* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) < [email protected]>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* This class provides generic data parsing for the output from FFmpeg from specific
* media files. Parts of the code borrow heavily from Jorrit Schippers version of
* PHPVideoToolkit v 0.1.9.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @author Jorrit Schippers
* @package default
class MediaProbeParser extends MediaParserAbstract
public function __construct(Config $config=null)
parent::__construct($config, 'probe');
* Returns the information about a specific media file.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return array
public function getFileInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_information';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the file data
$data = array(
'from-cache'=> true,
'read-at' => time(),
'path' => $file_path,
'type' => $this->getFileType($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'duration' => $this->getFileDuration($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'bitrate' => $this->getFileBitrate($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'start' => $this->getFileStart($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'video' => $this->getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'audio' => $this->getFileAudioComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache),
'metadata' => $this->getFileGlobalMetadata($file_path, $read_from_cache),
// cache info and return
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
$data['from-cache'] = false;
return $data;
* Returns the files duration as a Timecode object if available otherwise returns false.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileDuration($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_duration';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// grab the duration times from all the streams and evaluate the longest.
$data = null;
if(preg_match_all('/duration=(.+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$duration = null;
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $time)
if($duration === null || $time > $duration)
$duration = $time;
$data = $duration;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the files duration as a Timecode object if available otherwise returns false.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileGlobalMetadata($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_global_meta';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$format_data = $this->getFileFormat($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// grab the duration times from all the streams and evaluate the longest.
$data = null;
if(isset($format_data['metadata']) === true && empty($format_data['metadata']) === false)
$data = $format_data['metadata'];
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the files bitrate if available otherwise returns -1.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns the bitrate as an integer if available otherwise returns -1.
public function getFileBitrate($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_bitrate';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw data
$video_data = $this->getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache);
return $file_data[$file_path] = empty($video_data['bitrate']) === false ? $video_data['bitrate'] : -1;
* Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the start point is found, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileStart($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_start';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// grab the start times from all the streams and evaluate the earliest.
$data = null;
if(preg_match_all('/start_time=(.+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$start_timecode = null;
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $time)
$timecode = new Timecode($value, Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS);
if($start_timecode === null || $start_timecode->total_seconds > $timecode->total_seconds)
$start_timecode = $timecode;
$data = $start_timecode;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns a string 'audio' or 'video' if media is audio or video, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileType($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_type';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// grab the start times from all the streams and evaluate the earliest.
$data = null;
if(preg_match_all('/codec_type=(audio|video)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$type = null;
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $codec_type)
if($type === null || $type === 'audio')
$type = $codec_type;
if($type === 'video' && strpos(Mime::get($file_path), 'image/') !== false)
$type = 'image';
$data = $type;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns any video information about the file if available.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_video_component';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// match the audio stream info
$data = null;
if(empty($streams) === false)
// pull out the audio stream
$data_stream = null;
foreach ($streams as $stream)
if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'video')
$data_stream = $stream;
// process the stream data into a sane array
if($data_stream !== null)
$data = array(
'stream' => isset($data_stream['index']) === true ? '0:'.$data_stream['index'] : null,
'dimensions' => array(
'width' => isset($data_stream['width']) === true ? $data_stream['width'] : null,
'height' => isset($data_stream['height']) === true ? $data_stream['height'] : null,
'bitrate' => isset($data_stream['bit_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['bit_rate'] : null,
'time_bases' => isset($data_stream['time_base']) === true ? array($data_stream['time_base']) : array(),
'frames' => array(
'total' => isset($data_stream['nb_frames']) === true ? $data_stream['nb_frames'] : null,
'rate' => isset($data_stream['r_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['r_frame_rate'] : null,
'avg_rate' => isset($data_stream['avg_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['avg_frame_rate'] : null,
'pixel_aspect_ratio' => isset($data_stream['sample_aspect_ratio']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_aspect_ratio'] : null,
'display_aspect_ratio' => isset($data_stream['display_aspect_ratio']) === true ? $data_stream['display_aspect_ratio'] : null,
'rotation' => isset($data_stream['rotate']) === true ? $data_stream['rotate'] : null,
'pixel_format' => isset($data_stream['pix_fmt']) === true ? $data_stream['pix_fmt'] : null,
'language' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true && isset($data_stream['meta']['language']) === true ? $data_stream['meta']['language'] : null,
'codec' => array(
'name' => isset($data_stream['codec_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_name'] : null,
'long_name' => isset($data_stream['codec_long_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_long_name'] : null,
'profile' => isset($data_stream['profile']) === true && $data_stream['profile'] !== 'unknown' ? $data_stream['profile'] : null,
'tag_string' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag_string']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag_string'] : null,
'tag' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag'] : null,
'time_base' => isset($data_stream['codec_time_base']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_time_base'] : null,
'raw' => null,
'duration' => isset($data_stream['duration']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['duration'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null,
'start' => isset($data_stream['start_time']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['start_time'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null,
'metadata' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true ? $data_stream['meta'] : null,
'disposition' => isset($data_stream['disposition']) === true ? $data_stream['disposition'] : null,
$data['codec']['raw'] = trim($data['codec']['name'].' ('.trim($data['codec']['tag_string'].' / '.$data['codec']['tag'], '/').')');
// Unused but available data within the stream
// has_b_frames=0
// level=31
// timecode=N/A
// is_avc=1
// nal_length_size=4
// id=N/A
// nb_read_frames=N/A
// nb_read_packets=N/A
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns any audio information about the file if available.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
public function getFileAudioComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_audio_component';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// match the audio stream info
$data = null;
if(empty($streams) === false)
// pull out the audio stream
$data_stream = null;
foreach ($streams as $stream)
if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'audio')
$data_stream = $stream;
// process the stream data into a sane array
if($data_stream !== null)
$data = array(
'stream' => isset($data_stream['index']) === true ? '0:'.$data_stream['index'] : null,
'stereo' => isset($data_stream['channels']) === true ? ($data_stream['channels'] == 1 ? 'mono' : ($data_stream['channels'] == 2 ? 'stereo' : '5.1')) : null,
'channels' => isset($data_stream['channels']) === true ? $data_stream['channels'] : null,
'sample_rate' => isset($data_stream['sample_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_rate'] : null,
'bitrate' => isset($data_stream['bit_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['bit_rate'] : null,
'language' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true && isset($data_stream['meta']['language']) === true ? $data_stream['meta']['language'] : null,
'codec' => array(
'name' => isset($data_stream['codec_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_name'] : null,
'long_name' => isset($data_stream['codec_long_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_long_name'] : null,
'profile' => isset($data_stream['profile']) === true && $data_stream['profile'] !== 'unknown' ? $data_stream['profile'] : null,
'tag_string' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag_string']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag_string'] : null,
'tag' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag'] : null,
'time_base' => isset($data_stream['codec_time_base']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_time_base'] : null,
'raw' => null,
'sample' => array(
'format' => isset($data_stream['sample_fmt']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_fmt'] : null,
'rate' => isset($data_stream['sample_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_rate'] : null,
'bits_per' => isset($data_stream['bits_per_sample']) === true ? $data_stream['bits_per_sample'] : null,
'duration' => isset($data_stream['duration']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['duration'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null,
'start' => isset($data_stream['start_time']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['start_time'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null,
'frames' => array(
'total' => isset($data_stream['nb_frames']) === true ? $data_stream['nb_frames'] : null,
'rate' => isset($data_stream['r_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['r_frame_rate'] : null,
'avg_rate' => isset($data_stream['avg_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['avg_frame_rate'] : null,
'metadata' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true ? $data_stream['meta'] : null,
'disposition' => isset($data_stream['disposition']) === true ? $data_stream['disposition'] : null,
$data['codec']['raw'] = trim($data['codec']['name'].' ('.trim($data['codec']['tag_string'].' / '.$data['codec']['tag'], '/').')');
// Unused but available data within the stream
// id=N/A
// time_base=1/48000
// start_pts=0
// duration_ts=989246
// bit_rate=123939
// nb_read_frames=N/A
// nb_read_packets=N/A
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns a boolean value determined by the media having an audio channel.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return boolean
public function getFileHasAudio($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_has_audio';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// match the audio stream info
$data = false;
if(empty($streams) === false)
foreach ($streams as $stream)
if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'audio')
$data = true;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns a boolean value determined by the media having a video channel.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return boolean
public function getFileHasVideo($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_has_video';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// get the raw data
$streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache);
// match the audio stream info
$data = false;
if(empty($streams) === false)
foreach ($streams as $stream)
if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'video')
$data = true;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns prober specific format data. The date returned is automatically
* split into key/value pairs, however the data should be considered "raw".
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param string $read_from_cache
* @return void
public function getFileFormat($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_format_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw data
$raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache);
$raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, '[FORMAT]')+8, strpos($raw_data, '[/FORMAT]')));
$raw_data = explode("\n", $raw_data);
// process each line of data
$data = array();
foreach($raw_data as $line)
$chunks = explode('=', $line);
$key = array_shift($chunks);
if(empty($key) === true)
$value = trim(implode('=', $chunks));
if(strpos($key, 'TAG:') === 0)
if(isset($data[$index]['metadata']) === false)
$data[$index]['metadata'] = array();
$data[$index]['metadata'][substr($key, 4)] = $value;
$data[$index][$key] = $value;
// cache info and return
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns prober specific streams data. The date returned is automatically
* split into key/value pairs, however the data should be considered "raw".
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param string $read_from_cache
* @return void
public function getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_streams_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw data
$raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache);
$raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, '[STREAM]')+8, strrpos($raw_data, '[/STREAM]')));
$raw_data = explode("\n", $raw_data);
// process each line of data
$data = array();
$index = 0;
foreach($raw_data as $line)
if($line === '[STREAM]')
$index += 1;
$ret[$index] = array();
else if($line === '[/STREAM]')
$chunks = explode('=', $line);
$key = array_shift($chunks);
if(empty($key) === true)
$value = trim(implode('=', $chunks));
if(strpos($key, 'TAG:') === 0)
if(isset($data[$index]['metadata']) === false)
$data[$index]['metadata'] = array();
$data[$index]['metadata'][substr($key, 4)] = $value;
else if(strpos($key, 'DISPOSITION:') === 0)
if(isset($data[$index]['disposition']) === false)
$data[$index]['disposition'] = array();
$data[$index]['disposition'][substr($key, 12)] = $value;
$data[$index][$key] = $value;
// cache info and return
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the raw data provided by ffmpeg about a file.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $file_path
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns false if no data is returned, otherwise returns the raw data as a string.
public function getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true)
// convert to realpath
$real_file_path = $this->_checkMediaFilePath($file_path);
$cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5($real_file_path).'_raw_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// execute the ffmpeg lookup
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffprobe', $this->_config);
$raw_data = $exec->setInputPath($real_file_path)
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
throw new FfmpegProcessException('FFprobe encountered an error when attempting to read `'.$file_path.'`. FFprobe reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
// check that some data has been obtained
$data = array();
if(empty($raw_data) === true)
// TODO possible error/exception here.
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* -sections print sections structure and section information, and exit
* -show_error show probing error
* -show_frames show frames info
* -show_packets show packets info
* -show_versions show program and library versions