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File: sample.txt

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  Classes of Jonas Raoni Soares Silva   Advanced Randomizer   sample.txt   Download  
File: sample.txt
Role: Sample output
Content type: text/plain
Description: Simple output sample
Class: Advanced Randomizer
Retrieve random items based on given probability
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 682 bytes



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For the code bellow, that's the output that i got... [CODE] $prExample = new probabilityRandom; $prExample->add( "I have more chances than everybody :]", 20 ); $prExample->add( "I have good chances", 10 ); $prExample->add( "I'm difficult to appear...", 1 ); for( $x=10; $x--; print $prExample->get() . '<br />' ); [/CODE] [OUTPUT] I have more chances than everybody :] I have more chances than everybody :] I have more chances than everybody :] I'm difficult to appear... I have good chances I have more chances than everybody :] I have more chances than everybody :] I have more chances than everybody :] I have good chances I have good chances [/OUTPUT]