| This file is part of a project released under the terms of the Xyndravandria PHP License (XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt). |
| |
| You should be given a copy of the Xyndravandria PHP License (XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt) within the same directory as the README.md; |
| if not, you can get a copy at http://Xyndravandria.ohost.de/XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt . |
| |
| The copyright (c) of this project is owned by Mauro Di Girolamo <
[email protected]>. |
Xyndravandria Dyverath
Alpha 0.0.0
Xyndravandria is the name of a collection of projects designed and developed by Mauro Di Girolamo (
[email protected]); he is therefore the copyright (c) owner of Xyndravandria itself and all of its projects.
Xyndravandria Dyverath is released under the terms of the Xyndravandria PHP License (XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt). You should be given a copy of the Xyndravandria PHP License (XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt) within the same directory as the README.md; if not, you can get a copy at http://Xyndravandria.ohost.de/XyndravandriaPHPLicense.txt . There might be a release under a freer license for a later, more stable version.
The documentation is either included in ./admin_media/Documentation/ or can be read at http://Xyndravandria.ohost.de/Dyverath/Documentation/.
All projects:
Xyndravandria Averazain
Averazain is an Ajax framework supporting also JavaScript disabled clients perfectly - including search engines like Google.
Xyndravandria Dyverath
Dyverath is a database access wrapper.
Xyndravandria Erozaver
Erozaver is a class extending the type hinting given by the PHP engine (additional support for basic type hinting and size constraints).
Xyndravandria Mondraviel
Mondraviel is a class used to separate HTML from PHP code by firstly register models - files containing place holders embedded in HTML code - and then later fill them dynamically with content by passing values for the place holders.
namespace Xyndravandria\Dyverath;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Update;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\DeleteFrom;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Statement\StatementListing\Where;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Statement\StatementListing\UpdateStatement;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Statement\Statement;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Type\Column;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Type\Operator;
use Xyndravandria\Dyverath\Query\Component\Type\Value;
/// A class representing a Dataset inside of a Data.
class Dataset extends RepresentingClass implements \Iterator {
/// The Data a Dataset is inside of.
/// <dl class = "type"><dt><b>%Type:</b></dt>
/// <dd>Data</dd></dl>
/// @private
private $Data;
/// The @ref Dataset "Dataset's" value.
/// <dl class = "type"><dt><b>%Type:</b></dt>
/// <dd>stdClass</dd></dl>
/// @private
private $Value;
/// A Where being used to clearly spot the Dataset
/// from its Table.
/// <dl class = "type"><dt><b>%Type:</b></dt>
/// <dd>Database</dd></dl>
/// @private
private $Where;
/// Generates Dataset::$Where if possible.
/// @private
private function GenerateWhere( ) {
// TODO: Better algorithm to check whether the primary keys are contained within a Dataset.
$EmptyMe = $PrimaryKey = $this->Data->Table( )->PrimaryKey( );
foreach( \array_keys( \get_object_vars( $this->Value ) ) as $SelectedColumn )
foreach( $EmptyMe as $Index => $EliminateMe )
if( $SelectedColumn == $EliminateMe )
unset( $EmptyMe[ $Index ] );
if( empty( $EmptyMe ) ) { // The Table's primary keys are contained within a Dataset.
$WhereComponent = array( );
foreach( $PrimaryKey as $PrimaryKeyPart ) {
empty( $WhereComponent ) || $WhereComponent[ ] = new Operator( 'AND' );
$WhereComponent[ ] = new Statement( new Column( $PrimaryKeyPart ), new Operator( '=' ), new Value( $this->Value->$PrimaryKeyPart ) );
$this->Where = new Where( $WhereComponent );
/// Creates a new instance of a Dataset.
/// @public
/// @param stdClass $Values: The @ref Dataset
/// "Dataset's" values.
/// @param Data $Data: The Data a Dataset is inside of.
public function __construct( \stdClass $Value, Data $Data ) {
$this->Value = $Value;
$this->ValueKeys = \array_keys( ( array )$Value );
$this->Data = $Data;
$this->GenerateWhere( );
/// Gets an element of Dataset::$Value by its column
/// name.
/// @public
/// @param string $ColumnName: The column name to get
/// the value of.
/// @returns mixed or null
public function Read( $ColumnName ) {
//\settype( $ColumnName, 'string' );
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return isset( $this->Value->$ColumnName ) ? $this->Value->$ColumnName : null;
/// Alias of Dataset::Read( ).
public function __get( $ColumnName ) {
return $this->Read( $ColumnName );
/// Sets a new value for an element of Dataset::$Value
/// by its column name.
/// @public
/// @param string $ColumnName: The column name to set
/// the value of.
/// @param mixed $Value: The new value.
public function Write( $ColumnName, $Value ) {
//\settype( $ColumnName, 'string' );
//\settype( $Value, 'string' ); // TODO: String conversion here?
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
elseif( ! \in_array( $ColumnName, \array_keys( ( array )$this->Value ) ) )
throw new XyndravandriaDyverathException( 'Column \'' . $ColumnName . '\' in $ColumnName is not contained in $this->Value.' );
elseif( $this->Where == null )
throw new XyndravandriaDyverathException( 'Unable to clearly spot this dataset from its table, since it does not contain a primary key value.' );
elseif( \in_array( $ColumnName, $this->Data->Table( )->PrimaryKey( ) ) )
throw new XyndravandriaDyverathException( 'Changing a primary key\'s value is not possible.' );
else {
$this->Data->Table( )->Database( )->Server( )->ExecuteQuery( new Update( $this->Data->Table( ), new UpdateStatement( array( new Statement( new Column( $ColumnName ), new Operator( '=' ), new Value( $Value ) ) ) ), $this->Where ) );
$this->Value->$ColumnName = $Value;
/// Alias of Dataset::Write( ).
public function __set( $ColumnName, $Value ) {
$this->Write( $ColumnName, $Value );
/// Deletes a Dataset.
/// @public
public function Delete( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
elseif( $this->Where == null )
throw new XyndravandriaDyverathException( 'Unable to clearly spot this dataset from its table, since it does not contain a primary key value.' );
else {
$this->Data->Table( )->Database( )->Server( )->ExecuteQuery( new DeleteFrom( $this->Data->Table( ), $this->Where ) );
$this->Data->DeleteDataset( $this, false );
$this->Data = null;
/// Throws an exception if the Datatset is deleted.
/// @public
/// @returns boolean
private function ExceptionIfDeleted( ) {
if( $this->Data == null ) {
throw new XyndravandriaDyverathException( 'This dataset has already been deleted.' );
return true;
} else
return false;
/// Returns Dataset::$Value;
/// @public
/// @returns stdClass
public function ToStdClass( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return $this->Value;
/// Returns ( array )Dataset::$Value.
/// @public
/// @returns array of mixed
public function ToArray( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return ( array )$this->Value;
/// The keys of Dataset::$Value.
/// <dl class = "return"><dt><b>%Type:</b></dt>
/// <dd>array of string</dd></dl>
/// @private
private $ValueKeys;
/// The current position.
/// <dl class = "return"><dt><b>%Type:</b></dt>
/// <dd>integer</dd></dl>
/// @private
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
private $Position = 0;
/// Returns the current value.
/// @public
/// @return Dataset or null
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
public function current( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return isset( $this->Value->{$this->ValueKeys[ $this->Position ]} ) ? $this->Value->{$this->ValueKeys[ $this->Position ]} : null;
/// Returns the current position.
/// @public
/// @returns integer
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
public function key( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return $this->ValueKeys[ $this->Position ];
/// Moves forward to next element.
/// @public
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
public function next( ) {
$this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) || $this->Position < \count( $this->ValueKeys ) && ++$this->Position;
/// Rewinds the Iterator to the first element.
/// @public
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
public function rewind( ) {
$this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) || $this->Position = 0;
/// Checks if current position is valid.
/// @public
/// @return boolean
/// @note Required by the Iterator interface.
public function valid( ) {
if( $this->ExceptionIfDeleted( ) )
return isset( $this->ValueKeys[ $this->Position ] );