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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/Format.php

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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/Format.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: Merge branch 'master' into master
inherit user configs
Some Fixes
- Corrected some PHPDoc for IDE Recommendation
- added IntelliJ folder to ignore
added various input format fixes
variable typo

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
added switch for checking whether or not to user -qscale or -q #5 #35

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
added support for threads stream indexing as reported in #30

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
allowed 0 as a valid threads option. #30

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
Added an option to disable the default output format options via the global config. #30

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
updated documentation and added a new exception. updated exceptions and argument checks where appropriate.
updated documentation. added constants for input and output format
fixed small issue of whitespace
updated version in source
applied default Media::OVERWRITE_XXX functionality to animated gifs
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 29,272 bytes



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<?php /** * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package. * * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <> * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <> * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2 * @version 2.1.7-beta * @uses ffmpeg */ namespace PHPVideoToolkit; /** * This is the base format class that is extended to audio, image and video formats. * It provides functions that are shared by all media types. * * @author Oliver Lillie */ class Format extends FfmpegParser { /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_format; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_type; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_media_object; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_format_to_command; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_additional_commands; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ protected $_removed_commands; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ const INPUT = 'input'; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ const OUTPUT = 'output'; /** * [$_output_renamed description] * @var [type] * @access private */ const STRICTNESS_VERY = 'very'; const STRICTNESS_STRICT = 'strict'; const STRICTNESS_NORMAL = 'normal'; const STRICTNESS_UNOFFICIAL = 'unofficial'; const STRICTNESS_EXPERIMENTAL = 'experimental'; /** * Constructor * * @access public * @author: Oliver Lillie * @param constant $input_output_type Either Format::INPUT or Format::OUTPUT. Defaults to OUTPUT. It determines the format * mode used to set various commands in the final ffmpeg exec call. * @param Config $config The config object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the $input_output_type is not valid. */ public function __construct($input_output_type=Format::OUTPUT, Config $config=null) { parent::__construct($config); $this->setType($input_output_type); $this->_additional_commands = array(); $this->_removed_commands = array(); $this->_media_object = null; $this->_format = array( 'quality' => null, 'format' => null, 'strictness' => null, 'preset_options_file' => null, 'threads' => null, 'threads_indexed' => null, ); $ffmpeg = new FfmpegParser($config); $available_commands = $ffmpeg->getCommands(); if(isset($available_commands['crf'])) { $quality_command = '-crf <setting>'; } else if(isset($available_commands['q']) === true) { $quality_command = '-q <setting>'; } else { $quality_command = '-qscale <setting>'; } $this->_format_to_command = array( 'quality' => $quality_command, 'format' => '-f <setting>', 'strictness' => '-strict <setting>', 'preset_options_file' => '-fpre <setting>', 'threads' => '-threads <setting>', 'threads_indexed' => '-threads:<index> <setting>', ); // add default input/output commands if($input_output_type === self::OUTPUT) { if($this->_config->set_default_output_format === true) { $this->setThreads(1) ->setStrictness('experimental') ->setQualityVsStreamabilityBalanceRatio(4); } } else if($input_output_type === self::INPUT) { } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised input/output type "'.$input_output_type.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\Format::__construct'); } } /** * Gets a default format for the related path. * If a default format is not found then the fallback_format_class is used. * * @access public * @static * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $path The file path to get the format for. * @param Config $config The config object. * @param string $fallback_format_class The fallback class to use of the format for the given path cannot be automatically determined. * If null is given then a RuntimeException is thrown. * @param string $type * @return Format Returns an object extended from the PHPVideToolkit\Format class. * @throws \LogicException * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @internal param constant $input_output_type Either Format::INPUT or Format::OUTPUT. Defaults to OUTPUT. It determines the format * mode used to set various commands in the final ffmpeg exec call. */ public static function getFormatFor($path, $config, $fallback_format_class='Format', $type=Format::OUTPUT) { if(in_array($type, array(Format::OUTPUT, Format::INPUT)) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised format type "'.$type.'".'); } $format = null; $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(empty($ext) === false) { $format = Extensions::toBestGuessFormat($ext); } // check the requested class exists $class_name = '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.$fallback_format_class.(empty($format) === false ? '_'.ucfirst(strtolower($format)) : ''); if(class_exists($class_name) === false) { if($fallback_format_class === null) { throw new \RuntimeException('It was not possible to generate the format class for `'.$path.'` and a fallback class was not given.'); } $requested_class_name = $class_name; $class_name = '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.$fallback_format_class; if(class_exists($class_name) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Requested default format class does not exist, "'.($requested_class_name === $class_name ? $class_name : $requested_class_name.'" and "'.$class_name.'"').'".'); } } // check that it extends from the base Format class. if($class_name !== '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\Format' && is_subclass_of($class_name, '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\Format') === false) { throw new \LogicException('The class "'.$class_name.'" is not a subclass of \\PHPVideoToolkit\\Format.'); } return new $class_name($type, $config); } /** * Sets a filter onto the format. * * @access public * @author: Oliver Lillie * @param string $format_key The filter type, ie audio, video etc. * @param FilterAbstract $filter The filter object to apply to the output format. * @return integer Returns the position of the filter in the filters array. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the specified format key does not exist. */ protected function _setFilter($format_key, FilterAbstract $filter) { if(isset($this->_format[$format_key]) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown format key uncountered when setting a filter.'); } if($this->_format[$format_key] === null) { $this->_format[$format_key] = array(); } return array_push($this->_format[$format_key], $filter)-1; } /** * Returns the format options array. The format options are the key name => value pairs. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @return array */ public function getFormatOptions() { return $this->_format; } /** * Sets the PHPVideoToolkit\Media object into the format so that format object can modify the Media object. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param Media $media * @return Format Returns the current object. */ public function setMedia(Media $media) { $this->_media_object = $media; return $this; } /** * Blocks a particular setting from being set if it is attempted to be set on an input format. * This is usefull from preventing the input formats from adding junk commands to the ffmpeg call that would result in * an error. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $setting_name The setting name being set. * @return void * @throws \LogicException If the format type is INPUT. */ protected function _blockSetOnInputFormat($setting_name) { if($this->_type === Format::INPUT) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); throw new \LogicException('The '.$setting_name.' cannot be set on an input \\'.get_class($backtrace[1]['object']).'::'.$backtrace[1]['function'].'.'); } } /** * Base function extended by the child format classes. Checks to see if the media option has been set yet * and if not an exception is thrown. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \LogicException If the media object has not yet been set into the current format object. */ public function updateFormatOptions(&$save_path, $overwrite) { if(empty($this->_media_object) === true) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to update format options as a Media object has not been set through '.get_class($this).'::setMedia'); } return $this; } /** * Builds a returnable command string for the give options and additional commands. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @return string */ public function getCommandString() { $commands = $this->getCommandsHash(); $command_string = ''; if(empty($commands) === false) { array_walk($commands, function(&$value, $key) { $value = $key.' '.$value; }); $command_string = implode(' ', $commands); } return $command_string; } /** * Builds a returnable command array hash for the give options and additional commands. * The array is in ffmpeg command => argument key value pairs. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @return array */ public function getCommandsHash() { $commands = array(); $mapped_commands = array_values($this->_mapFormatToCommands()); $additional_commands = $this->_getAdditionalCommands(); $merged_commands = array_merge($commands, $mapped_commands, $additional_commands); $commands = array(); if(empty($merged_commands) === false) { foreach ($merged_commands as $key=>$command) { if(is_array($command) === true) { array_splice($merged_commands, $key, 1, $command); } } foreach ($merged_commands as $command) { if(preg_match('/^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/', $command, $matches) > 0) { // check to see if we have the special "audio/video filters". // if so then they must be grouped together in order to be sent. // TODO decouple this into their own class if($matches[1] === '-af' || $matches[1] === '-vf') { if(isset($commands[$matches[1]]) === false) { $commands[$matches[1]] = array(); } array_push($commands[$matches[1]], $matches[2]); } else { $commands[$matches[1]] = trim($matches[2]); } } else { $commands[$command] = ''; } } } // post process the special cases for filters // TODO decouple into own classes. if(isset($commands['-vf']) === true) { $commands['-vf'] = implode(',', $commands['-vf']); } if(isset($commands['-af']) === true) { $commands['-af'] = implode(',', $commands['-af']); } return $commands; } /** * Builds the additional commands. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @return array Returns an array of additional commands that have been compiled into strings. */ protected function _getAdditionalCommands() { $commands = array(); if(empty($this->_additional_commands) === false) { foreach ($this->_additional_commands as $option => $value) { array_push($commands, $option.' '.$value); } } return $commands; } /** * Maps the supplied format options to those in the Format->_format_to_command array. * * @access protected * @author Oliver Lillie * @return array * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if an unexpected command options is encountered. */ protected function _mapFormatToCommands() { $options = array(); foreach ($this->_format as $option => $value) { // if the value is explicitly null or false we ignore it as it has not been set. // if the value is to be set but not be ignored then it should be set as an empty string, ie ''; if($value === null || $value === false) { continue; } if(isset($this->_format_to_command[$option]) === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to map format option to command option as the command option does not exist in the map.'); } // get the full command option string $full_command = $this->_format_to_command[$option]; if(empty($full_command) === true) { continue; } // if the command is an array, that means it has differing options depending on whether or not // this is an input or output format. if(is_array($full_command) === true) { $full_command = $full_command[$this->_type]; } // now just the main command so we can ignore it if found in the additional supplied commands // list of the list of commands to ignore. preg_match('/^([^\s]+)/', $full_command, $matches); $command_name = $matches[1]; // if we've been set this command as an additional command, the additional command takes precedent if(isset($this->_additional_commands[$command_name]) === true) { continue; } // do we have to "remove" / ignore any commands? if(isset($this->_removed_commands[$command_name]) === true) { continue; } // otherwise if the value is an array, that means we have multiple options to replace into the command if(is_array($value) === true) { // if we have an index then we have multiple singles of this command. if(strpos($full_command, '<index>') !== false) { $commands = array(); foreach ($value as $k1=>$v1) { array_push($commands, str_replace(array('<index>', '<setting>'), array((string) $k1, (string) $v1), $full_command)); } $command = $commands; } else { $find = array_keys($value); array_walk($find, function(&$value, $key) { $value = '<'.$value.'>'; }); $command = str_replace($find, $value, $full_command); } } // otherwise, it's jsut a <setting> that is to be replaced else { $command = str_replace('<setting>', $value, $full_command); } $options[$option] = $command; } return $options; } /** * Adds additional commands that will be added to the formatted command string * that is returned from the format object. Any command options added here take * precendence over those set in the Format->_format array * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $option * @param string $arg * @return void */ public function addCommand($option, $arg) { $this->_additional_commands[$option] = $arg; } /** * Sets the format type, either input or output * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param constant $type Either Format::INPUT or Format::OUTPUT. Defaults to OUTPUT. It determines the format * mode used to set various commands in the final ffmpeg exec call. * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the type is not a valid type. */ public function setType($type) { // validate input if(in_array($type, array(Format::INPUT, Format::OUTPUT)) === true) { $this->_type = $type; return $this; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised format "'.$format.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setFormat'); } /** * A preset file contains a sequence of option=value pairs, one for each line, specifying a sequence of options * which would be awkward to specify on the command line. Lines starting with the hash (’#’) character are ignored * and are used to provide comments. Check the ‘presets’ directory in the FFmpeg source tree for examples. * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @link * @param string $preset_file_path * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException of the file does not exist. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException of the file is not readable. */ public function setPresetOptionsFile($preset_file_path) { if($preset_file_path === null) { $this->_format['preset_options_file'] = null; return $this; } $preset_file_path = realpath($preset_file_path); if($preset_file_path === false || is_file($preset_file_path) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Preset options file "'.$preset_file_path.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setPresetOptionsFile does not exist.'); } else if(is_readable($preset_file_path) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Preset preset options file "'.$preset_file_path.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setPresetOptionsFile is not readable.'); } $this->_format['preset_options_file'] = $preset_file_path; return $this; } /** * Sets the output strictness (-strictness) determining what level of stable funcitonality is used. * By default "experimental" is used/ * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param constant $strictness One of the following values. Format::STRICTNESS_VERY, Format::STRICTNESS_STRICT, * Format::STRICTNESS_NORMAL, Format::STRICTNESS_UNOFFICIAL, Format::STRICTNESS_EXPERIMENTAL * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an unrecognised strictness value is returned. */ public function setStrictness($strictness) { if($strictness === null) { $this->_format['strictness'] = null; return $this; } if(in_array($strictness, array(Format::STRICTNESS_VERY, Format::STRICTNESS_STRICT, Format::STRICTNESS_NORMAL, Format::STRICTNESS_UNOFFICIAL, Format::STRICTNESS_EXPERIMENTAL)) === true) { $this->_format['strictness'] = $strictness; return $this; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised strictness "'.$strictness.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setStrictness'); } /** * Sets the output format of the ffmpeg process, ie the -f <format> ffmpeg command * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param string $format One of the values returned from FfmpegParser::getFormats. * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the format requested is "segment". This is a special ffmpeg format to split a file, however PHPVideoToolkit * has a special function to segment files. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an unregognised format is given. */ public function setFormat($format) { // TODO work out what can be input and what can't be inputed if($format === null) { $this->_format['format'] = null; return $this; } // validate input $valid_formats = array_keys($this->getFormats()); if(in_array($format, $valid_formats) === true) { // check to see if segmenting has been requested. If it has warn of the Media::split function instead. if($format === 'segment') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You cannot set the format to segment, please use instead the function \\PHPVideoToolkit\\Media::segment.'); } $this->_format['format'] = $format; return $this; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised format "'.$format.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setFormat'); } /** * Sets the -threads <setting> * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @param integer $threads Between 0-64 * @param integer $stream_index Between 0-48. If specified then the threads option is given a stream specifier to * specify a particular audiovideo stream, i.e. -threads:1 4. If a previous setThreads has been called without specifiying * a stream_index, then the * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the threads value is not an integer. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the threads value is not between 1-64. */ public function setThreads($threads, $stream_index=null) { $this->_blockSetOnInputFormat('thread level'); if($threads === null) { $this->_format['threads'] = null; return $this; } if(is_int($threads) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The threads value must be an integer.'); } else if($threads < 0 || $threads > 64) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid `threads` value; the value must fit in range 0 - 64.'); } // if we have a specified stream index then store the threads format differently. if($stream_index !== null) { if(is_int($stream_index) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The stream_index value must be an integer.'); } else if($stream_index < 0 || $stream_index > 48) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid `stream_index` value; the value must fit in range 0 - 48.'); } if($this->_format['threads_indexed'] === null) { $this->_format['threads_indexed'] = array(); } $this->_format['threads_indexed'][$stream_index] = $threads; return $this; } $this->_format['threads'] = $threads; return $this; } /** * Sets the -qscale <setting> * * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @see * @param integer $qscale Between 1-31 * @return Format Returns the current object. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the qscale value is not an integer. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the qscale value is not between 1-64. */ public function setQualityVsStreamabilityBalanceRatio($qscale) { $this->_blockSetOnInputFormat('quality stream ability balance ratio (qscale)'); if($qscale === null) { $this->_format['quality'] = null; return $this; } if(is_int($qscale) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The qscale value must be an integer.'); } else if($qscale < 1 || $qscale > 31) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid quality stream ability balance ratio (qscale) value; the value must fit in range 1 - 31.'); } $this->_format['quality'] = $qscale; return $this; } }