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File: examples.php

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  Classes of David Castillo   MySQL importer   examples.php   Download  
File: examples.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Examples of usage
Class: MySQL importer
Execute SQL statements from MySQL dump files
Author: By
Last change: Include examples for the new class version
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 1,462 bytes



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include ("ClassMySQLImport.php");

$host = "localhost"; // database host (required)
$port = 3306; // database port (optional)
$dbUser = "root"; //database user (required)
$dbPassword = "mysql"; // database password (required)
$sqlFile = "SQLFileTest2.sql"; // Path to SQL file (required)

/* -------------------------------
** Initialize (basic usage):
** ------------------------------- */

$newImport = new MySQLImport($host, $dbUser, $dbPassword);
* And you can specify port
$newImport = new MySQLImport($host, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $port);

/* -------------------------------
** Start import (basic usage):
** ------------------------------- */
** 1) You can specify database.
** NOTE: This doesn't override the clause USE in the file, but sets an initial database.
$newImport->doImport($sqlFile, "initial_db_name");
** 2) You can create the database (if it doesn't exist).
$newImport->doImport($sqlFile, "initial_db_name", true);
** 3) You can drop the database and then create it.
$newImport->doImport($sqlFile, "initial_db_name", true, true);
** 4) Or just drop it.
$newImport->doImport($sqlFile, "initial_db_name", false, true);

// Check for errors
if ($newImport->hadErrors){
// Display errors
echo "<pre>\n";
} else {
"<strong>File imported successfully</strong>";
