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File: MySQL.php

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  Classes of Aziz S. Hussain   mysql_* functions using PDO   MySQL.php   Download  
File: MySQL.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main PDO Functionality
Class: mysql_* functions using PDO
Access MySQL databases using PDO wrapper functions
Author: By
Last change: Update mysql_num_rows to use rowCount, fix mysql_unbuffered_query and mysql_connect
Update unit tests, add exceptions, adding existing connection, and fix various bugs
Fix warnings and mysql_num_rows

This add real php warnings and fixes an error in mysql_num_rows when the sql statement errors out.
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 36,287 bytes



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<?php /** * This file is to be used if your codebase still * uses mysql_* functions in a PHP version that * doesn't declare those functions (>PHP 5.5.5) * * Note: Since this is handled by our object, the DB * resource link will be the subscript of the database * connection, 0-X, where X is INT. If not passed, assumed * subscript last connection. * * @author Aziz S. Hussain <> * @copyright GPL license * @license * @link */ /** * MySQL * * This object will replicate MySQL functions * * * @author Aziz S. Hussain <> * @copyright GPL license * @license * @link */ class MySQL { /** * Object instance * * @var MySQL */ protected static $_instance; /** * Instances of the Db * * Start position @ 1 * * @array PDO */ protected $_instances = array(array()); /** * Db Instances params * * @var array */ protected $_params = array(); /** * Next offset used by mysql_field_seek * * @var int */ protected $_nextOffset = false; /** * Row seek * * @var int */ protected $_rowSeek = array(); /** * Get singelton instance * * @return MySQL */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Load an existing connection you have into the object * * @author Matthew Baggett * @email * * @param PDO $dbh * @return int */ public function mysql_add_existing_connection(PDO $dbh) { $usePosition = count($this->_instances) + 1; // Set connection params $this->_params[$usePosition] = array ( 'server' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'newLink' => true, 'clientFlags' => array(), 'errno' => 0, 'error' => "", 'rowCount' => -1, 'lastQuery' => false, ); $this->_instances[$usePosition] = $dbh; return $usePosition; } /** * mysql_connect * */ public function mysql_connect($server, $username, $password, $newLink = false, $clientFlags = false, $usePosition = false) { // If we aren't forcing a new link and connection exist, use it if ($newLink == false && count($this->_instances) > 1) { foreach ($this->_params as $position => $params) { if ($params['server'] == $server && $params['username'] == $username && $params['clientFlags'] == $clientFlags) { return $position; } } } $flags = $this->_translateFlags($clientFlags); // Set connection element if ($usePosition === false) { $usePosition = count($this->_instances) + 1; } // Set connection params $this->_params[$usePosition] = array ( 'server' => $server, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'newLink' => $newLink, 'clientFlags' => $clientFlags, 'errno' => 0, 'error' => "", 'rowCount' => -1, 'lastQuery' => false, ); // Create new instance $dsn = "mysql:host={$server}"; try { // Add instance $this->_instances[$usePosition] = new Pdo($dsn, $username, $password, $flags); return $usePosition; } catch (PDOException $e) { // Mock the instance for error reporting $this->_instances[$usePosition] = array(); $this->_loadError($usePosition, $e); return false; } return false; } /** * mysql_pconnect * */ public function mysql_pconnect($server, $username, $password, $newLink = false, $clientFlags = false) { $persistent = PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT; $clientFlags = ($clientFlags !== false) ? array_merge($clientFlags, $persistent) : $persistent; return $this->mysql_connect($server, $username, $password, $newLink, $clientFlags); } /** * mysql_select_db * */ public function mysql_select_db($databaseName, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); // Select the DB try { $this->_params[$link]['databaseName'] = $databaseName; return $this->mysql_query("USE {$databaseName}", $link); } catch (PDOException $e) { return false; } return false; } /** * mysql_query * */ public function mysql_query($query, $link = false, $buffered = true) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); try { if ($res = $this->_instances[$link]->query($query)) { $this->_params[$link]['rowCount'] = $res->rowCount(); $this->_params[$link]['lastQuery'] = $res; $this->_loadError($link, false); if (!$buffered) { $this->_instances[$link]->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true); } return $res; } } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_loadError($link, $e); } $this->_params[$link]['rowCount'] = -1; $this->_params[$link]['lastQuery'] = false; // Set query error $errorCode = $this->_instances[$link]->errorInfo(); $this->_params[$link]['errno'] = $errorCode[1]; $this->_params[$link]['error'] = $errorCode[2]; if (!$buffered) { $this->_instances[$link]->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true); } return false; } /** * mysql_unbuffered_query * */ public function mysql_unbuffered_query($query, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $this->_instances[$link]->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, false); return $this->mysql_query($query, $link, false); } /** * mysql_fetch_array * */ public function mysql_fetch_array(&$result, $resultType = 3, $doCounts = false, $elementId = false) { static $last = null; if ($result === false) { trigger_error('mysql_fetch_*(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // Are we only doing length counts? if ($doCounts === true) { return $this->_mysqlGetLengths($last, $elementId); } $hash = false; // Set retrieval type if (!is_array($result)) { $hash = spl_object_hash($result); switch ($resultType) { case 1: // by field names only as array $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); break; case 2: // by field position only as array $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); break; case 3: // by both field name/position as array $result = $result->fetchAll(); break; case 4: // by field names as object $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); break; } } // Row seek if ($hash !== false && isset($this->_rowSeek[$hash])) { // Check valid skip $rowNumber = $this->_rowSeek[$hash]; if ($rowNumber > count($result) - 1) { trigger_error("mysql_data_seek(): Offset $rowNumber is invalid for MySQL result (or the query data is unbuffered)", E_USER_WARNING); } while($rowNumber > 0) { next($result); $rowNumber--; } unset($this->_rowSeek[$hash]); } $last = current($result); next($result); return $last; } /** * mysql_fetch_assoc * */ public function mysql_fetch_assoc(&$result) { return $this->mysql_fetch_array($result, 1); } /** * mysql_fetch_row * */ public function mysql_fetch_row(&$result) { return $this->mysql_fetch_array($result, 2); } /** * mysql_fetch_object * */ public function mysql_fetch_object(&$result) { return $this->mysql_fetch_array($result, 4); } /** * mysql_num_fields * */ public function mysql_num_fields($result) { if (is_array($result)) { return count($result); } $data = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return count($data); } /** * mysql_num_rows * */ public function mysql_num_rows($result) { if (is_array($result)) { return count($result); } if ($result instanceof PDOStatement) { return $result->rowCount(); } return false; } /** * mysql_ping * */ public function mysql_ping($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); try { $this->_instances[$link]->query('SELECT 1'); $this->_loadError($link, false); } catch (PDOException $e) { try { // Reconnect $set = $this->mysql_connect( $this->_params[$link]['server'], $this->_params[$link]['username'], $this->_params[$link]['password'], $this->_params[$link]['newLink'], $this->_params[$link]['clientFlags'], $link ); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_loadError($link, $e); return false; } // Select db if any if (isset($this->_params[$link]['databaseName'])) { $set = $this->mysql_select_db($this->_params[$link]['databaseName'], $link); if (!$set) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * mysql_affected_rows * */ public function mysql_affected_rows($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_params[$link]['rowCount']; } /** * mysql_client_encoding * */ public function mysql_client_encoding($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $res = $this->_instances[$link]->query('SELECT @@character_set_database')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $res[0]; } /** * mysql_close * */ public function mysql_close($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); if (isset($this->_instances[$link])) { $this->_instances[$link] = null; unset($this->_instances[$link]); return true; } return false; } /** * mysql_create_db * */ public function mysql_create_db($databaseName, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->prepare('CREATE DATABASE ' . $databaseName)->execute(); } /** * mysql_data_seek * */ public function mysql_data_seek($result, $rowNumber) { // Set seek $this->_rowSeek[spl_object_hash($result)] = $rowNumber; return true; } /** * mysql_list_dbs * */ public function mysql_list_dbs($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->query('SHOW DATABASES'); } /** * mysql_db_name * */ public function mysql_db_name(&$result, $row, $field = 'Database') { // Get list if not gotten yet (still PDOStatement) if (!is_array($result)) { $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if (isset($result[$row][$field])) { return $result[$row][$field]; } return ''; } /** * mysql_db_query * */ public function mysql_db_query($databaseName, $query, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $this->mysql_select_db($databaseName, $link); return $this->mysql_query($query, $link); } /** * mysql_drop_db * */ public function mysql_drop_db($databaseName, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->prepare('DROP DATABASE ' . $databaseName)->execute(); } /** * mysql_thread_id * */ public function mysql_thread_id($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $res = $this->_instances[$link] ->query('SELECT CONNECTION_ID()')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $res[0]; } /** * mysql_list_tables * */ public function mysql_list_tables($databaseName, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->query('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $databaseName); } /** * mysql_tablename * */ public function mysql_tablename(&$result, $row) { // Get list if not gotten yet (still PDOStatement) if (!is_array($result)) { $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } $counter = count($result); for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++) { if ($x == $row) { return $result[$row][0]; } } return ''; } /** * mysql_fetch_lengths * */ public function mysql_fetch_lengths(&$result) { // Get list if not gotten yet (still PDOStatement) return $this->mysql_fetch_array($result, false, true); } /** * mysql_field_len * */ public function mysql_field_len(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { if (!is_array($result)) { $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $result = current($result); } return $this->_mysqlGetLengths($result, $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_field_flags * */ public function mysql_field_flags(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { return $this->_getColumnMeta($result, 'flags', $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_field_name * */ public function mysql_field_name(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { return $this->_getColumnMeta($result, 'name', $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_field_type * */ public function mysql_field_type(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { return $this->_getColumnMeta($result, 'type', $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_field_table * */ public function mysql_field_table(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { return $this->_getColumnMeta($result, 'table', $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_fetch_field * */ public function mysql_fetch_field(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { return $this->_getColumnMeta($result, false, $fieldOffset); } /** * mysql_field_seek * */ public function mysql_field_seek(&$result, $fieldOffset = false) { $this->_nextOffset = $fieldOffset; } /** * mysql_stat * */ public function mysql_stat($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO); } /** * mysql_get_server_info * */ public function mysql_get_server_info($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); } /** * mysql_get_proto_info * */ public function mysql_get_proto_info($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $res = $this->_instances[$link] ->query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'protocol_version'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return (int) $res[1]; } /** * mysql_get_host_info * */ public function mysql_get_host_info($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS); } /** * mysql_get_client_info * */ public function mysql_get_client_info($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION); } /** * mysql_free_result * */ public function mysql_free_result(&$result) { if (is_array($result)) { $result = false; return true; } if (get_class($result) != 'PDOStatement') { return false; } return $result->closeCursor(); } /** * mysql_result * */ public function mysql_result(&$result, $row, $field = false) { // Get list if not gotten yet (still PDOStatement) if (!is_array($result)) { $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } $counter = count($result); for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++) { if ($x == $row) { if ($field === false) { return current($result[$row]); } else { return $result[$row][$field]; } } } return ''; } /** * mysql_list_processes * */ public function mysql_list_processes($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->query("SHOW PROCESSLIST"); } /** * mysql_set_charset * */ public function mysql_set_charset($charset, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $set = "SET character_set_results = '$charset', character_set_client = '$charset', character_set_connection = '$charset', character_set_database = '$charset', character_set_server = '$charset'"; return $this->_instances[$link]->query($set); } /** * mysql_insert_id * */ public function mysql_insert_id($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->lastInsertId(); } /** * mysql_list_fields * */ public function mysql_list_fields($databaseName, $tableName, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); return $this->_instances[$link]->query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '$databaseName' AND TABLE_NAME = '$tableName'")->fetchAll(); } /** * mysql_errno * */ public function mysql_errno($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link, false); return $this->_params[$link]['errno']; } /** * mysql_error * */ public function mysql_error($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link, false); return $this->_params[$link]['error']; } /** * mysql_real_escape_string * */ public function mysql_real_escape_string($string, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); try { $string = $this->_instances[$link]->quote($string); $this->_loadError($link, false); return substr($string, 1, -1); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->_loadError($link, $e); return false; } return false; } /** * mysql_escape_string * */ public function mysql_escape_string($string, $link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link, false); return $this->mysql_real_escape_string($string, $link); } /** * mysql_info * * Not sure how to get the actual result message from MySQL * so the best I could do was to get the affected rows * and construct a message that way. If you have a better way * or know of a more accurate method, send it to me @ * and I'll update the code with it. All I got is * the affected rows, so it will be missing changed, warnings, * skipped, and rows matched * * */ public function mysql_info($link = false) { $link = $this->_getLastLink($link); $query = $this->_params[$link]['lastQuery']; if (!isset($query->queryString)) { return false; } $affected = $this->_params[$link]['rowCount']; if (strtoupper(substr($query->queryString, 0, 5)) == 'INSERT INTO') { return "Records: {$affected} Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0"; } if (strtoupper(substr($query->queryString, 0, 9)) == 'LOAD DATA') { return "Records: {$affected} Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0"; } if (strtoupper(substr($query->queryString, 0, 11)) == 'ALTER TABLE') { return "Records: {$affected} Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0"; } if (strtoupper(substr($query->queryString, 0, 6)) == 'UPDATE') { return "Rows matched: {$affected} Changed: {$affected} Warnings: 0"; } if (strtoupper(substr($query->queryString, 0, 6)) == 'DELETE') { return "Records: 0 Deleted: {$affected} Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0"; } return false; } /** * Close all connections * * @return void */ public function mysql_close_all() { // Free connections foreach ($this->_instances as $id => $pdo) { $this->_instances[$id] = null; } // Reset arrays $this->_instances = array(array()); $this->_params = array(); } /** * is_resource function over ride * * @param RESOURCE $resource * * @return boolean */ public function is_resource($resource) { // Check for a mysql result if (is_object($resource) && $resource instanceof PDOStatement) { return true; // Check if it is a mysql instance } else if (isset($this->_instances[$resource]) && !empty($this->_instances[$resource])) { return true; } return is_resource($resource); } /** * get_resource_type function over ride * * @param RESOURCE $resource * * @return boolean */ public function get_resource_type($resource) { // mysql result resource type if (is_object($resource) && $resource instanceof PDOStatement) { return 'mysql result'; } // Check if it is a mysql instance if (isset($this->_instances[$resource]) && !empty($this->_instances[$resource])) { // Check type if ($this->_params[$resource]['clientFlags'] == PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT){ return 'mysql link persistent'; } else { return 'mysql link'; } } return get_resource_type($resource); } /** * Get column meta information * * @param object $result * @param enum|boolean $type flags|name|type|table|len * @param int $index * * @return mixed */ protected function _getColumnMeta(&$result, $type, $index) { // No index, but seek index if ($index === false && $this->_nextOffset !== false) { $index = $this->_nextOffset; // Reset $this->_nextOffset = false; } // No index, start @ 0 by default if ($index === false) { $index = 0; } if (is_array($result)) { return $result[$index][0]; } $data = $result->getColumnMeta($index); switch ($type) { case 'flags': // Flags in PDO getColumMeta() is incomplete, so we will get flags manually return $this->_getAllColumnData($data, true); case 'name': return $data['name']; case 'type': return $this->_mapPdoType($data['native_type']); case 'table': return $data['table']; // Getting all data (mysql_fetch_field) case false: // Calculate max_length of all field in the resultset $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $counter = count($rows); $maxLength = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++) { $len = strlen($rows[$x][$index]); if ($len > $maxLength) { $maxLength = $len; } } return $this->_getAllColumnData($data, false, $maxLength); default: return null; } } /** * Get all field data, mimick mysql_fetch_field functionality * * @param array $data * @param boolean $simple * @param int $maxLength * * @return object */ protected function _getAllColumnData($data, $simple = false, $maxLength = 0) { $type = $this->_mapPdoType($data['native_type']); // for zerofill/unsigned, we do a describe $query = $this->mysql_query("DESCRIBE `{$data['table']}` `{$data['name']}`"); $typeInner = $this->mysql_fetch_assoc($query); // Flags if ($simple === true) { $string = in_array('not_null', $data['flags']) ? 'not_null' : 'null'; $string .= in_array('primary_key', $data['flags']) ? ' primary_key' : ''; $string .= in_array('unique_key', $data['flags']) ? ' unique_key' : ''; $string .= in_array('multiple_key', $data['flags']) ? ' multiple_key' : ''; $unSigned = strpos($typeInner['Type'], 'unsigned'); if ($unSigned !== false) { $string .= ' unsigned'; } else { $string .= strpos($typeInner['Type'], 'signed') !== false ? ' signed' : ''; } $string .= strpos($typeInner['Type'], 'zerofill') !== false ? ' zerofill' : ''; $string .= isset($typeInner['Extra']) ? ' ' . $typeInner['Extra'] : ''; return $string; } $return = array ( 'name' => $data['name'], 'table' => $data['table'], 'def' => $typeInner['Default'], 'max_length' => $maxLength, 'not_null' => in_array('not_null', $data['flags']) ? 1 : 0, 'primary_key' => in_array('primary_key', $data['flags']) ? 1 : 0, 'multiple_key' => in_array('multiple_key', $data['flags']) ? 1 : 0, 'unique_key' => in_array('unique_key', $data['flags']) ? 1 : 0, 'numeric' => ($type == 'int') ? 1: 0, 'blob' => ($type == 'blob') ? 1: 0, 'type' => $type, 'unsigned' => strpos($typeInner['Type'], 'unsigned') !== false ? 1 : 0, 'zerofill' => strpos($typeInner['Type'], 'zerofill') !== false ? 1 : 0, ); return (object) $return; } /** * Map PDO::TYPE_* to MySQL Type * * @param int $type PDO::TYPE_* * * @return string */ protected function _mapPdoType($type) { // Types enum defined @ $type = strtolower($type); switch ($type) { case 'tiny': case 'short': case 'long': case 'longlong'; case 'int24': return 'int'; case 'null': return null; case 'varchar': case 'var_string': case 'string': return 'string'; case 'blob': case 'tiny_blob': case 'long_blob': return 'blob'; default: return $type; } } /** * For now we handle single flags, future feature * is to handle multiple flags with pipe | * * @param string * * @return array */ protected function _translateFlags($mysqlFlags) { if ($mysqlFlags == false || empty($mysqlFlags)) { return array(); } // Array it if (!is_array($mysqlFlags)) { $mysqlFlags = array($mysqlFlags); } /* * I am only adding flags that are mappable in PDO * unfortunatly if you were using MySQL SSL, you will * need to manually add that flag in using PDO constants * located here: */ $pdoParams = array(); foreach ($mysqlFlags as $flag) { switch ($flag) { // CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS (found instead of affected rows) case 2: $params = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS => true); break; // CLIENT_COMPRESS (can use compression protocol) case 32: $params = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS => true); break; // CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES (can use load data local) case 128: $params = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true); break; // CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE (ignore spaces before '(') case 256: $params = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_IGNORE_SPACE => true); break; // Persistent connection case 12: $params = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true); break; } $pdoParams[] = $params; } return $pdoParams; } /** * Load data into array * * @param int $link * @param PDO|PDOException|false $object * * @return void */ protected function _loadError($link, $object) { // Reset errors if ($object === false || is_null($object)) { $this->_params[$link]['errno'] = 0; $this->_params[$link]['error'] = ""; return; } // Set error $this->_params[$link]['errno'] = $object->getCode(); $this->_params[$link]['error'] = $object->getMessage(); } /** * get last db connection * * @param int $link * @param boolean $validate * * @return int */ protected function _getLastLink($link, $validate = true) { if ($link === false) { $link = count($this->_instances); } if ($validate === true && !isset($this->_instances[$link]) || empty($this->_instances[$link])) { if (isset($this->_instances[$link])) { throw new MySQL2PDOException($this->_params[$link]['error'], $this->_params[$link]['errno']); } else { throw new MySQL2PDOException('No db at instance #' . ($link - 1)); } } return $link; } /** * Get result set and turn them into lengths * * @param array|object|null $resultSet * @param boolean $elementId * * @return array */ protected function _mysqlGetLengths(&$resultSet = false, $elementId = false) { // If we don't have data if (empty($resultSet) || is_null($resultSet)) { if ($elementId === false) { return null; } return 0; } // Make sure it is an array if (!is_array($resultSet)) { $resultSet = (array) $resultSet; } // Return lengths $resultSet = array_map('strlen', $resultSet); if ($elementId === false) { return $resultSet; } return $resultSet[$elementId]; } }