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File: example.php3

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  Classes of Sandeep Raja   SplitResults   example.php3   Download  
File: example.php3
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: just an example
Class: SplitResults
Splits the database result across multiple pages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 23 years ago
Size: 1,640 bytes



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<? /* this is an example which splits the query results into multiple pages as search engine does you can change the query and format in which the result is being printed */ include("split.class.php3"); $sql="select title from master_course"; //query $ord=new Split($sql,10); //create an object of split pass the sql and total no of rows to be displayed in a page if($ord->error!="") { die("ERROR" . $ord->error); } $rows=$ord->display($ppage); $pages=$ord->total(); //get the total no of pages while($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($rows)) { //print the results over here printf("Name is $myrow[0]<br>"); //this is just a test value } //******************************************************************************************* // now the split links to various pages will be displayed //******************************************************************************************** if(($ppage=="")||($ppage<="0") ) { $ppage=1; //as default if the requested page is less than 0 the first page is printed } if($ppage > $pages) { $ppage=$pages; //if the requested page is greater than total pages the last page is shown } if($ppage>1) { $backpage=$ppage-1; printf("<a href=example.php3?ppage=$backpage>Back</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); } //echo $pages; for($j=1;$j<=$pages;$j++) { if($j==$ppage) { echo $j; } else { printf("<a href=example.php3?ppage=$j>$j</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"); } } if($ppage<$pages) { $nextpage=$ppage+1; printf("<a href=myexample.php3?ppage=$nextpage>Next</a>&nbsp;"); } ?>