="submit" value="submit">