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File: Matrix.php

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File: Matrix.php
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Class: String Matrix
Find similar words in different strings
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<?php /** * Class Similarity Matrix : * Get Similar Words Senetences in Matrix; * This Class Can Be used For "Searching Similar News" Where each Senteces is single news record with ID ; * * 2013 ; * rommie Project; **/ interface IMatrix { public function AddString(MatrixString $string); public static function matrix(); public function setLimit($l = 1.0); public function setMulti($m = 10); public function getStrings(); public function getMatrix(); public function getWidth(); public function getHeight(); public function __toString(); // final methods ; public function hasSimilar($word); public function getSimilar($word); public function getAttached($word); public function getSimilarTo($id); // return } /* * MAtrix Class */ class Matrix implements IMatrix { private static $self; private $matrix = [ ]; public $strings = [ ]; private $matrix_width; private $matrix_height; private $multi; private $limit; // counstructor ; public function __construct() { $this->matrix_height = 0; $this->matrix_height = 0; $this->multi = 10; $this->limit = 1.0; self::$self = $this; } public static function matrix() { if (! isset ( self::$self )) self::$self = new self (); return self::$self; } // Add String public function AddString(MatrixString $string) { $words = $string->getWords (); $this->strings [] = $string; foreach ( $words as $w ) $w->accept ( $this ); $this->resizeMatrix (); return $this; } public function setLimit($l = 1.0) { $this->limit = ( double ) $l; return $this; } // Recalculate Matrix; private function reCalculateSimilarity() { for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $Word = $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i]; $returned_word = $this->calculateToWord ( $Word, $x * $this->multi, $i ); if (is_object ( $returned_word )) { $w1_int = $Word->getNumber (); $w2_int = $returned_word->getNumber (); $score = 0.0; for($y = 0; $y <= strlen ( $w1_int ); $y ++) { if (isset ( $w2_int [$y] )) { if (isset ( $w1_int [$y] ) && $w1_int [$y] == $w2_int [$y]) $score = $score + 1.0; else { if (isset ( $w1_int [$y] ) && $w1_int [$y] - 1 == $w1_int [$y]) $score = $score + 0.3; if (isset ( $w1_int [$y] ) && $w1_int [$y] + 1 == $w1_int [$y]) $score = $score + 0.3; } } else $score = $score - 0.3; $total = ((strlen ( $w1_int ) + strlen ( $w2_int )) / 100) * $score; } $Word->assigned_words [] = $returned_word; if ($total >= $this->limit) $Word->addSimilar ( $returned_word ); } } } } } // Set Multiplier public function setMulti($m = 10) { $this->multi = ( double ) $m; return $this; } // Calc private function calculateToWord($w1, $x1, $y1) { $x0 = 0; $y0 = 0; $d = 0.0; $a = 0.0; $h = 0.0; $Word_return = null; for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $Word = $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i]; // Claculate Beetwen w1 and Word ; $d = (pow ( abs ( $x1 - $x ), 2 ) + pow ( abs ( $y1 - $i ), 2 )); if ($d > ($w1->radius + $Word->radius)) continue; $div = 3 * $d; if ($div <= 0) $div = 1; $a = ($w1->radius * $w1->radius - $Word->radius * $Word->radius) / $div; $h = sqrt ( (pow ( $w1->radius, 2 ) - pow ( $a, 2 )) ); $Word_return = $Word; } } } return $Word_return; } // Somw Strings stuff ; public function getStrings() { return $this->strings; } public function getMatrix() { return $this->matrix; } public function getWidth() { return $this->matrix_width; } public function getHeight() { return $this->matrix_height; } // resize Matrix When adding new Strings private function resizeMatrix() { $words = $this->strings [count ( $this->strings ) - 1]->getWords (); $tmp = [ ]; foreach ( $words as $w ) $tmp [] = $w->getNumber (); $this->matrix [] = $tmp; $this->matrix_height = count ( $this->matrix ); $last = 0; foreach ( $this->matrix as $string ) { if (count ( $string ) > $last) $last = count ( $string ); } $this->matrix_width = $last; $this->reCalculateSimilarity (); } // Format nice Output; public function __toString() { $str = "<table class='tracert'>"; for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { $str .= "<tr> <td> $x </td> "; for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { $str .= "<td>"; if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) $str .= $this->matrix [$x] [$i]; if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $str .= "<br>"; $words = $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i]; $str .= "<p> R: {$words->radius}</p> "; $str .= "<p> R: {$words->string}</p> "; foreach ( $words->similars_words as $w ) $str .= " <p style='color:blue;'> Assigned TO : : " . $w->string . "</p>"; foreach ( $words->assigned_words as $w ) $str .= " <p style='color:green;'> in Touch With : " . $w->string . "</p>"; } $str .= "</td>"; } $str .= "</tr>"; } return $str . "</table>"; } // check public function hasSimilar($wordin) { if (! $wordin) throw new Exception ( "Empty Word" ); if ($this->matrix_height == 0 && $this->matrix_width == 0) throw new Exception ( "Empty Matrix " ); for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $Word = $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i]; foreach ( $Word->similars_words as $wordsimilar ){ if ($wordsimilar->string == $wordin) return true; } } } } return false; } // Get Similar public function getSimilar($word) { if (! $word) throw new Exception ( "Empty Word" ); if ($this->matrix_height == 0 && $this->matrix_width == 0) throw new Exception ( "Empty Matrix " ); for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $Word = $this->strings [$x]->getWords (); foreach ( $Word as $w ) if ($word == $w->string) return $w->similars_words; } } } } // getAttached ; public function getAttached($word) { if (! $word) throw new Exception ( "Empty Word" ); if ($this->matrix_height == 0 && $this->matrix_width == 0) throw new Exception ( "Empty Matrix " ); for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { $Word = $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i]; foreach ( $Word as $w ) if ($word == $w->string) return $w->assigned_words; } } } } // Get Similar string ; public function getSimilarTo($id) { $similar = [ ]; if ($this->matrix_height == 0 && $this->matrix_width == 0) throw new Exception ( "Empty Matrix " ); // get Similar Strings arary; $loaded = null; foreach ( $this->strings as $s ) if ($s->getId () == $id) $loaded = $s; if ($loaded == null) throw new Exception ( "Not Found String" ); $current_words = $s->getWords (); // Begin Compare here ; $int = 0; $currentstring = null; for($x = 0; $x <= $this->matrix_height; $x ++) { $currentstring = null; $int = 0; for($i = 0; $i <= $this->matrix_width; $i ++) { if (isset ( $this->matrix [$x] [$i] )) if (isset ( $this->strings [$x] ) && isset ( $this->strings [$x]->getWords ()[$i] )) { if ($this->strings [$x]->getId () == $id) continue; $words = $this->strings [$x]->getWords (); $currentstring = $this->strings [$x]; foreach ( $words as $w ){ foreach ( $current_words as $cw ){ if ($cw->isSimilar ( $w->string )) $int ++; } } } } if ($int > 0) { $similar [$int] = $currentstring->id; } } ksort($similar); return $similar; } } // Single Word For Matrix class MatrixWord { private $number; public $string; public $similars_words = [ ]; public $assigned_words = [ ]; public $radius; // Radius is (length+pos) * count * pi / 10 private $count; public function __construct($word = '') { $this->string = $word; // Break into letters ; $letters = str_split ( $word ); foreach ( $letters as $l ) $this->number .= ord ( $l ); $this->count = 1; } // Check is word similar to public function isSimilar($word) { foreach ( $this->similars_words as $sim ){ if (strtolower ( $sim->string ) == strtolower ( $sim->string )){ return true; } } return false; } // return Number public function getNumber() { return $this->number; } public function addSimilar(MatrixWord $sima) { $this->similars_words [] = $sima; return $this; } // Delegate Accept methods public function accept(Matrix $matrix) { $allstrings = $matrix->strings; $mystring = $matrix->strings [count ( $matrix->strings ) - 1]; foreach ( $allstrings as $string ) { if (! $this->string) continue; if (strstr ( $string->getRaw (), $this->string )) $this->count ++; } $position = 0; foreach ( $mystring->words as $word ) { if ($word->string == $this->string) break; $position ++; } $this->radius = ((strlen ( $this->string ) + $position) * $this->count * M_PI) / 10; return $this; } } // Single Matrix String ; class MatrixString { public $id; public $words = [ ]; private $rawstring; // Construct single String ; public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function __construct($string, $id = 0) { $this->id = $id; if (strlen ( $string ) < 3) throw new Exception ( "To short string" ); $string = strtolower ( $string ); $this->rawstring = $string; $words = explode ( " ", $string ); foreach ( $words as $w ) { $word = new MatrixWord ( $w ); $this->words [] = $word; } } public function getRaw() { return $this->rawstring; } public function getWords() { return $this->words; } }