PHP Classes

File: linegraph.def

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  Classes of Diogo Resende   CGraph   linegraph.def   Download  
File: linegraph.def
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: definition of a line graph
Class: CGraph
Draw pie charts, bar, line graphs from definitions
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 682 bytes



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data { 0 = -10 1 = -3 2 = 5 3 = 0 4 = 7 5 = 10 } line { color = #ff5500 background-color = #ff8833 } graph { padding-left = 80 padding-top = 80 padding-right = 80 padding-bottom = 40 background-color = #384C6A background-transparent = no border-width = 0 area-height = 250 area-width = 350 title-color = #fff title = Line Graph transparency = 50 } axis { position = all,-top step-size = 5 y-step = 5 y-step-mode = dynamic gridlines = yes scale-color = #fff border-color = #7184A5 background-color = #56657F deepness = 25 } scale { x-round = 0 y-round = 1 }