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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/Audio.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PHP Video Toolkit   src/PHPVideoToolkit/Audio.php   Download  
File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/Audio.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: updated exception types thrown

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
updated php doc bloc @author so not to contain :
updated documentation. added constants for input and output format
Merge branch 'refs/heads/multiple-output'

updated version in source
applied default Media::OVERWRITE_XXX functionality to animated gifs
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 5,437 bytes



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     * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
     * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <>
     * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <>
     * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
     * @version 2.1.7-beta
     * @uses ffmpeg
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;

     * This class extends PHPVideoToolkit\Media. If provides some additional required commands if the input
     * is an audio file.
     * @author Oliver Lillie
class Audio extends Media
         * Constructor
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param string $audio_file_path The path to the audio file.
         * @param PHPVideoToolkit\Config $config The config object.
         * @param PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormant $audio_input_format The input format object to use, if any. Otherwise null
         * @param boolean $ensure_audio_file If true an additional check is made to ensure the the given file is actually an audio file.
         * @throws \LogicException If $ensure_audio_file is true but the file is not audio.
public function __construct($audio_file_path, Config $config=null, AudioFormat $audio_input_format=null, $ensure_audio_file=true)
parent::__construct($audio_file_path, $config, $audio_input_format);
// validate this media file is an audio file
if($ensure_audio_file === true && $this->_validateMedia('audio') === false)
                throw new \
LogicException('You cannot use an instance of '.get_class($this).' for "'.$audio_file_path.'" as the file is not an audio file. It is reported to be a '.$this->readType());
         * Determines the default format class name if none is set when calling Formats::getFormatFor.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @return string
public function getDefaultFormatClassName()
         * Adds some commands to the FFmpeg command string if the media file is being split into parts.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param PHPVideoToolkit\Format $output_format The output format being used to save the output media.
         * @param string $save_path The save path of the output media.
         * @param constant $overwrite The Media constant used to determine the overwrite status of the save. One of the
         * following constants:
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_FAIL
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_EXISTING
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_UNIQUE
         * @param PHPVideoToolkit\ProgressHandlerAbstract $progress_handler The progress handler attached to the save, if any.
         * @return void
protected function _savePreProcess(Format &$output_format=null, &$save_path, $overwrite, ProgressHandlerAbstract &$progress_handler=null)
parent::_savePreProcess($output_format, $save_path, $overwrite, $progress_handler);
// if we are splitting the output
if(empty($this->_split_options) === false)
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
// if we are splitting we need to add certain commands to make it work.
// for video, we need to ensure that just the audio codec is set.
if(empty($options['audio_codec']) === true)
$this->_process->addCommand('-acodec', 'copy');
         * Runs a check to see if the audio has been disabled but no other output found. If so an exception is thrown.
         * @access public
         * @author Oliver Lillie
         * @param PHPVideoToolkit\Format $output_format The output format being used to save the output media.
         * @param string &$save_path The save path of the output file
         * @param constant $overwrite The Media constant used to determine the overwrite status of the save. One of the
         * following constants:
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_FAIL
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_EXISTING
         * PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_UNIQUE
         * @return void
         * @throws \LogicException If audio is disabled and no layers, prepends or appends are found.
protected function _processOutputFormat(Format &$output_format=null, &$save_path, $overwrite)
parent::_processOutputFormat($output_format, $save_path, $overwrite);
// check for conflictions with having audio disabled.
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
$options['disable_audio'] === true && empty($this->_layers) === true && empty($this->_prepends) === true && empty($this->_appends) === true)
                throw new \
LogicException('Unable to process output format to send to ffmpeg as audio has been disabled and no other inputs have been found.');