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File: example.php

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  Classes of thunter   phpBarGraph   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of how to use phpBarGraph 2.0
Class: phpBarGraph
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 3,482 bytes



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<?php // PhpBarGraph Version 2.0 // Bar Graph Generator Example for PHP // Written By TJ Hunter ( // Released Under the GNU Public License. // // Print out the header to tell the browser we\'re about to send them an image in GIF format. // If you\'re having problems, or just want PNG, UNcomment lines 10 and 68 and comment lines 11 and 69 // header(\"Content-type: image/png\"); header(\"Content-type: image/gif\"); // We need to be able to use the bar graph class in phpBarGraph2.php require(\"phpBarGraph2.php\"); // Setup how high and how wide the ouput image is $imageHeight = 300; $imageWidth = 400; // Create a new Image $image = ImageCreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight); // Fill it with your favorite background color.. $backgroundColor = ImageColorAllocate($image, 50, 50, 50); ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $backgroundColor); // Interlace the image.. Imageinterlace($image, 1); // Create a new BarGraph.. $myBarGraph = new PhpBarGraph; $myBarGraph->SetX(10); // Set the starting x position $myBarGraph->SetY(10); // Set the starting y position $myBarGraph->SetWidth($imageWidth-20); // Set how wide the bargraph will be $myBarGraph->SetHeight($imageHeight-20); // Set how tall the bargraph will be $myBarGraph->SetNumOfValueTicks(8); // Set this to zero if you don\'t want to show any. These are the vertical bars to help see the values. // You can try uncommenting these lines below for different looks. // $myBarGraph->SetShowLabels(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the labels of each bar. // $myBarGraph->SetShowValues(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the values of each bar. // $myBarGraph->SetBarBorder(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the border of each bar. // $myBarGraph->SetShowFade(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print each bar as a gradient. // $myBarGraph->SetShowOuterBox(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the outside box. // $myBarGraph->SetBarSpacing(20); // The default is 10. This changes the space inbetween each bar. // Add Values to the bargraph.. $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"A\",2); // AddValue(string label, int value) $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"B\",4); $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"C\",8); $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"D\",16); $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"E\",32); $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"F\",64); $myBarGraph->AddValue(\"G\",128); // Set the colors of the bargraph.. $myBarGraph->SetStartBarColor(\"0000ff\"); // This is the color on the top of every bar. $myBarGraph->SetEndBarColor(\"A624A6\"); // This is the color on the bottom of every bar. This is not used when SetShowFade() is set to false. $myBarGraph->SetLineColor(\"ffffff\"); // This is the color all the lines and text are printed out with. // Print the BarGraph to the image.. $myBarGraph->DrawBarGraph($image); // Output the Image to the browser in GIF (or PNG) format // ImagePNG($image); ImageGif($image); // Destroy the image. Imagedestroy($image); ?>