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File: javascript/counterhistory.class.js

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  Classes of Axel Hahn   Pimped Apache Status   javascript/counterhistory.class.js   Download  
File: javascript/counterhistory.class.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Pimped Apache Status
Display the requests handled by an Apache server
Author: By
Last change: 2016-08-21 - v1.26
* fix: re-enable statistics graphs (on mouseover on tiles)
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,398 bytes



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/** * CLASS counterhistory * * This file is part of the pimped apache status * tiles (see datarenderer class) add the current value as new * item (timestamp and value). This class stores _iMaxItems value pairs. * * @returns {Boolean} */ var counterhistory = function () { // ====================================================================== // CONFIG // ====================================================================== this.sServerIndex = false; this.sCounter = false; this._sDatavar = 'apachestatusHistory'; this._aData = false; this._iMaxItems = 250; // ====================================================================== // // "private" functions // // ====================================================================== /** * load stored Data * @returns {undefined} */ this._dataLoad=function(){ this._aData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this._sDatavar)); }; /** * save data to localStorage * @returns {undefined} */ this._dataSave=function(){ return localStorage.setItem(this._sDatavar, JSON.stringify(this._aData)); }; /** * cleanup counter data; it keeps max a given count of elements * @param {int} iItemsToKeep * @returns {Boolean} */ this._cleanup = function (iItemsToKeep) { if (!this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter]){ return false; } // reminder: in js aData is just a pointer var aData=this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter]; aData.splice((iItemsToKeep), aData.length); return true; }; // ====================================================================== // // GETTER // // ====================================================================== /** * get the last n items of a counter; this functions returns an * object with keys min, max and data. * @param {int} iCount max count of items to return * @returns {Object|counterhistory.getLast.aReturn|Boolean} */ this.getLast = function (iCount) { if (!this._aData[this.sServerIndex] || !this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter] || this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter].length<1){ return false; } var aReturn={ 'min':false, 'max':false, 'avg':false, 'data':[] }; var iSum=0; var aData=this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter]; var aItem=false; var val=false; if(aData.length<iCount){ iCount=aData.length; } for (var i=0; i<iCount; i++){ aItem=aData[i]; val=aItem[1]/1; var er = /^-?[\.0-9]+$/; if (er.test(aItem[1])){ if(!aReturn['min']){ aReturn['min']=val; } if(!aReturn['max']){ aReturn['max']=val; } if(val<aReturn['min']){ aReturn['min']=val; } if(val>aReturn['max']){ aReturn['max']=val; } iSum+=val; } aReturn['data'].push(aItem); } aReturn['avg']=Math.round(iSum/iCount*1000)/1000; return aReturn; }; // ====================================================================== // // SETTER // // ====================================================================== /** * add a new value with the current time * @param {integer|string} iValue value * @returns {Boolean} */ this.add = function (iValue) { var oDate = new Date(); if (!this._aData) { this._aData = new Object(); } if (!this._aData[this.sServerIndex]) { this._aData[this.sServerIndex] = new Object(); } if (!this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter]) { this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter] = []; } // add new item on top of assoc array this._aData[this.sServerIndex][this.sCounter].unshift([oDate, iValue]); // store it this._cleanup(this._iMaxItems); this._dataSave(); return true; }; /** * set the name of a counter/ tile * @param {string} s name of the tile * @returns {counterhistory@pro;sCounters} */ this.setCounter = function (s) { return this.sCounter = s; }; /** * set the server index (a serverlist or hash of it) * @param {string} s name of the server index * @returns {counterhistory@pro;sServerIndexs} */ this.setServerIndex = function (s) { return this.sServerIndex = s; }; // ====================================================================== // // init // // ====================================================================== // get this._aData this._dataLoad(); if (arguments) { if(arguments[0]){ this.setServerIndex(arguments[0]); } if(arguments[1]){ this.setCounter(arguments[1]); } } return true; };