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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/FfmpegParserGeneric.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PHP Video Toolkit   src/PHPVideoToolkit/FfmpegParserGeneric.php   Download  
File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/FfmpegParserGeneric.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: Some Fixes
- Corrected some PHPDoc for IDE Recommendation
- added IntelliJ folder to ignore
updated class documentation. Added various exception changes where required.
fixed small issue of whitespace
updated version in source
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,395 bytes



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     * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
     * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <>
     * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <>
     * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
     * @version 2.1.7-beta
     * @uses ffmpeg
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
     * Extends FfmpegParserAbstract and returns the data required from ffmpeg using specific commands.
     * @author Oliver Lillie
class FfmpegParserGeneric extends FfmpegParserAbstract
         * Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg about the available supported codecs.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
         * then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
         * @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
         * @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawCodecData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser_generic/raw_codec_data';
$read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-codecs')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
                throw new
FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' available codecs. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
         * Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg about the available supported filters.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
         * then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
         * @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
         * @throws FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawFiltersData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser_generic/raw_filters_data';
$read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-filters')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
                throw new
FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' available filters. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);

$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
         * Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg about the available supported bitstream filters.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
         * then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
         * @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
         * @throws FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawBitstreamFiltersData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser_generic/raw_bitstream_filters_data';
$read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-bsfs')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
                throw new
FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' available bitstream filters. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
         * Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg about the available supported protocols.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
         * then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
         * @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
         * @throws FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawProtocolsData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser_generic/raw_protocols_data';
$read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-protocols')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
                throw new
FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' available protocols. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);