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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaParserAbstract.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PHP Video Toolkit   src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaParserAbstract.php   Download  
File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/MediaParserAbstract.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: updated exception types thrown

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <[email protected]>
fixed small issue of whitespace
updated version in source
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,450 bytes



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     * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
     * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <[email protected]>
     * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <>
     * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
     * @version 2.1.7-beta
     * @uses ffmpeg
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;

     * This class provides generic data parsing for the output from FFmpeg from specific
     * media files. Parts of the code borrow heavily from Jorrit Schippers version of
     * PHPVideoToolkit v 0.1.9.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @author Jorrit Schippers
     * @package default
abstract class MediaParserAbstract extends Parser
        protected function
// convert to realpath
$real_file_path = realpath($file_path);

// validate the file exists and is readable.
if($real_file_path === false || is_file($real_file_path) === false)
                throw new \
LogicException('The file "'.$file_path.'" cannot be found in '.get_class($this).'::_checkMediaFilePath.');
            else if(
is_readable($real_file_path) === false)
                throw new \
LogicException('The file "'.$file_path.'" is not readable in '.get_class($this).'::_checkMediaFilePath.');
         * Returns the information about a specific media file.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return array
abstract public function getFileInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns any global meta data found within the file.
         * NOTE: This does not return individual stream meta. That meta is returned in getFileAudioComponent
         * and getFileVideoComponent.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileGlobalMetadata($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns the files duration as a Timecode object if available otherwise returns false.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the duration is found, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileDuration($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns the files bitrate if available otherwise returns -1.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns the bitrate as an integer if available otherwise returns -1.
abstract public function getFileBitrate($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns a Timecode object if the start point is found, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileStart($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns the start point of the file as a Timecode object if available, otherwise returns null.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns a string 'audio' or 'video' if media is audio or video, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileType($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns any video information about the file if available.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileVideoComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);

         * Returns any audio information about the file if available.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
abstract public function getFileAudioComponent($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns a boolean value determined by the media having an audio channel.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return boolean
abstract public function getFileHasAudio($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns a boolean value determined by the media having a video channel.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return boolean
abstract public function getFileHasVideo($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);
         * Returns the raw data provided by ffmpeg about a file.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $file_path
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache
         * @return mixed Returns false if no data is returned, otherwise returns the raw data as a string.
abstract public function getFileRawInformation($file_path, $read_from_cache=true);