PHP Classes

File: teaPagination/examples/assets/css/highlight/default.css

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  Classes of Basilio   teaPagination   teaPagination/examples/assets/css/highlight/default.css   Download  
File: teaPagination/examples/assets/css/highlight/default.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: css style
Class: teaPagination
Display pagination for database queries using PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 2,141 bytes



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/* Original style from (c) Ivan Sagalaev <[email protected]> */ pre code { display: block; padding: 0.5em; border-style: none; } pre code, pre .subst, pre .tag .title, pre .lisp .title, pre .clojure .built_in, pre .nginx .title { color: black; } pre .string, pre .title, pre .constant, pre .parent, pre .tag .value, pre .rules .value, pre .rules .value .number, pre .preprocessor, pre .ruby .symbol, pre .ruby .symbol .string, pre .aggregate, pre .template_tag, pre .django .variable, pre .smalltalk .class, pre .addition, pre .flow, pre .stream, pre .bash .variable, pre .apache .tag, pre .apache .cbracket, pre .tex .command, pre .tex .special, pre .erlang_repl .function_or_atom, pre .markdown .header { color: #800; } pre .comment, pre .annotation, pre .template_comment, pre .diff .header, pre .chunk, pre .markdown .blockquote { color: #888; } pre .number, pre .date, pre .regexp, pre .literal, pre .smalltalk .symbol, pre .smalltalk .char, pre .go .constant, pre .change, pre .markdown .bullet, pre .markdown .link_url { color: #080; } pre .label, pre .javadoc, pre .ruby .string, pre .decorator, pre .filter .argument, pre .localvars, pre .array, pre .attr_selector, pre .important, pre .pseudo, pre .pi, pre .doctype, pre .deletion, pre .envvar, pre .shebang, pre .apache .sqbracket, pre .nginx .built_in, pre .tex .formula, pre .erlang_repl .reserved, pre .prompt, pre .markdown .link_label, pre .vhdl .attribute, pre .clojure .attribute, pre .coffeescript .property { color: #88F } pre .keyword, pre .id, pre .phpdoc, pre .title, pre .built_in, pre .aggregate, pre .css .tag, pre .javadoctag, pre .phpdoc, pre .yardoctag, pre .smalltalk .class, pre .winutils, pre .bash .variable, pre .apache .tag, pre .go .typename, pre .tex .command, pre .markdown .strong, pre .request, pre .status { font-weight: bold; } pre .markdown .emphasis { font-style: italic; } pre .nginx .built_in { font-weight: normal; } pre .coffeescript .javascript, pre .javascript .xml, pre .tex .formula, pre .xml .javascript, pre .xml .vbscript, pre .xml .css, pre .xml .cdata { opacity: 0.5; }