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Class: PHP URL Router Class
Match URLs with routes for controllers and actions
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Date: 11 months ago
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<?php include 'documentation.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Router documentation</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"> </head> <body> <div class="main-wrapper"> <h1>Router</h1> <p>This PHP class matches url against predefined route patterns.</p> <p>Features</p> <ul> <li>Routes can be attached to HTTP methods, and follow simple DSL syntax.</li> <li>Uses short codes for the frequently used patterns</li> <li>Provides possibility to add user defined tokens with matching regex.</li> <li>Reverse generate url from a specified route name.</li> </ul> <div class="toc"> <p><strong>Contents</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="#short-codes">Short codes</a></li> <li><a href="#tokens">Predefined tokens</a></li> <li><a href="#methods-and-rest">HTTP methods and RESTful routing</a></li> <li><a href="#parameters">Named, optional and default parameters</a></li> <li><a href="#query-strings-and-regex-and-user-defined-tokens">Query strings, inline regular expressions and user defined tokens</a></li> <li><a href="#other">Other examples</a></li> <li><a href="#order-mass-assignment-and-compilation">Routes order, mass assignment and compilation</a></li> <li><a href="#url">Reverse URL generation for a given route</a></li> </ul> </div> <h2><a name="short-codes">Short codes</a></h2> <p>Router uses the following short codes for the common patterns:</p> <ul class="no-bullets"> <li><strong>$</strong> - match the string according to php variable syntax ([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)</li> <li><strong>:</strong> - match alphanumeric string ([A-Za-z0-9]+)</li> <li><strong>#</strong> - match numeric string ([0-9]+)</li> <li><strong>~</strong> - match extension ([a-z]{1,5})</li> <li><strong>^</strong> - match alphanumeric with hyphen ([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)</li> </ul> <h2><a name="tokens">Predefined tokens</a></h2> <p>Router has the following predefined tokens:</p> <ul class="no-bullets"> <li><strong>controller</strong> - match the string according to php variable syntax</li> <li><strong>action</strong> - match the string according to php variable syntax</li> </ul> <h2><a name="methods-and-rest">HTTP methods and RESTful routing</a></h2> <p>Router supports the following HTTP methods by default (and translates them to corresponding actions if needed):</p> <ul class="no-bullets"> <li>GET - view</li> <li>POST - create</li> <li>PUT - update</li> <li>DELETE - delete</li> </ul> <p>Here we use predefined <strong>controller</strong> token, and indicate that route will accept only <strong>GET</strong> and <strong>POST</strong> requests: </p> <?php include 'controller_only.php'; echo codeFile('controller_only.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <p>Note that action is set to 'view' by default, as there's no default value for 'action' parameter, so it's possible to implement <strong>REST</strong>ful routing using this approach.</p> <p>If no method is specified, the route will accept only GET requests by default.</p> <p>You can mix static and dynamic parts in the route:</p> <?php include 'static_dynamic.php'; echo codeFile('static_dynamic.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <p>If route will be requested using not acceptable HTTP method, RouterException with code 2 will be thrown (which can be used to send appropriate HTTP header):</p> <?php include 'method_not_acceptable.php'; echo codeFile('method_not_acceptable.php'); ?> <p>If route method will contain unspecified HTTP method, RouterException with code 1 will be thrown:</p> <?php include 'method_not_supported.php'; echo codeFile('method_not_supported.php'); ?> <p>If route accepts all headers, an asterisk (<strong>*</strong>) could be set as a method:</p> <?php include 'all_methods_accepted.php'; echo codeFile('all_methods_accepted.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <h2><a name="parameters">Named, optional and default parameters</a></h2> <p>Named placeholders should consist from uppercase and lowercase letters and underscores only, without spaces, hyphens etc. e.g. $my_controller, :my_action, #some_id</p> <?php include 'controller_action.php'; echo codeFile('controller_action.php'); ?> <p>Results:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <p>Optional parameters example</p> <?php include 'optional_parameters.php'; echo codeFile('optional_parameters.php'); ?> <p>Results:</p> <?php echo codeString($result1); echo codeString($result2); ?> <p>When using optional parameters, it makes sense to provide an array of default values:</p> <?php include 'optional_parameters_with_defaults.php'; echo codeFile('optional_parameters_with_defaults.php'); ?> <p>Results:</p> <?php echo codeString($result1); echo codeString($result2); ?> <h2><a name="query-strings-and-regex-and-user-defined-tokens">Query strings, inline regular expressions and user defined tokens</a></h2> <p>If url contains query string, it will be appended to the resulting data array (query string parameters will not override parameters parsed by regular expression)</p> <?php include 'query_string.php'; echo codeFile('query_string.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <p>It is possible to use inline regular expressions:</p> <?php include 'in_place_regex.php'; echo codeFile('in_place_regex.php'); ?> <p>Results:</p> <div>No match</div> <?php echo codeString($result1); ?> <div>Has match</div> <?php echo codeString($result2); ?> <p>It is possible to add user defined tokens using Router::addToken() method for frequently used patterns:</p> <?php include 'user_defined_token.php'; echo codeFile('user_defined_token.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <p>If route will use undefined token, Router will consider it as a static part of the route:</p> <?php include 'token_undefined.php'; echo codeFile('token_undefined.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <h2><a name="other">Other examples</a></h2> <?php include 'slug.php'; echo codeFile('slug.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <?php include 'advanced.php'; echo codeFile('advanced.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result); ?> <h2><a name="order-mass-assignment-and-compilation">Routes order, mass assignment and compilation</a></h2> <p>As the Router works on a first-match basis, it's recommended to define routes in order of specificity, from most specific to general ones.</p> <?php echo codeFile('example_route_setup.php'); ?> <h2>Predefined routes</h2> <p>It's possible to have predefined routes in some php file, and provide them to Router as a parameter for constructor:</p> <?php echo codeFile('predefined_routes.php'); ?> <?php include 'predefined_routes_test.php'; echo codeFile('predefined_routes_test.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo codeString($result1); echo codeString($result2); echo codeString($result3); ?> <p>Using Router::compile method it's possible to get php code of routes array with compiled regular expressions, so Router will skip route to regex conversion thus increase its performance</p> <?php include 'predefined_routes.php'; include 'compile.php'; echo codeFile('compile.php'); ?> <p>Result:</p> <?php echo '<div class="code-block"><div class="code">' . highlight_string($result, true) . '</div></div>'; ?> <h2><a name="url">Reverse URL generation for a given route</a></h2> <p>URLs can be generated using Router::url() method, which accepts 3 arguments:</p> <ul> <li>$params - associative array of keys and values that should be replaced</li> <li>$routeName - route name</li> <li>$skipOnEmpty - boolean indicating whether fill not provided parameters with default values (if set) or not</li> </ul> <?php include 'url.php'; echo codeFile('url.php'); ?> </body> </html>