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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaProbeParser.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PHP Video Toolkit   src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaProbeParser.php   Download  
File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaProbeParser.php
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: fixed bug in extract data from media. updated data returned from various probes to contain the read at date to determine if the cache is stale or not
updates to include "from-cache" within the data returned from the parsers
fixed small issue of whitespace
updated version in source
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 29,928 bytes



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<?php /** * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package. * * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <[email protected]> * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <> * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2 * @version 2.1.7-beta * @uses ffmpeg */ namespace PHPVideoToolkit; /** * This class provides generic data parsing for the output from FFmpeg from specific * media files. Parts of the code borrow heavily from Jorrit Schippers version of * PHPVideoToolkit v 0.1.9. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @author Jorrit Schippers * @package default */ class MediaProbeParser extends MediaParserAbstract { public function __construct(Config $config=null) { parent::__construct($config, 'probe'); } /** * Returns the information about a specific media file. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return array */ public function getFileInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_information'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key))) { return $data; } // get the file data $data = array( 'from-cache'=> true, 'read-at' => time(), 'path' => $file_path, 'type' => $this->getFileType($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'duration' => $this->getFileDuration($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'bitrate' => $this->getFileBitrate($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'start' => $this->getFileStart($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'video' => $this->getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'audio' => $this->getFileAudioComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache), 'metadata' => $this->getFileGlobalMetadata($file_path, $read_from_cache), ); // cache info and return $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); $data['from-cache'] = false; return $data; } /** * Returns the files duration as a Timecode object if available otherwise returns false. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileDuration($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_duration'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache); // grab the duration times from all the streams and evaluate the longest. $data = null; if(preg_match_all('/duration=(.+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0) { $duration = null; foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $time) { if($duration === null || $time > $duration) { $duration = $time; } } $data = $duration; } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns the files duration as a Timecode object if available otherwise returns false. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileGlobalMetadata($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_global_meta'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $format_data = $this->getFileFormat($file_path, $read_from_cache); // grab the duration times from all the streams and evaluate the longest. $data = null; if(isset($format_data['metadata']) === true && empty($format_data['metadata']) === false) { $data = $format_data['metadata']; } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns the files bitrate if available otherwise returns -1. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns the bitrate as an integer if available otherwise returns -1. */ public function getFileBitrate($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_bitrate'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key))) { return $data; } // get the raw data $video_data = $this->getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache); return $file_data[$file_path] = empty($video_data['bitrate']) === false ? $video_data['bitrate'] : -1; } /** * Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the start point is found, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileStart($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_start'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache); // grab the start times from all the streams and evaluate the earliest. $data = null; if(preg_match_all('/start_time=(.+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0) { $start_timecode = null; foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $time) { $timecode = new Timecode($value, Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS); if($start_timecode === null || $start_timecode->total_seconds > $timecode->total_seconds) { $start_timecode = $timecode; } } $data = $start_timecode; } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns a string 'audio' or 'video' if media is audio or video, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileType($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_type'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache); // grab the start times from all the streams and evaluate the earliest. $data = null; if(preg_match_all('/codec_type=(audio|video)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0) { $type = null; foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $codec_type) { if($type === null || $type === 'audio') { $type = $codec_type; } } if($type === 'video' && strpos(Mime::get($file_path), 'image/') !== false) { $type = 'image'; } $data = $type; } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns any video information about the file if available. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_video_component'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache); // match the audio stream info $data = null; if(empty($streams) === false) { // pull out the audio stream $data_stream = null; foreach ($streams as $stream) { if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'video') { $data_stream = $stream; break; } } // process the stream data into a sane array if($data_stream !== null) { $data = array( 'stream' => isset($data_stream['index']) === true ? '0:'.$data_stream['index'] : null, 'dimensions' => array( 'width' => isset($data_stream['width']) === true ? $data_stream['width'] : null, 'height' => isset($data_stream['height']) === true ? $data_stream['height'] : null, ), 'bitrate' => isset($data_stream['bit_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['bit_rate'] : null, 'time_bases' => isset($data_stream['time_base']) === true ? array($data_stream['time_base']) : array(), 'frames' => array( 'total' => isset($data_stream['nb_frames']) === true ? $data_stream['nb_frames'] : null, 'rate' => isset($data_stream['r_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['r_frame_rate'] : null, 'avg_rate' => isset($data_stream['avg_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['avg_frame_rate'] : null, ), 'pixel_aspect_ratio' => isset($data_stream['sample_aspect_ratio']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_aspect_ratio'] : null, 'display_aspect_ratio' => isset($data_stream['display_aspect_ratio']) === true ? $data_stream['display_aspect_ratio'] : null, 'rotation' => isset($data_stream['rotate']) === true ? $data_stream['rotate'] : null, 'pixel_format' => isset($data_stream['pix_fmt']) === true ? $data_stream['pix_fmt'] : null, 'language' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true && isset($data_stream['meta']['language']) === true ? $data_stream['meta']['language'] : null, 'codec' => array( 'name' => isset($data_stream['codec_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_name'] : null, 'long_name' => isset($data_stream['codec_long_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_long_name'] : null, 'profile' => isset($data_stream['profile']) === true && $data_stream['profile'] !== 'unknown' ? $data_stream['profile'] : null, 'tag_string' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag_string']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag_string'] : null, 'tag' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag'] : null, 'time_base' => isset($data_stream['codec_time_base']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_time_base'] : null, 'raw' => null, ), 'duration' => isset($data_stream['duration']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['duration'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null, 'start' => isset($data_stream['start_time']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['start_time'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null, 'metadata' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true ? $data_stream['meta'] : null, 'disposition' => isset($data_stream['disposition']) === true ? $data_stream['disposition'] : null, ); $data['codec']['raw'] = trim($data['codec']['name'].' ('.trim($data['codec']['tag_string'].' / '.$data['codec']['tag'], '/').')'); // Unused but available data within the stream // has_b_frames=0 // level=31 // timecode=N/A // is_avc=1 // nal_length_size=4 // id=N/A // nb_read_frames=N/A // nb_read_packets=N/A } } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns any audio information about the file if available. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null. */ public function getFileAudioComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_audio_component'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache); // match the audio stream info $data = null; if(empty($streams) === false) { // pull out the audio stream $data_stream = null; foreach ($streams as $stream) { if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'audio') { $data_stream = $stream; break; } } // process the stream data into a sane array if($data_stream !== null) { $data = array( 'stream' => isset($data_stream['index']) === true ? '0:'.$data_stream['index'] : null, 'stereo' => isset($data_stream['channels']) === true ? ($data_stream['channels'] == 1 ? 'mono' : ($data_stream['channels'] == 2 ? 'stereo' : '5.1')) : null, 'channels' => isset($data_stream['channels']) === true ? $data_stream['channels'] : null, 'sample_rate' => isset($data_stream['sample_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_rate'] : null, 'bitrate' => isset($data_stream['bit_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['bit_rate'] : null, 'language' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true && isset($data_stream['meta']['language']) === true ? $data_stream['meta']['language'] : null, 'codec' => array( 'name' => isset($data_stream['codec_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_name'] : null, 'long_name' => isset($data_stream['codec_long_name']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_long_name'] : null, 'profile' => isset($data_stream['profile']) === true && $data_stream['profile'] !== 'unknown' ? $data_stream['profile'] : null, 'tag_string' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag_string']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag_string'] : null, 'tag' => isset($data_stream['codec_tag']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_tag'] : null, 'time_base' => isset($data_stream['codec_time_base']) === true ? $data_stream['codec_time_base'] : null, 'raw' => null, ), 'sample' => array( 'format' => isset($data_stream['sample_fmt']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_fmt'] : null, 'rate' => isset($data_stream['sample_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['sample_rate'] : null, 'bits_per' => isset($data_stream['bits_per_sample']) === true ? $data_stream['bits_per_sample'] : null, ), 'duration' => isset($data_stream['duration']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['duration'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null, 'start' => isset($data_stream['start_time']) === true ? new Timecode($data_stream['start_time'], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS) : null, 'frames' => array( 'total' => isset($data_stream['nb_frames']) === true ? $data_stream['nb_frames'] : null, 'rate' => isset($data_stream['r_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['r_frame_rate'] : null, 'avg_rate' => isset($data_stream['avg_frame_rate']) === true ? $data_stream['avg_frame_rate'] : null, ), 'metadata' => isset($data_stream['meta']) === true ? $data_stream['meta'] : null, 'disposition' => isset($data_stream['disposition']) === true ? $data_stream['disposition'] : null, ); $data['codec']['raw'] = trim($data['codec']['name'].' ('.trim($data['codec']['tag_string'].' / '.$data['codec']['tag'], '/').')'); // Unused but available data within the stream // id=N/A // time_base=1/48000 // start_pts=0 // duration_ts=989246 // bit_rate=123939 // nb_read_frames=N/A // nb_read_packets=N/A } } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns a boolean value determined by the media having an audio channel. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return boolean */ public function getFileHasAudio($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_has_audio'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache); // match the audio stream info $data = false; if(empty($streams) === false) { foreach ($streams as $stream) { if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'audio') { $data = true; break; } } } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns a boolean value determined by the media having a video channel. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return boolean */ public function getFileHasVideo($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_parsed_has_video'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // get the raw data $streams = $this->getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache); // match the audio stream info $data = false; if(empty($streams) === false) { foreach ($streams as $stream) { if(isset($stream['codec_type']) === true && $stream['codec_type'] === 'video') { $data = true; break; } } } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns prober specific format data. The date returned is automatically * split into key/value pairs, however the data should be considered "raw". * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param string $read_from_cache * @return void */ public function getFileFormat($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_format_data'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key))) { return $data; } // get the raw data $raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache); $raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, '[FORMAT]')+8, strpos($raw_data, '[/FORMAT]'))); $raw_data = explode("\n", $raw_data); // process each line of data $data = array(); foreach($raw_data as $line) { $chunks = explode('=', $line); $key = array_shift($chunks); if(empty($key) === true) { continue; } $value = trim(implode('=', $chunks)); if(strpos($key, 'TAG:') === 0) { if(isset($data[$index]['metadata']) === false) { $data[$index]['metadata'] = array(); } $data[$index]['metadata'][substr($key, 4)] = $value; continue; } $data[$index][$key] = $value; } // cache info and return $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns prober specific streams data. The date returned is automatically * split into key/value pairs, however the data should be considered "raw". * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param string $read_from_cache * @return void */ public function getFileStreams($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5(realpath($file_path)).'_streams_data'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key))) { return $data; } // get the raw data $raw_data = $this->getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache); $raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, '[STREAM]')+8, strrpos($raw_data, '[/STREAM]'))); $raw_data = explode("\n", $raw_data); // process each line of data $data = array(); $index = 0; foreach($raw_data as $line) { if($line === '[STREAM]') { $index += 1; $ret[$index] = array(); continue; } else if($line === '[/STREAM]') { continue; } $chunks = explode('=', $line); $key = array_shift($chunks); if(empty($key) === true) { continue; } $value = trim(implode('=', $chunks)); if(strpos($key, 'TAG:') === 0) { if(isset($data[$index]['metadata']) === false) { $data[$index]['metadata'] = array(); } $data[$index]['metadata'][substr($key, 4)] = $value; continue; } else if(strpos($key, 'DISPOSITION:') === 0) { if(isset($data[$index]['disposition']) === false) { $data[$index]['disposition'] = array(); } $data[$index]['disposition'][substr($key, 12)] = $value; continue; } $data[$index][$key] = $value; } // cache info and return $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } /** * Returns the raw data provided by ffmpeg about a file. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $file_path * @param boolean $read_from_cache * @return mixed Returns false if no data is returned, otherwise returns the raw data as a string. */ public function getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true) { // convert to realpath $real_file_path = $this->_checkMediaFilePath($file_path); $cache_key = 'media_prober/'.md5($real_file_path).'_raw_data'; if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1) { return $data; } // execute the ffmpeg lookup $exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffprobe', $this->_config); $raw_data = $exec->setInputPath($real_file_path) ->addCommand('-show_streams') ->addCommand('-show_format') ->execute() ->getBuffer(); // check the process for any errors. if($exec->hasError() === true) { throw new FfmpegProcessException('FFprobe encountered an error when attempting to read `'.$file_path.'`. FFprobe reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec); } // check that some data has been obtained $data = array(); if(empty($raw_data) === true) { // TODO possible error/exception here. } $this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data); return $data; } } /** * TODO * -sections print sections structure and section information, and exit * -show_error show probing error * -show_frames show frames info * -show_packets show packets info * -show_versions show program and library versions */