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Class: Puja
Template engine that compiles templates into PHP
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Built-in template tags === <a href="#if">if..elseif..else..endif</a><br /> <a href="#for">for</a><br /> <a href="#for-empty">for..empty</a><br /> <a href="#extends">extends</a><br /> <a href="#block">block..endblock</a><br /> <a href="#set">set</a><br /> <a href="#include">include</a><br /> <a href="#get_file">get_file</a><br /> <a name="if"></a> - <strong>if</strong>:<br /> <pre>{% if athlete_list %} Number of athletes: {{ athlete_list|length }} {% elif athlete_in_locker_room_list %} Athletes should be out of the locker room soon! {% else %} No athletes. {% endif %}</pre> <a name="for"></a> - <strong>for</strong>:<br /> <pre> {% for key, value in data.items %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %}</pre> <a name="for-empty"></a> - <strong>for ... empty</strong>:<br /> The for tag can take an optional {% empty %} clause that will be displayed if the given array is empty or could not be found: <pre> {% for key, value in data.items %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% empty %} Sorry, no item in this list. {% endfor %}</pre> The above is equivalent to – but shorter, cleaner, and possibly faster than – the following: <pre> {% if data.items|length %} {% for key, value in data.items %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} Sorry, no item in this list. {% endif %} </pre> <a name="extends"></a> - <strong>extends</strong>:<br /> If this is the first time you come with Puja, you should see <a href="">Template inheritance</a> for basic usage.<br /> ** Puja don't support you use multi extends tag in a template. <pre>{% extends master1.tpl %} {% extends master2.tpl %} ....</pre> But you can extends multi level, that mean:<br /> <pre><strong>master1.tpl</strong> {% block body %} Master1 body {% endblock %}<br /><br /> <strong>master2.tpl</strong> {% extends master1.tpl %} {% block body %} Master2 body {% block sub_body %} master2 sub body {% endblock %} {% endblock %}<br /><br /> <strong>index.tpl</strong> {% extends master2.tpl %} {% block sub_body %} Index sub body {% endblock %} </pre> And the result will be: <pre> Master2 body Index sub body </pre> <a name="block-endblock"></a> - <strong>block..endblock</strong>:<br /> If this is the first time you come with Puja, you should see <a href="">Template inheritance</a> for basic usage.<br /> There are two ways to define a block: <pre> 1/. {% block block_name %}...{% endblock blockname %} 2/. {% block block_name %}...{% endblock %} </pre> If a block has been extended by a child template, this block content will be the content of the block in child template. <a name="set"></a> - <strong>set</strong>:<br /> Inside code blocks you can also assign values to variables. Assignments use the set tag and can have multiple targets.<br /> Here is how you can assign the bar value to the foo variable: <pre> {% set foo = 'bar' %} {% set foo = 'bar' max_point = 100 username=foo %} </pre> After the set call, the foo variable is available in the template like any other ones: <pre> Foo: {{ foo }} // bar Max point: {{ max_point }} // 100 Username: {{ username }} //bar </pre> <a name="include"></a> - <strong>include</strong>:<br /> If this is the first time you come with Puja, you shoule see <a href="">Including other Templates</a> for basic usage.<br /> ** You can include file in a included file ( include multi level) <pre> <strong>index.tpl</strong> .... {% include sub.tpl %} ....<br /> <strong>sub.tpl</strong> == sub content ==<br /> {% include sub1.tpl %} <strong>sub1.tpl</strong> == sub1 content == </pre> The reuslt will be: <pre> .... == sub content == == sub1 content == .... </pre> <a name="get_file"></a> - <strong>get_file</strong>:<br /> If this is the first time you come with Puja, you shoule see <a href="">Including other Templates</a> for more information.<br /> If you want to <a href="">escape</a> the result of get_file.tpl, you can use: <pre>{% get_file get_file.tpl escape %}</pre> ** Because get_file is only load file, don't compile the file content, so it cannot use get_file in multi level.