PHP Classes

File: words.txt

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  Classes of Huda M Elmatsani   VeriWord   words.txt   Download  
File: words.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: sample of word stock
Class: VeriWord
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 4,443 bytes



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abbreviate abet abide able abolish about abridge abroad absent absolute academic accede accept acceptance accident accompany accomplish accordion account across active actor add address admit adult advertise advice affable affair affect after afternoon again against agent agree ahead aid aim air airplane airport alien allow almost alms alone alphabet already altogether amount announce apart appraise arouse arrange article ash assist atlantic attain attempt attend author average avoid await awaken baby banana basin basket beach bean bear beard beautiful bench big bill bind birth birthday bitter black blanket blend bloom blow blue boarding body bone book bosom boss bottle bough boutique bowl box boy bracelet brain branch brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breed bridge brief bring brow brush bucket buffalo buffoon building burden burn business calculation cancel candidate candle antique antics engine ensure flower genesis genius circle harmony monkey modern plaza runway spider woman special life love romantic shadow enjoy night without star moon undersea lonely book script java nice effect link escape fuel great liquid linkage noisy prince record server snake steel surprise train busy catwoman spiderman degree dialog garden orchid snow white tree leave river arrow hope ocean water palm paint spring autumn winter talk dream walk forever convex copy bright lamp light zero land sand mind stone rock mountain pond proud pole tile wall port hall care dare share nail zoom brave brain think change