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File: example.php

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  Classes of Dave Smith   PHP Hulu Video   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example
Class: PHP Hulu Video
Generate HTML to embed Hulu videos in Web pages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 4,020 bytes



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//display the properties containing video information? true or false
$displayProperties = true;

//include video information scraped from hulu's video page? true or false
$includePage = true;

//include video information from hulu's public site maps? true or false
//Warning, only set this to true if the public site maps have been downloaded into the video data folder
//otherwise the script will fail.
$includeHulu = true;

//manage form submission for browser history
if( !empty($_REQUEST['formSubmitted']) ){
header('location: example.php?videoID='.$_REQUEST['videoID']);

$hulu = new hulu;

$hulu->videoID = ( empty($_REQUEST['videoID']) ) ? '' : $_REQUEST['videoID'];

if( !empty(
$hulu->videoID) ){
    if( empty(
$hulu->setData($_REQUEST['videoID'],$includePage,$includeHulu)) ){
$error = 'There was a problem processing your request, script reported:<br>'.$hulu->error;

        <title>Hulu Embed Example</title>
            a {
                color: black;
                text-decoration: none;
            a:hover {
                color: red;
        <form method="post">
                Video ID: <input type="text" name="videoID" value="<?PHP echo (!empty($_REQUEST['videoID'])) ? $_REQUEST['videoID'] : '';?>"><br>
                <em>(<span style="color:red;">142476</span>)</em>
            <div style="margin-top:10px;"><input type="hidden" name="formSubmitted" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Get Video"> [<a href="example.php">Start Over</a>]</div>
if( !empty($error) ){
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding:10px; border: solid thin black; color:red;"><?PHP echo $error;?></div>
if( empty(
$error) AND !empty($hulu->videoID) ){
<div><?PHP echo $hulu->embedData['html'];?></div>
if( !empty($hulu->videoData) ){
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
            <?PHP echo ( empty($hulu->videoData['season_number']) ) ? '' : 'Season: '.$hulu->videoData['season_number'].'&nbsp;';?>
<?PHP echo ( empty($hulu->videoData['episode_number']) ) ? '' : 'Episode: '.$hulu->videoData['episode_number'].'&nbsp;';?>
<?PHP echo ( empty($hulu->videoData['original_premiere_date']) ) ? '' : 'Premiered: '.$hulu->showDate($hulu->videoData['original_premiere_date']).'&nbsp;';?>
<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['title'];?> - Video Rated: <?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['content_rating'];?><?PHP echo ( empty($hulu->videoData['content_rating_reason']) ) ? '' : ' ('.$hulu->videoData['content_rating_reason'].')';?>
        <div style="margin-top:10px; padding:10px; border: solid thin black;"><?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['description'];?></div>
if( !empty(
$hulu->videoData['video_game']) ){
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
            <img src="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['video_game']['key_art_url'];?>" alt="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['video_game']['title'];?>" width="400"><br>
            Game Rated: <?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['video_game']['rating'];?> - <?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['video_game']['content_descriptor'];?>
        <div style="margin-top:10px; padding:10px; border: solid thin black;"><?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['video_game']['description'];?></div>
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
if( !empty($hulu->videoData['poster_url']) ){
<img src="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['poster_url'];?>" alt="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['title'];?>">
    if( !empty(
$hulu->videoData['company']['key_art_url']) ){
<img src="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['company']['key_art_url'];?>" alt="<?PHP echo $hulu->videoData['company']['name'];?>" width="400">
if( !empty($displayProperties) ){
        <?PHP var_dump($hulu->embedData);?>
        <?PHP var_dump($hulu->videoData);?>
        <?PHP var_dump($hulu->huluResult);?>